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Can't Get Enough of You Page 14

  Last night, as Jenna had watched Scott with her twin sister, she’d been shocked by feelings of insecurity. Lenna was outgoing and had the confidence that Jenna had longed for growing up. Her twin wasn’t afraid of her sexuality. She didn’t just embrace it, she drew men to her like a sponge. Every man in the room had at one time or another stared at her twin’s striking beauty. Lenna—no, Leah—had been in her element. She was accustomed to male attention. She’d even flirted with Scott.

  Scott’s awareness of Leah’s beauty hadn’t been lost on Jenna. She hated that she’d felt threatened enough to be jealous. Why else had she let her sister think there was more going on between her and Scott?

  Jenna was not only embarrassed, but also disappointed in herself. There was no point in trying to sugarcoat her behavior. The green monster had gotten the best of her. What was next? Her only recourse was to move forward and not repeat the mistake.

  She showered and dressed in jeans, tucking in a pink-and-plum print blouse. When she’d packed, she hadn’t expected to be going out on the town. Her favorite black cocktail dress was tucked away in her closet at home, so she had to find something pretty without breaking her budget.

  On her way into the kitchen she spotted a note from Scott propped against a bowl of fresh flowers on the dining table. He’d gone to the hotel’s gym for a workout and would be meeting an old teammate for lunch in one of the hotel’s restaurants. She was welcome to join them. He reminded her that their driver, Josh Barnes, was at her disposal—all she had to do was ask for him at the desk. She smiled, imagining her twin’s reaction.

  She found a selection of French toast, scrambled eggs, and breakfast meats warming in the kitchen, as well as coffee and an array of fresh fruit.

  “I could easily become spoiled by all this.” She shook her head at the extravagance while filling a plate. It was nearly eleven when she jotted her thanks for the lunch invitation on the back of his note, along with a warning not to expect her back until late afternoon.

  The driver took her to the Fashion Show Mall, which included major department stores such as Nordstrom, Bloomingdale’s, and Saks Fifth Avenue, where she’d spent many enjoyable hours hunting for bargains while living in New York.

  It took a few hours, but she was delighted when she found a cranberry cocktail dress on sale. She loved the sequined straps that crossed beneath the bodice, and the full, flirty silk skirt. After more hunting, Jenna discovered the perfect pair of peep-toe cranberry pumps. She was glad she’d brought along an ivory cashmere shawl, a small ivory purse, and her pearls. She scolded herself when she splurged on a black lace-edged strapless bra and boy-cut lace panties.

  Jenna was disappointed when she returned to an empty suite. She needed to explain why she’d let her twin believe they were a couple. But how could she without admitting to being jealous? No . . . no. Stretching out on the chaise longue, she dozed off.

  When she awakened, for a few seconds she had no idea where she was, until she spotted Scott lounging in the armchair with his laptop open. The room was in shadow, and lamps had been turned on.


  Smiling, she stretched. “Hi. I hope I wasn’t snoring.”

  Chuckling, Scott tugged on his ear. “Was that rumble coming from you?”

  She tried to give him a glare, but her infectious laugh got in the way. Despite her inclination to deny it, she was glad to see him. She was just so happy. She’d found her twin. She had her family back, and Scott had shared it with her.

  “What are you doing? Don’t tell me you’re working?”

  “Working? Me? Never. I’m retired, remember?”

  “Then what are you studying with such concentration? Never mind!” she exclaimed, covering her face as she eased up to a sitting position. “Forget I asked. Tell me to mind my own business.”

  He laughed. “There is no big secret. I’m just online checking to see what was going on with my portfolio.”

  “You don’t hire someone to do that for you?”

  “Why? Do I look stupid?” He laughed. “No, seriously, I have money I play around with. It allows me to invest in some unusual ventures. It’s a hobby of mine.”

  “It could be a risky hobby, especially considering the recent plunges of the market,” she surmised, but her interest was piqued.

  “I only risk what I can afford to lose,” he grinned. “I work within my limits.”

  “Can you?”

  “Without a doubt. My odds are better than any of the casinos here in Las Vegas. In the past four years, I’ve invested in six minority companies, and all but one has shown profits. In the past year, I’ve invested in three new companies that I think have potential.”

  She grinned, clearly intrigued. “Tell me more.”

  He released a deep chuckle. “How could I forget? This is your thing. Tell me how you’re doing. Any big losses?”

  “A few hits, but I’m doing relatively well. I believe in diversification, and I’ve got time on my side. When you consider the downturns, the problems with the banks, and the economy, it can be scary. Please, tell me about the start-up companies and how they’re doing?”

  “Last spring, I read about a new security company that had some novel ideas on how to derail identity theft. It’s a huge problem that I don’t think we’ve fully addressed.” He seemed enthused by her interest and went on to explain why he was willing to take the risk. When he glanced at his watch, he said, “Hold up. I had our chef prepare something to hold us over until our late dinner.”

  “This suite comes with a chef?” She watched him go into the kitchen.

  “Yes,” he said from over his shoulder. “And anything else you might like.”

  “Such as?”

  “You know about the car and driver. The chef, a personal trainer, and massage therapist. Your imagination is the limit.” He came back in carrying a tray loaded with sandwiches, which he placed on the wide leather ottoman. He held up bottles of juice for her inspection.

  Jenna took the apple juice. “Thanks.” Sampling crab salad on a toasted bun, she decided she was hopelessly lost when it came to the lifestyle of the super rich. There were more perks than she could ever come up with on any given day. Evidently, she was destined, like most folks, to be on the outside looking in, while hoping to win the lottery. She almost giggled out loud. It might help if she bothered to buy a ticket once in a while.

  Impatient to hear more, she urged, “Finish telling me about this company. You said the owner used to work in military intelligence?”

  “Oh, yeah,” he said, settling back in the chair, a roast beef sandwich in one hand and a bottle of cranberry juice in the other. He told her about the company and why he’d decided to invest. Then he went on to tell her about the Jacobs brothers in Detroit. With his backing, they would soon be opening a supper club in the city.

  She was so engrossed that she was surprised when he finished by saying, “We’d better get moving or we’re going to be late picking up Leah and her guy.”

  “You’re right!” She jumped up, hurrying to her bedroom with his deep laughter vibrating in the background.

  Jenna had been looking forward to this evening and had dressed with care. She was secretly thrilled by Scott’s long whistle and compliment when she emerged from her room.

  “Thank you,” she said softly as he draped her shawl around her shoulders. “You look very handsome,” she admitted, taking the time to straighten his silk tie.

  She dropped her hands, curling them at her sides to keep from smoothing them over his pristine white shirt and across the broad expanse of his shoulders, covered in an expertly tailored charcoal gray suit. Considering the superb fit, it had to have been made for him alone. Handsome was an understatement, considering his flawless, dark skin, long, powerful frame, and good looks.

  Scott smiled, placing his hand at the s
mall of her back and urging her forward. “We need to get moving.”

  Eager to see her twin, Jenna merely nodded her consent. Despite her best efforts to neutralize her feelings, she hadn’t figured out how to deal with her keen awareness of him. Every second spent alone with him seemed to heighten her senses and weaken her resolve to keep her distance. Jenna was terrified of falling in love with him all over again. Plus, she was playing this dangerous game of pretense.

  “You okay?” Scott asked as he helped her inside the limo.

  She hedged, “Just looking forward to spending time with Lenna.” Changing the subject, Jenna said, “I’m glad she was able to take the night off. I just wish she didn’t have to take her clothes off for a living. She’s not taking advantage of the fact that she’s smart.”

  “Why are you going there? Leah doesn’t seem to be bothered by her choices. She’s doing what she wants to do. You’re twins, but you two aren’t the same.”

  “No, Scott. In this, we are the same. She just decided to take the easy way out of a bad situation. She’s a smart girl. There is no reason she can’t use her mind to get ahead. I want to help her reach her potential,” Jenna insisted, gazing out at the bright lights.

  He cautioned, “Sweet thing, are you listening to yourself? You just found her. Don’t start trying to change her. Get to know her first.”

  She sighed. “I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with dancing for a living. But in her case, we’re not talking about art.”

  “I can’t argue with that, but I don’t think you need to rush in criticizing. It’s only natural that you want a better life for her, but the choice has to be hers. It’s too soon to push.”

  “You’re right,” she consented around a frustrated sigh. “I just hate to see her wasting her life this way, especially if I can help.”

  Squeezing her hand, he urged, “Relax, sweet thing. Enjoy being together. There will be time enough later for that serious discussion. Tonight is a celebration, right?”

  “Yes . . .” she echoed, watching as they slowed to a stop, parking in front of her sister’s apartment building.

  Evidently, the couple, both dressed in black, had been waiting for them. Within moments, the two were making their way to the car. Jenna and Leah reached out to clasp hands, while the men nodded to each other as they made themselves comfortable on the adjacent seat. Leah was in a short, tight dress and quickly made the introduction.

  John Norton, tall, light-skinned, and very good looking, had left his black silk shirt opened to the middle of his broad chest. He was all smiles as he kissed the back of Jenna’s hand and shook Scott’s hand. “I have been eager to meet you two ever since Leah got home last night. Twins? Who would believe it? But one look is all it takes to seal the deal.” He laughed heartily, as if he had told a joke. “This car is nice,” he went on. “Scott, you sure know how to travel in style. That’s what I’m talking about,” he said as he patted Leah’s thigh, seeming pleased as he looked around. “Man, is that . . .” he trailed off as he leaned forward to study the array of liquor inside a glass-encased built-in compartment.

  “Are you from Vegas, John?” Scott asked.

  “Hell, no. I’m from L.A., like my bit—” He stopped and corrected himself. “I mean, like my lady. She and I met at a club. We’ve been together ever since.” He took out a bottle of aged scotch. “Hey, this is the good stuff. Do you mind, my man?”

  “Help yourself. You and Leah are our guests.” Scott showed him where the crystal tumblers and ice cubes were stored.

  “Thanks. I could get used to this, fast,” John said, helping himself but neglecting to inquire if anyone else would care for something to drink.

  Scott asked, “Would either of you ladies care for champagne?”

  Jenna shook her head. “I’ll wait until I’ve eaten.”

  Leah smiled. “I can wait, too. Where are we going, Scott?”

  “Why, that’s up to you ladies. I thought we might start the evening out at Wolfgang Puck’s restaurant, then take in the show at Cirque du Soleil’s KÀ. Then follow that by stopping in at Planet Hollywood and Tryst.”

  Leah squealed with delight, clapping her hands. “I can’t wait!”

  “Sounds like a plan to me,” John put in, emptying his glass in one long swallow. “Man, this is sweet. You riding around in a limo, living the life of the rich and famous. I’m not surprised. I’ve seen your moves on the basketball court, Hendricks.”

  “What do you do for a living, John?” Jenna asked.

  “Well, baby, I’m in between gigs.” He nodded. “Leah tells me you teach at a college. You’re smart and beautiful. I like that.” He refilled his glass, saying, “My man, when you guys played for the championship, you were on fire. Hit that hoop from all over the damn court.” He laughed boisterously. “I put my money on you that night. Talk about a great game. How many bitches did you guys take on that night? Ten? Twenty?” He laughed even louder while draining another drink.

  Jenna decided right then that she did not like the man. She’d tried to withhold her opinion until she’d gotten to know him, but she suspected that his being in between jobs was not a recent setback. He was unemployed while Leah danced and stripped down to a G-string to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. Jenna had to bite her tongue to hold back an angry retort. Just who did he think he was, casually referring to any female by that foul name.

  “Glad you enjoyed the game,” Scott said smoothly, then changed the subject, “Leah, have you been to any of the Cirque du Soleil’s shows?”

  “Not in this lifetime,” Leah giggled. “I’ve been dying to go.”

  Jenna smiled at her sister. “Sounds like we’re in for a treat.”

  “Classy,” John joked. “My baby don’t know the difference between first class and a ten-dollar bill, man. She barely makes enough to keep a roof over our heads.”

  Jenna swallowed a gasp while Leah giggled, as if he’d told a joke.

  Scott said evenly, “Leah didn’t have any problems sipping champagne or dining at the best table last night.”

  “The food was fabulous,” Leah piped in. “I can’t wait to sample Wolfgang’s food. I read about it in the newspaper.”

  Scott nodded. “John, you say you’re between jobs. What exactly is your specialty?”

  “I’m a businessman. I’ve been in a little of this and that. I’ve been trying to get enough cash together to start up my own club to showcase the ladies. If you’re interested in investing, let me know. I can hook you up on the ground floor with a real sweet deal.”

  Scott smiled. “Thanks, John. I’ll keep that in mind. Hope everyone is hungry. I know I’m ready for a thick steak,” he said as the chauffeur turned into the drive.

  He didn’t wait for the driver to open the door but slid out and held out his hand to first Jenna, then Leah.

  He placed an arm around Jenna’s waist, pausing to allow the other couple to enter the building first. He said close to her ear, “You okay?”

  “Hardly. What does she see in that jerk?”

  “Good question. Try not to let it get to you. We have an entire night to get through.”

  “Exactly,” she whispered back.

  Jenna was not just angry; she was also upset with herself for letting another person influence her mood. Their night of celebration seemed to move in painfully slow motion. She wanted it over. It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy the wonderful meal or the viewing of the show in a private VIP box at the theater. Or that she didn’t relish every moment of being with her twin sister. John, Leah’s boyfriend, was the problem.

  It was impossible to ignore the way he tried to take advantage of everything and everyone that came within his grasp. He made no secret that he was out for number one and that it didn’t matter whom he hurt in the process. Jenna wondered if that included h
er sister.

  She was disgusted by the way John spent as much of Scott’s money as he could. He ordered the thickest steak and the most expensive liquor available. They’d barely sat down in the exclusive nightclub Tryst before John was busy ordering drinks. Jenna had to give him credit. He could hold his liquor. It didn’t seem to bother Leah that the more he drank, the louder he became. Or that he ordered drinks for his new friends at the next table on Scott’s tab.

  Frustrated, she wanted to shake some sense into Leah, force her twin to take a long, hard look at what was right there for all to see. Forget about love. John Norton wasn’t enamored with her sister. Jenna feared that he would use Leah until she was all used up. Only then would he move on to his next pretty victim.

  Jenna was also surprised by the number of people, even among the club’s elite clientele, who came up to Scott to either shake his hand or ask for an autograph.

  While out on the dance floor with Scott, Jenna struggled to let go and simply enjoy. Even the breathtaking beauty of the ninety-foot waterfall and the lavish surroundings couldn’t keep her from fuming. Scott’s whispered assurance that it didn’t matter hadn’t helped. The hours were slipping away and her mood hadn’t mellowed. Scott might be able to shrug it off, stating that it was only one night out on the town and insisting that it wasn’t about to break him, but Jenna couldn’t let it go.

  She barely held onto her temper. She fumed silently, telling herself it was better if she kept her mouth shut—that was the only way to get through the rest of the night without spoiling her sister’s enjoyment. Jenna was genuinely pleased to see her twin so happy. While Leah didn’t seem to mind John’s selfishness—she was evidently used to it—Jenna thought it was a shame, because Leah deserved so much more.

  Later, when it was time to part, Jenna found it nearly impossible to say good-bye to her sister. Only the knowledge that they would see each other during the Thanksgiving holidays kept Jenna from bursting into tears. To Jenna’s delight, Leah had agreed to come for a visit.