Can't Say No Read online

Page 22

  “Okay. Ralph said I could invite a girlfriend to come, too. Can I call Marissa?”

  “Yes, but make sure her parents understand you will be at Ralph’s house. And tell them they can drop her at our place, to save him a trip. I don’t want you four wearing out your welcome.” Vanessa hoped she had remembered everything.

  “Oh, Lana, I’ll call Ralph to let him know you have my permission. And I will be there as soon as I get off work.”

  “Nessa, you don’t have to come.”

  “Yes, I do. I can’t expect him to take care of four kids on his own. And tell Marissa’s mom that I will bring her home after dinner.”

  “Wait a second, the twins want to talk to you,” Lana said, then handed over the telephone.

  “Thank you, Nessa,” they yelled into the phone.

  Vanessa laughed, then said in a firm voice, “You are welcome. And I expect you two to behave yourselves. If I get a bad report from either Lana or Ralph, you’re in trouble with me. Got it?”

  “We’ll be good,” Curtis yelled.

  “Promise!” Courtney echoed even louder than her brother just in case Vanessa hadn’t heard.

  “Okay, I’ll see you later. Love you.”

  “Love you, too,” all three Grant children chorused.

  Vanessa took a few slow steady breaths before she picked up the receiver again. She told herself that there was no cause to be nervous. She already knew he was angry with her. Her call was purely for the children’s sake. It had nothing to do with how upset she had been when he’d left in a rage. The famous Prescott charm had been replaced by injured male pride.

  It couldn’t be anything more. After all, Ralph had grown used to female adoration, used to their giving in to his every wish in the hopes of hanging on to him. Vanessa had her own ideas. If he thought she was going to go along with whatever he decided was best for her and her family, he’d quickly learned she wasn’t about to sit back and let him.

  The problem was she hadn’t expected his reaction. It had been swift and volatile. He’d been so angry, he’d ended it.

  Why couldn’t he see her decision really didn’t have much to do with him? She’d been raised to be independent, to take care of herself. She didn’t expect others to solve her problems for her. She borrowed the money against her better judgment. And now that she had the means of taking care of that debt, it seemed like the right thing to do. Unfortunately, their so-called relationship had meant more to her than she realized at the time. But that didn’t mean she was prepared to back down.

  “Just do it,” she muttered, and punched in the numbers from memory.

  The telephone rang twice before she heard, “Prescott.”

  “Hi, Ralph. It’s Vanessa.” When he remained silent, she rushed ahead, saying “Lana told me that the twins called and invited themselves over. I’m sorry they imposed…”

  He interrupted, “Vanessa, you don’t understand. It’s not a problem. I enjoy spending time with Lana and the twins. That hasn’t changed. The waterslide is just sitting there. The kids might as well enjoy it. I also invited Kyle and Wayne over. I thought Lana would enjoy having a girlfriend along.”

  “She told me.” With her eyes closed, Vanessa concentrated on the deep timbre of his voice. She missed it. She missed him. Why did he have to be so darn sexy?

  “The question is if you trust me to care for them?”

  Vanessa gasped, “Of course I trust you to take care of the children. Just as Anna and Gavin and your aunt and uncle trust you to take care of the boys.”

  “Thank you. I’m picking them up at two and dropping them off around seven, if that’s all right with you.”

  “Two is fine,” she said, then rushed on to add, “but it isn’t necessary for you to bring them home. I will stop by your place on my way home from work. Four hours of the twins and two giggling teen girls is enough for anyone.”

  “I don’t mind.”

  “Well, I do. I will be there around five. Bye.” Vanessa hung up.

  He didn’t have to say it. It was clear from his tone that he would rather not see her at all. Even for the short time it would take for her to collect her family.


  Ralph tried to kick back, relax, and enjoy the movie playing on the oversize screen in the theater room. Despite the fact he’d just fed them, the kids were happily munching on bags of popcorn. His gaze went to the illuminated wall clock time and time again.

  Where was she? Had she changed her mind? Decided he was trustworthy enough to drive the kids home? He swore beneath his breath. He was being unfair but didn’t really care. Why was she even bothering to come when she knew he didn’t want her here. Well, that wasn’t exactly true. He wanted her, and that was the problem. The wanting hadn’t eased; in fact, if anything, it had gone from bad to worse.

  Maybe Wes was right? Had he fallen in love with her while his back was turned?

  If this was love, Devin, Wes, and Uncle Lester were welcome to it. He couldn’t remember being more miserable. Naw, this couldn’t be what everyone was finding so irresistible. He’d been steamed since he’d left her place. Time and distance hadn’t done a thing for him. At the rate he was going, it didn’t look as if he would cool down anytime soon.

  He’d been surprised when he received the twins’ call but glad to hear from them. He was glad to know that they were doing well, and he’d missed them and Lana. He loved all three of them and thought of them as family. Just the thought of anyone breaking up their family unit for any reason made him furious. And he had no doubts that Greg Cummingham’s motives were indeed self-centered. Everything connected to that lowlife, as far as he could see, was selfish. Ralph wasn’t the kind of man to sit back and let anyone destroy the family Vanessa had worked so hard to keep together.

  Even though she was no longer his, and he was furious with her, that didn’t mean he had stopped caring about her. Life wasn’t that simple. He spent what felt like every minute of every day thinking about her. Talk about a waste of time. Even though he was expecting her to call about the kids, his heart rate had picked up the instant he’d heard her voice, and his body had hardened.

  The kids were so engrossed in the movie that they didn’t budge when the doorbell rang. Sighing, Ralph headed for the door.

  “Hi.” He stepped back quickly, making sure her body didn’t brush his as she entered. He barely glanced at her, yet he knew she looked beautiful in a short denim skirt that bared a good deal of her incredibly gorgeous long legs and a yellow top that hugged her luscious breasts and warmed her creamy, dark skin. Her thick hair was left to curl past her shoulders.

  “The kids are all in the theater room watching the latest Star Wars release.” He turned, heading back to the theater, expecting her to follow.


  He looked back at her from over the width of a shoulder, a frown marring his good looks.

  “…I mean, since the kids are busy, can we please sit down for a few minutes and talk? How long before it’s over?”

  He didn’t bother to look at his watch. “An hour. But there is nothing left to talk about. I’ve said all I intended to say the other night.”

  “Please, then will you just listen?”

  Ralph didn’t want her here. He knew his weakness when it came down to this woman, his control was limited. But she deserved his respect and consideration. All he had to do was keep his hands off her.

  “This way.” He continued down the main hallway, then turned left down a short hall. He opened the door at the end of the hall. The large room had been converted into a home office. Sunlight streamed in from the floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the spacious side lawn. Three of the four walls were lined with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves and filled with a variety of books, from fiction to volumes on aviation. The shelves on the short wall displayed basketball trophies, plaques, and a bronzed basketball, as well as his framed team photos, and the team jersey he’d worn when the Lakers had won the NBA championship.

>   He motioned to the caramel leather chairs in front of his desk and made himself comfortable in the large leather chair behind the oversize mahogany desk.

  “Nice.” Instead of sitting, she went over to take a closer look at his memorabilia. “Very nice.” She studied photos of him with celebrities and politicians. “You have reason to be proud of yourself.”

  He grunted, wanting nothing more than to get this “talk” over with. Despite the fact she had hurt him as no other woman could, he didn’t trust himself to keep his hands off her. He swore beneath his breath, desperate for her just to go, so his need could go back to merely smoldering rather than a raging inferno. Had he ever hurt so damn bad?

  “I can’t believe it. Why do you hide all these in this room? No one can see…”

  Frustrated, he prompted, “You didn’t come here to talk basketball.” He motioned to the visitor’s chair. “Sit. Then say what you need to say.” He didn’t add, then go, but it was apparent he couldn’t wait for her to leave.

  As he watched, she took the chair in front of him. He swallowed a groan as she crossed smooth, bare, and perfectly shaped legs. They were so incredibly beautiful, just like she was all over. He shifted, his sex throbbed with need. He was ready for the impossible.


  Busy studying her French manicure nails, she was evidently in no hurry to began this oh-so-important discussion, while he could use an ice-cold shower.

  “I’m sorry. I really was not trying to get into an argument with you, Ralph. When the check came, I thought of it as a perfect way to start paying the debt I owed you. That was it! I didn’t intend to make you angry or to hurt your feelings…none of that.” She looked at him through the thickness of her lashes, moistening her full rose-tinted bottom lip. “Please, try to understand. Ralph, don’t be like this. I hate it when you’re angry with me,” she ended in a throaty, feminine whisper that left him longing to take away the frown and replace it with a smile.

  What was he thinking? She wasn’t going to get away with dragging him to his knees, especially when she was in the wrong! No, No, No! Ralph had heard every word while he struggled to hang on to his anger. It was not easy, especially when all he could think about was being inside her. Ralph, lost in thought, was surprised when Vanessa sat down in his lap. He hadn’t even seen her move, yet his arm automatically went around her waist.

  “What the—” He stopped, then said, “What are you doing?”

  “Showing you how much I’ve missed you. I hate when we fight. No more…please.” She slid her hands up his chest, to encircle his neck. When she leaned in, pressing her breasts into his hard-muscled chest, and licked his bottom lip, then took it inside her incredibly hot mouth to suckle, he shivered. Releasing a fierce growl of pure need, he tightened his arms around her. Hungry for her, he covered her mouth with his. Suckling her lips, he sponged them again and again.

  He barely managed to say, “You are so wrong.” Desperate for more, he thrust his tongue inside the sweet cavity to stroke her tongue with his, repeatedly. Her soft moans sent him over the edge. He deepened the kiss even more, suckling her tongue while cupping and squeezing her soft buttocks. The need to breathe forced him to free her mouth.

  Amazed by what had just happened, he stared into her sultry dark eyes as he rubbed his thumb over her kiss-swollen lips. He husked, “You would be furious if the situation were reversed.”

  Vanessa blushed, pressing her face into his neck. She placed soft kisses along the side of his neck and down to the scented hollow at the base of his throat. “So…” she crooned, her voice soft and sexy. “But I couldn’t help myself.” She licked his neck, causing desire to speed along his nerve endings. His shaft was rock hard and throbbing in time to his heart rate. “Are you still angry with me?”

  “Yes, but that doesn’t stop me from wanting you. This has nothing to do with you being wrong.”

  She asked sweetly, her beautiful eyes sparkling, “Ralph, have you always been this mule-headed?”

  Ralph nearly laughed out loud, then sobered as he recognized that normally he was easygoing. He rarely, if ever, cared enough to become angry with a woman. He didn’t believe in giving money to his lady friends. He offered expensive trips and gifts as part of their unspoken agreement. In return, they were happy to please him in bed.

  But Vanessa was different. While she had not expected anything from him, he’d been thrilled to provide whatever she needed. This lending situation had come as a way to ease her worries. And he’d been pleased to do it. The trouble came when she tried to pay him back. He hadn’t enjoyed feeling as if he were a bill collector, someone to get rid of as soon as possible. To say he hadn’t taken it well was an understatement. He had been hurt, feeling rejected.

  “Are you saying I overreacted?” He smiled somewhat sheepishly, placing tender kisses against her soft lips.

  Vanessa teased, “Yeah.”

  Chuckling, he deepened the kiss, then thought better of it. He pulled back. “We better stop. The movie will be over soon.” He decided not to push matters and bring up his marriage proposal.

  “Okay,” she said, sliding off his lap. She asked softly, “Will you get mad if I hand you a check, a small one starting this month?”

  He smiled as he rose to his considerable height. He brushed his lips against hers. “If you insist.”

  “I do.” She hugged him tight, wrapping her arms around his lean, taut waist for a few moments, then she took the check out of her skirt, put it into his back jeans pocket, and patted his firm butt.

  Grinning, he asked, “How have you been? Have your heard any more from Cummingham?” He didn’t bother hiding his concern. He’d been worried, wondering how she’d been handling this all alone, angry with himself for leaving her high and dry yet knowing he had no other choice.

  “A phone call suggesting there is more money if I agree to his terms,” she said quietly.

  “What! He can’t be serious.”

  “Yes. Naturally, I turned it down.”

  He gave her a tender kiss. “Honey, I’m sorry you have to go through this. It’s not fair.”

  “I know.”

  “What you doing Sunday?” he asked, folding his arms rather than taking her into them, knowing if he did, he wouldn’t let go. He wanted her that badly. A few kisses were not nearly enough.

  She shrugged. “The usual. Sunday school with the kids, followed by service, then dinner at home. Why?”

  “How about adding dinner with the Prescotts to the day?”

  Vanessa looked up into his eyes while smoothing her hand up and down his arm. “Are you sure?”

  He blinked in surprise, before he said, “Absolutely.”

  “Kids, too?”

  “Of course. You know how my folks are. The more kids, the better.”

  “Yes, I’d like to come.”

  “Good. I’ll pick you up at two.”

  “Vanessa, you didn’t have to do all this. German chocolate cake and homemade yeast rolls. From the looks of it, you made both from scratch,” Donna exclaimed as she eyed the delicious bounty, before she reached up and hugged the much taller woman. She sent her nephew a sharp look. “Did you tell Vanessa that she had to do all this? Watch yourself.” She pointed a finger at him. “We all know that German chocolate is your favorite.”

  Ralph laughed, his hand resting on Vanessa’s shoulder. “Do I look stupid? Of course not, but it didn’t do any good. Vanessa has a mind of her own.”

  Kelli and Anna laughed, exchanged a knowing smile.

  Blushing, Vanessa quickly explained, “My mother didn’t believe in going empty-handed when invited to someone’s house for a meal,” while wondering if she was trying too hard to impress Donna.

  “She taught you well, dear heart. We’re glad to have you. And those twins are so sweet and well behaved. I can’t believe how much they’ve grown.” Donna smiled at Lana.

  “And Ralph tells me that you’re starting your senior year in a few weeks. Excited?”

>   Lana beamed. “I’m excited. And I’m a little nervous.”

  Donna laughed. “You’ll do well. From what I hear, you’re an excellent student. Have you decided about college? Where you want to go?”

  Vanessa smiled as Ralph reassuringly squeezed her hand. Vanessa relaxed as she listened to them chat. Donna casually displayed warmth and interest that soon had the teen at ease.

  She’d always liked the Prescotts because they were genuine and unpretentious, despite their success and wealth. She’d been invited here before, only this time was different. It was different because she was Ralph’s date. She found herself wanting them to like her, especially his aunt. It was a little unnerving, but she couldn’t help it. She told herself things would be fine as long as she focused on relaxing and being herself.

  Soon Curtis, Ralph, Wesley, and Wayne were playing volleyball against Kyle, Gavin, Lana, and Courtney, while Uncle Lester acted as a referee. Anna, Donna, Kelli—with baby Kaleea—and Vanessa were in the kitchen laughing and talking while preparing dinner. The well-organized Donna easily pulled everything together.

  Anna prepared sweet potatoes with a brown-sugar-and-walnut topping. Kelli stirred a pot of green beans and diced white potatoes bubbling with a smoked ham bone. Vanessa roasted what seemed like a mountain of diced turnips, carrots, bell peppers, and pearl onions in garlic and olive oil, while Donnie warmed creamed sweet corn on the stove top and marinated racks of prime rib roasted in the oven while Kaleea napped in the playpen, her thumb in her mouth.

  Relieved that there were no pointed questions regarding her relationship with Ralph, Vanessa couldn’t say she was surprised that while Anna and Kelli were in the dining room setting the table, Donna said, “Don’t worry, dear, I am not going to ask any questions about you and Ralph. But I will say that I like you and think you’re good for our Ralph.”