Can't Say No Read online

Page 21

  Vanessa looked shocked. “When did she tell you?”

  “A couple of weeks ago. Why?”

  “She only told me the other night.”

  “I’m glad she finally did. It’s been worrying her.”

  Ralph sighed. “Lana’s an ‘A’ student with a bright future. The twins deserve to be happy without fearing they’re going to be taken away.”

  Holding back tears, Vanessa said, “You’re right. My family deserved better. Ralph, I can’t accept your proposal when I know it is the last thing you want.”

  “So you’re going to insist on paying me back,” he said tightly.

  “Yes, it’s the right thing to do. What I accepted was a loan. And I promise to pay you back, every dime.” Vanessa eyed him through the thickness of her lashes.

  He didn’t speak until he’d parked in front of her house. “Small installment,” he clarified.

  “Yes, but I don’t want you to worry that…”

  He kissed her. “No more talk of money. I know it’s not dark yet, but with the tinted windows, we shouldn’t be seen from the street. Let me hold you for a few minutes before we go in. I’ve missed you.”

  Vanessa nodded; she was not about to object. She’d missed him, too, missed their intimacy. With her cheek against his chest, she closed her eyes. As she enjoyed his male scent, she was able to admit what she had wisely kept hidden…she yearned for his love. Ralph was a special man with a generous heart. He’d not only won her family’s respect but hers as well. She hadn’t planned to risk her heart. Yet she’d be the happiest woman in the world if she thought his feelings could go deep enough to ensure his fidelity. Unfortunately, with Ralph that was not about to happen.


  Laura Murdock’s exquisite, high-rise condominium in downtown Detroit overlooked the twinkling lights of the city far below. Everything from the two vibrant green-yellow sofas, facing each other on top of a floral-patterned off-white wool rug. Two Queen Anne armchairs covered in yellow silk damask sat opposite an impressive gold-veined marble fireplace. A large gold-framed mirror above the mantel reflected the pale green washed walls. While the finest cream porcelain lamps with ivory silk lamp shades, trimmed in gold, were placed on elegant glass-topped cream marble end tables. Beauty was everywhere.

  Nothing had been overlooked down to the smallest detail in making Laura’s home a place of opulence and good taste. No one entering it for the first time would guess that it was the home of someone who had put in years of hard work and determination to transform a poor, orphaned girl into the well-educated, sophisticated woman who hosted the Elegant Five Book Club with exceptional ease and grace. Laura was proud of her accomplishments and made no effort to conceal her humble beginnings.

  “More wine, anyone?” She held up the bottle of delicate fruity chardonnay.

  The ladies were seated around the pale maple dining table. The side table was covered with an elaborate array of salads, artichoke-and-chicken salad, berries and walnuts, celery-root-and-shrimp salad, a rice, almond, and bacon salad, orange-and-radish salad, shrimp-and-crabmeat salad. Rounding out the menu was a mixed green salad.

  “None for me,” Trenna said as she helped herself to more of the mixed green salad before handing the serving dish to Maureen.

  “No, thanks,” Vanessa said with a smile. “Laura, you go, girl. Everything is delicious, especially the mixed berries salad. Very classy as well as tasty. Love it! Are you sure you didn’t sneak Anna in the back door to prepare this elegant spread?”

  Laura laughed and playfully snapped her fingers. “Darn! I wish I had thought of it! Well, ladies, if no one wants more, I’ll put the coffee on.”

  “Before you go, I think it’s time we faced the painful truth. Our girl, Brynne, has packed up and left. Her home is now in St. Louis. We either need to change our name to the Elegant Four or find a new book club member,” Trenna pointed out.

  Vanessa frowned. “I hate to admit it, but Trenna is right. We need a new member, but who. Anna and Kelli Prescott might be interested, but both of them are married.”

  “And I’m not sure if they want to take time away from their two gorgeous husbands for a book club,” Maureen surmised. “Besides, we started our group as a single ladies’ group. Remember?”

  “I don’t know about you, ladies, but I don’t plan to live my entire life single. The first rich, fine brother who comes along that toots my horn, and I’m running down that aisle,” Laura boasted.

  “Me too,” Trenna put in. “Although he doesn’t have to be rich.”

  “Okay, okay! I propose we stick to one change at a time. I’m sure if we put our heads together, we can come up with a single lady who enjoys reading African-American fiction.” Maureen, always the peacemaker, asked, “All in agreement?”

  “Yes! I know of someone. She and I are longtime friends. She went to U of D before she moved away to do her graduate work. She’s living out of state now, but she plans to move back home to teach at U of D.”

  “And you’re sure she is willing to pick a book of fiction and also read what the others pick?” Vanessa asked.

  “Yes, I don’t think she will have a problem with that.”

  “What’s her name? And you’re sure, she’s moving back to Detroit?”

  “Jenna Gaines. And she’s single. She used to date Scott Hendricks before he went into the NBA,” Laura explained.

  “Interesting. I’d say let’s at least invite her to a meeting after she’s moved back,” Trenna said.

  “I agree,” Vanessa chimed in..

  “Me too,” said Maureen.

  Laura said, “Great! It’s settled. We’ll invite her. Vanessa, help me with dessert, please.”

  “I’m right behind you.” Vanessa began collecting plates. She followed Laura into the pretty green-and-yellow kitchen.

  Laura said, “Vanessa, you can put the dishes in the sink. I’ll rinse them and put them in the dishwasher later.” Laura, having switched on the coffeemaker, lifted the glass dome cover over a three-layer white coconut cake.

  “Mm, that looks good,” Vanessa said with a smile.

  “Thanks. It has lemon-curd filling between the layers. But that’s not why I dragged you in here.” She turned, one hand on her hip, “What’s going on with Ralph? And don’t tell me nothing. I saw the expression on your face when Maureen mentioned his speech at some charity dinner.”

  “Was I that obvious?” Vanessa asked, cupping her warm cheeks.

  “Only to me. What’s up, girl? Is he still coming around with dinner for the entire Grant family?”

  Vanessa laughed. “Oh Laura, he has been my rock. I told you about that horrible mess with Greg Cummingham. Ralph has not only found an excellent child-custody lawyer, but he came to the first meeting with me. He’s a wonderful friend.”

  “Friend? Will you open your pretty brown eyes? The man is more than a friend.”

  “I know that, but I’d rather not get into that, if you don’t mind…less complicated.”

  Laura lifted a brow. “It’s fine with me, just as long as you are not trying to fool your own self.”

  “I’m not! Believe me, I know my back is against the wall.” Vanessa sighed. “Just because Ralph asked me to marry him and…”

  “Marry?” Laura nearly screamed.

  “Will you shut up!” Vanessa hissed.

  Laura covered her mouth, but her eyes were wide with disbelief. “Now back up! And you better not leave anything out! Go!”

  “Did I hear what I thought I heard?” Trenna came into the kitchen with Maureen right behind her. “Did Ralph ask you to marry him?”

  “I told you that man was serious months ago,” Maureen insisted.

  Vanessa put a balled fist on her hip in mock indignation. “Is there anyone in Detroit who does not know my business?”

  Laura rolled her eyes. “We’re friends. We don’t have secrets. So Vanessa, was he serious? Or was he just playing around?”

  “No man in his right mind asks that
kind of question as a joke,” Trenna pointed out.

  “Believe me, he was serious. He was so annoyed by my refusal to take his money to pay a lawyer that he insisted if he were my husband I couldn’t refuse. So you see, he was only being kind.”

  “That rich brother can be kind to me any day of the week,” Laura teased. “But I would say yes.”

  “You are so silly.” Vanessa laughed, then in somber tones, said, “Seriously, you wouldn’t want a pity proposal. No woman would.”

  “Well, well. It seems our Vanessa wanted a proposal of the serious kind.” Trenna gasped, covering her mouth.

  “You’re in love with that man.”

  Vanessa rushed to defend herself. “Am not! I care about him.”

  “So you told him no?” Maureen asked.

  “Of course I told him no. I had no other choice,” Vanessa said quietly.

  Laura put a comforting arm around Vanessa’s waist. “You wanted to say yes. Didn’t you, girl?”

  Maureen came up on the other side and put her arm around Vanessa. “It’s going to be all right.”

  Vanessa surprised them all when she revealed, “I would have said yes if I thought he asked because he loved me.”

  Trenna pushed in until they shared a group hug. “We love you, Nessa. We’ll give you the money. Don’t worry, we’ll do whatever you need doing to keep those babies with you.”

  Vanessa smiled through her tears. “Thank you. I love you all, too. But, it’s settled. I took Ralph’s money as a loan. I plan to pay him back as soon as I can.”

  “I don’t know. The brother may be serious.” Laura playfully pinched Vanessa’s cheek.

  “Ouch! Enough about me. We are only halfway through the book. At the rate we’re going, we’ll be here until midnight.”

  “Oh, no, I’m putting you ladies out at ten. I need my beauty sleep,” Laura teased, “Maureen, will you bring the coffee. Trenna, if you grab the cups, please. I’ll take out the dessert plates and start slicing the cake.”

  “What do you want me to do?” Vanessa asked.

  “Go get Brynne on the telephone. By the time you catch her up on your news, we’ll be ready. We’ll put her on the speakerphone. And I know she’s read the book. Come on, ladies, let’s get rolling. We’re still the Elegant Five, although I think we should forget the number and call ourselves, the Elegant Ladies Book Club. And if Anna and Kelli want to join, I say, why not. The more the merrier.”

  “You have too much to say, if you ask me,” Trenna put in.

  Everyone began to laugh and talk at once.

  A few days later, while Vanessa was going through the mail, she paused, to glare at the return address—Greg Cummingham’s lawyer. She went into her room and closed her door, then slit the envelope. She was shocked to realize he had managed to stay a step ahead of her. As she studied the hefty check for delinquent child support payments, her heart dropped.

  The twins’ father was making sure she wouldn’t be able to claim that he had neglected the children or that he had ignored them in any way. Cummingham had thought of everything to level the playing field and put his case in the best possible light.

  Later that night, as she walked with Ralph down the drive, she pulled the envelope from her skirt pocket and gave it to him.

  “What’s this?”

  “A surprise from Greg Cummingham. It came in today’s mail.”

  “Can’t be good,” he answered.

  “Read it.” She waited restlessly as he read the cover letter and studied the check. Before he could comment, she said, “I’m furious. A move designed to make him look good. I would not be surprised if he’s got the judge in his pocket.”

  Ralph shook his head. “Try to sound a bit more positive, honey. This isn’t the end of the world. He did what he should have done a long time ago. The twins are his, therefore his responsibility.”

  “I don’t like it, just like I don’t like Cummingham.” When he put the contents back in the envelope and held it out to her, she held her hands palms up. “I endorsed the back of the check. Keep it.”

  “Hardly.” His scowl was fierce when he snapped, “I know you don’t mean what I think you mean.”

  She nodded. “That’s right. I don’t want you to be out of so much money. I don’t know the final court costs and attorney fees, but it is a hefty start.”

  He just looked down at her before he said in a cold tone, “Vanessa, that money is for the twins, and that’s exactly what it’s going to be used for.” He curled it into a roll, then put it back into her pocket.

  “No, Ralph. This can go toward…”

  “Don’t say it again. Once was more than enough. You and I have an agreement. You will pay me back in small monthly installments. As far as I’m concerned, that hasn’t changed.” He continued walking toward his car in loose, long strides.

  “Wait,” she called, hurrying to catch up. “I said wait!” she snapped, catching his arm. She held on. “Why are you acting as if you’re angry with me?”

  “Damn straight, I’m furious. You think I don’t know what you’re doing? You’re using Cummingham’s money to try to pay me off. And I won’t let you get away with it.”

  Shocked that he swore at her, she missed the underlying hurt beneath the words.

  “Of course I’m using Cummingham’s money. That’s what it’s for.”

  He glared at her. “No! Cummingham is a selfish bastard. And I’m not going to let you use his money to push me out of your life.”

  “I’m not doing that!”

  “That’s exactly what you’re doing. That money came along right when you needed it the most. You did something you had not planned to do. Taking money from me was the last thing you wanted to do. And don’t you dare deny it!”

  “I’m not! There is nothing wrong with a strong woman trying to take care of her family.”

  “There’s plenty wrong when you use that money as an excuse to keep me at a distance,” he hissed, close to her ear, “The only time I feel close to you, lady, is when I’m inside of you, and you make sure that happens as seldom as possible!”

  Confused, Vanessa shook her head in an attempt to sort it all out. Finally, she came back with, “This is about sex? You’re not getting enough, Ralph?”

  She watched as his hands balled into hard fists, but she felt not even a tiny bit of fear or apprehension. She knew beyond all doubt that Ralph was an honorable man, he would never do anything to hurt her. Didn’t he realize the fact that they hardly ever made love was just as painful to her? She didn’t need the reminder that she always had kids to consider while the other women in his life were free to welcome him into their beds at any time.

  Ralph snapped bitterly, “If that’s what you want to think, go right ahead. I can see I’m getting nowhere with this conversation and this relationship. Why are you holding back? Come on out and admit it? We both know you want out. You can stop searching, beautiful. You want out, you’ve got it. I won’t bother you again. I’m done.”

  Ralph’s long legs moved so swiftly that he was in his car and driving away before she could yell that was not what she wanted.

  As hot tears flowed unchecked down her cheeks, Vanessa wasn’t aware of the way she crushed the envelope and shoved it back inside her pocket.

  The weekend had come and gone as well as part of the next week without a word from Ralph. Vanessa was relieved that at work she didn’t have to listen to children complain that Ralph hadn’t dropped by. Even her rather awkward explanation to her siblings that he was upset with her, not them, hadn’t helped. They took their annoyance out on her.

  Vanessa had nearly choked to death while sipping coffee on Friday morning when her baby sister asked what they had done to make him divorce them. While coughing to clear her windpipe, Vanessa had tried to clarify divorce. Then Curtis had cut in to say they didn’t want a divorce. They wanted Ralph, and she had to do something to fix it. Still coughing, she looked to Lana for help, but instead of backing Vanessa, Lana had stuck h
er nose in the air, signaling that she agreed with the twins. They missed Ralph, so she’d needed to apologize.

  After a morning of trying to bury herself in enough work to keep her mind off him, Vanessa had nearly decided the kids were right when the telephone rang.

  “Mathis Enterprises. May I help you?”

  “Nessa, Courtney and Curtis called Ralph on his cell phone. They asked if they could come over to his place to use his pool. He said yes, but only if you said it was okay,” Lana told her.


  “I said the twins…”

  Vanessa interrupted, “I heard what you said. How did they get his number? And why did you let them call him?”

  “Don’t be mad at me. I didn’t let them do anything. They called while I was fixing lunch.”

  “I’m sorry, Lana. I’m not angry with you. How did they get his cell?”

  “He gave all of us his card in case we needed to reach him, when he first started coming over. I thought you knew,” Lana explained.

  “I don’t remember.” Although she grumbled, Vanessa was relieved that the children felt there was someone besides her they could depend on. “So the twins want to use Ralph’s pool.”

  “We all want to go. We haven’t seen him in over a week. And since you wouldn’t apologize, we had no other choice.”

  “Whose side are you on?” Vanessa demanded, then thought better of it. It was wrong to put the kids in the middle or expect them to take sides. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. Ralph is a friend to the entire family.”

  Lana whispered, “I’m sorry. Ralph is your boyfriend, and what’s going on between you is no one else’s business. What should I tell him? Can we go? Oh, I forget he said if its okay with you, he’d pick us up, and then bring us home after dinner. Well?”

  Exasperated, Vanessa bit her lip to keep from yelling.

  Evidently tired of waiting, Lana urged, “Nessa, can…”

  “Yes you can go. Be sure and pack an extra set of underthings for the twins and yourself. And take a clean plastic bag to put the wet things in, a comb, brush, hair dryer, and lotion. No running or clowning around the pool area. And make sure you keep an eye on the twins. They get excited around the slide and don’t always listen. I’m counting on you, Lana, to be on your best behavior. And remember, Ralph has some very expensive paintings and artifacts in his house. We can’t afford to replace so much as a drinking glass. Got it?” Vanessa said, running out of precautions.