Can't Get Enough of You Page 13
“Nope, I’m fine. I called my boyfriend to let him know my plans, but he isn’t home to miss me.” She ran a hand over the soft leather seat. “I could easily get used to this. Where are we going?”
Scott smiled. “You pick. This is your city.”
Clearly excited, Leah laughed, leaned back, and crossed her long legs. “Man, this is the life! Let’s see.” Then she named the well-known real estate tycoon’s hotel and casino that catered to the very rich. The hotel’s restaurant was rumored to serve only the best in the world.
Before Jenna could protest that it was too expensive, Scott chuckled. “Let’s do it.” He lowered the window between the compartments and gave their destination to the driver.
Jenna touched his arm. “Don’t we need reservations?”
He kissed Jenna’s cheek. “No worries, babe.”
Jenna nodded, determined to do just that—forget her worries and focus on getting reacquainted with her twin. Somehow, she’d find a way to pay him back. She had no intention of taking advantage of his generosity.
Leah surprised her twin when she said, “Scott, I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you immediately.”
He stretched out his long legs, then said with a grin, “My height gives me away.”
Leah laughed, exclaiming, “Big sis, you’ve done well for yourself. So how did you two lovebirds meet?”
Before Jenna could clarify they weren’t a couple, Scott said, “We met in college before I entered the NBA. But we want to hear about you, Leah. It has taken Jenna years to find you.”
Eager to hear her sister’s story, Jenna nodded. “Yes, please tell us. How long have you worked at the club?”
“Less than a year. I came to Vegas for the money. There are lots of opportunities in this town if you can meet the right people.” Leah explained, “I wanted to be a famous actress since I was a little girl. When I left Michigan and moved to L.A., I was eighteen. Unfortunately, L.A. is a tough town. I had all kinds of jobs, but I couldn’t get a break, no matter how hard I tried.”
Leah let out an excited squeal when they eased to a stop in front of the well-known hotel-casino. Bubbling with excitement, she hopped out the instant the chauffeur opened the door.
Jenna whispered urgently in Scott’s ear, “I’m sorry about this. I had no idea she’d pick something so expensive.”
Scott brushed his lips against hers. “Remember, no worries tonight. Savor the experience. Okay?”
Jenna nodded before she followed her twin. Scott was right. There would be plenty of time later to sort it all out.
Scott was captivated by the similarities between the Gaines twins. They hadn’t seen each other since they were kids, yet they were still identical. It was uncanny how alike they were, from the husky tenor in their voices to the way they moved and finished each other’s sentences. It was nearly impossible to believe that Leah could be as eye-catchingly beautiful as his Jenna, yet the proof was staring him in the face.
His gaze lingered on a beaming Jenna. The tide had finally changed for her. She had her family back. She was happy and looking forward to getting to know her siblings.
They’d been seated at the best table in one of the most opulent restaurants in Las Vegas. No expense had been spared. Pristine white linen, fine bone china, and gleaming silverware graced the tables, while fresh flowers perfumed the air and candlelight glowed inside crystal lanterns.
Leah laughed loudly. “I can’t believe I’m here. This place reeks of money.” She looked pointedly at her twin. “I suppose you’re used to places like this. Judging by your designer outfit, your shoes and that bag you’re carrying must have cost the earth.” She winked at Jenna. “Scott evidently takes very good care of you, big sis.”
Shifting uncomfortably in her seat, Jenna hastily denied, “Scott doesn’t take care of me. I buy my own clothes. And I love hunting for a bargain. My foster sisters claim fifty-percent-off is my middle name. The purse was a gift.”
“Foster sisters? You weren’t adopted?” Leah seemed shocked. She rushed to say, “I never would have guessed, with that perfect speech. If Scott doesn’t take care of you, what exactly do you do to earn your keep?”
Stunned by the question, Scott wondered if Leah had meant to put Jenna down. Or had she recklessly tossed out the comment without due thought?
Jenna volunteered, “I’m a college professor. I teach economics at the University of Detroit-Mercy. I just finished my doctorate, which took me awhile, but I worked my way through college.”
Scott boasted, “She has reason to be proud of herself. She did it all on her own . . . college and grad school. She even had a gig on Wall Street.”
Leah seemed stunned, dismissing all but one point. “It’s true? You weren’t adopted? I thought you were teasing.”
“No, I was put into the foster care system, but I was lucky to have a wonderful foster mother. Mrs. Green raised me with two other little girls, Sherri Ann and Laura . . . my foster sisters,” Jenna said proudly. “Enough about me. Tell me about your adopted family. Did you have brothers and sisters? What was it like for you?”
“No brothers or sisters. The Bennetts couldn’t have children of their own. I still can’t figure out why they didn’t take both of us. They knew we were twins, but it didn’t seem to matter to them. All I remember is that one day we were together and then you were gone, and I was alone with them. When I was little, they were nice to me, but I felt so lost without you and Lincoln. I cried every night for months.”
Jenna reached out to take her twin’s hands. “Me, too. It was awful. I missed you so much.”
Just then, their waiter introduced himself and asked if they were ready to order.
Jenna looked stunned when Leah ordered the most expensive item on the menu. Her worried gaze went to Scott. He merely smiled, squeezing her soft hand reassuringly.
Once they’d placed their orders, Jenna prompted, “You said the Bennetts were nice when you were little. Were you happy with them?”
“No,” Leah said bluntly. “They were very strict and religious. They had their own ideas of how a kid should be raised. Things were okay until I started noticing boys. Then everything changed. Nothing I did seemed to please them, that’s for damn sure.” She shrugged, draining her glass of wine. “After a while, I gave up trying to be a good girl. I was tired of restrictions. I just wanted to do my own thing. The only thing I liked in high school was the drama club. Yet they insisted I go to college and study to be a teacher. No way! I couldn’t wait until I graduated and was free to move out.”
“Oh, Lenna! I’m so sorry.” Jenna’s voice brimmed with compassion. “That had to have been hard for you.”
“It’s Leah now,” her twin reminded her. “I never went back. Once I was able to leave, hell, I ran. I have no tender memories.” She laughed. “I’m sure the Bennetts were pleased to see the back of my fast tail.”
Just then the waiter brought an array of appetizers. Savoring her jumbo shrimp in cocktail sauce, Leah asked for details of Jenna’s growing-up years.
After a bite of bacon-and-cheese-covered potato skins, Jenna put down her fork and told her twin about Mrs. Green and how happy she’d been growing up with Laura and Sherri Ann.
Between his soup and salad, Scott stopped marveling at the sisters’ similarities and began taking note of their differences. There were more distinctions between them than the way they dressed, applied makeup, and styled their thick, dark-brown locks.
“So, while I was adopted, supposedly living the good life, you came out smelling like a damn rose. Don’t that beat all?” Leah seemed genuinely perplexed.
Jenna blushed, as if she was embarrassed. Even though, in Scott’s opinion, she had done nothing to be embarrassed about, Jenna ducked her head, as if she’d been guilty of some unnamed crime. She seemed relieved when
their waiter arrived with their entrees.
They concentrated on the meal for a time.
“My man isn’t going to believe me when I tell him that I ate at The Tower! His jaw will drop when he hears I met you, Scott. He’s a real sports nut. He’s seen all your games. He put money on your championship game,” Leah giggled.
Scott acknowledged her comment with a smile. “It’s a treat for us to be here with you, Leah. Jenna has been talking about finding her family since the day we met. It’s a dream come true for her.” Scott kissed Jenna’s cheek. “Right, sweet thing?”
Jenna gushed, “Yeah. I can’t wait to tell our big brother that we found you. He is going to be over the moon.”
“You found Lincoln!” Leah yelled, flinging up her hands in surprise.
Overcome with emotion, Jenna could only nod her head. Her lovely hazel eyes shimmered with tears. Scott decided she’d never looked happier or more beautiful. And he was thrilled for her. She deserved it. He so admired what she’d done on her own, and all of it from such humble beginnings.
He couldn’t ignore his selfish hopes. He wanted nothing more than to make all her dreams come true. If only she’d let him back into her life, give them another chance at happiness. He just knew that this time, if they put their minds and hearts into it, they could make it work.
“Tell me about Lincoln!” Leah begged.
Unable to speak through her tears, Jenna looked pleadingly at Scott. He began telling Leah about Jenna’s tireless efforts to find her siblings. He explained how she’d saved for years in order to hire a private investigator to find them. He went on to tell about their trip to Ohio. By then Jenna had recovered enough to talk about the weekend visit with Lincoln and his family.
Jenna ended with, “Our little niece, Corrie, is so adorable. Just wait until you meet her. And they are expecting a new baby in the spring.”
“I can’t wait. Does he know you found me?”
“Not yet,” Jenna clapped her hands together excitedly.
Scott reached into his jacket and pulled out his cell phone. He showed Leah photos he’d taken of Jenna with the family in Ohio.
Then he asked, “Shall we?”
“Yes, please!” the twins said at the same time, then giggled.
Scott made the call and handed the phone over to Jenna. She was laughing and crying as she apologized to Lincoln for calling so late, then explained who was with her. Soon Leah and Lincoln were talking while Jenna looked on from the shelter of Scott’s arm around her shoulders. He was thankful that he didn’t have to put into words his deep appreciation for being allowed to share this special moment with Jenna. It meant the world to him.
By the time Lincoln and Leah had hung up, both twins were wiping away tears. They excused themselves to freshen up. While they were gone, Scott ordered an array of desserts for the ladies to sample, plus a bottle of the best champagne to mark the occasion. When they returned, he took note that while Leah was thrilled by the extravagance, Jenna was concerned about the cost.
After they’d clinked flute glasses in celebration, Jenna invited Leah to join her and Lincoln for Thanksgiving in Detroit.
Leah shook her head. “I can’t see my way clear to come. I can’t afford it. I only just got settled here in Las Vegas.”
“But you have to come,” Jenna insisted. “Don’t worry about the money. I’ll take care of it for you.”
“Are you serious?” Leah exclaimed.
“Absolutely. I can hardly wait for all three of us to be together again.”
Scott said nothing, but he was aware that Leah hadn’t bothered to thank Jenna for the generous offer. After topping off their champagne glasses, he lifted his glass. He toasted, “To the Gaines family reunion!”
Scott soon realized he had to stop comparing the twins. What difference did it make that Jenna was regal and poised, while Leah was assertive and not afraid to ask for what she wanted? Both sisters had suffered because of their parents’ failings and loss, but they carried themselves well and held their heads high, emphasizing their tall stature. While Jenna had struggled to educate herself, Leah had turned her back on the opportunities her adopted family had offered. Because of that, Leah had had to fight to make a place for herself in the often ruthless entertainment industry. Scott didn’t envy her. Becoming an accomplished actress was no small feat. It would take years of study and hard work with no guarantees. The Gaines twins might look alike, but they were vastly different from each other.
While waiting for the check, he wondered if he was being judgmental. He was coming up with some strong assumptions about Leah after being with her for only a short time. He didn’t really know her. After all, she was Jenna’s twin and deserved his consideration and friendship.
He nearly chuckled aloud as he acknowledged that when it came to his lady, he was decidedly biased. His lady? When had he started claiming her as his own? Who was he kidding? Jenna had always been special to him. She deserved the best that life had to offer.
He’d been surprised when Jenna hadn’t clarified their situation to her twin but had let her believe they were a couple. He couldn’t wait to find out why Jenna hadn’t taken time to explain. Sure their relationship was complicated, but so what? Life was full of complications.
Scott sighed, recognizing that his time would be better spent trying to figure out a way of convincing Jenna he was worthy of her trust. Perhaps he was relying too heavily on the fact that she hadn’t rejected his hugs or his kisses? It had been a struggle not to push for more, to give her time to adjust to having him in her life. He reaffirmed that this was about Jenna. She was what mattered. Yet he was also keenly aware that he hadn’t been invited to Thanksgiving dinner.
It was close to five in the morning by the time they dropped Leah off at her apartment. It was in a run-down area that had Jenna worrying about Leah’s safety, but Jenna wisely kept quiet about it.
She was thrilled when Leah agreed to take the next night off. Scott planned to celebrate the twins’ reunion by taking them out on the town. He also encouraged Leah to bring along her live-in boyfriend.
While their driver dealt with the traffic, Jenna covered a yawn. Despite the late hour, she couldn’t help speculating on what Scott expected once they were back in the suite.
They’d kissed several times. And Scott had been so kind to her. Perhaps too generous? Did he expect more kisses or for her to make love with him? With her head down and eyes closed, Jenna wondered if she was being naïve about all this. It looked as if she was about to find out exactly how much Scott had changed during the time they’d been apart. The possibility that she might have been wrong to trust him had her stomach tight with tension. Many things about him had changed, but she doubted his keen sexual appetite had lessened over time.
“It’s way past your bedtime, young lady,” Scott crooned close to her ear as the car slowed to a stop in front of the hotel.
“I’ll be ready to sleep the moment my head hits the pillow.” Jenna shifted to put more space between them.
“It’s been one eventful day.” His voice was low and sexy. When he got out, he held a hand out to her.
Too tired to protest, she graciously accepted his help from the car, keenly aware of his masculine charm. All too soon they were back in their suite with the door locked behind them.
Suddenly, Jenna was angry with herself for agreeing to stay. She should have said no to a suite. Now she would have to put on a brave face to get out of what might be a sticky situation.
Forcing a smile, she said, “I need to go shopping in the morning. I didn’t bring a dress for a night out on the town. So I’ll say good-night. And thank you for everything, including that wonderful meal.”
Cupping her shoulders, he looked down at her for a long moment, making her heartbeat speed up. “There is no need for thanks. Some things remain unchanged
between us. I love seeing you happy. Sleep well, sweet Jenna.” He brushed his lips against her forehead. Then he dropped his hands before moving toward his bedroom door down the short hall.
She was weak with relief when she closed her door quietly behind her. Leaning against it for support, she scolded herself for letting her fears get the best of her. She was ashamed of her wayward thoughts. Scott had never given her reason to doubt his sincerity or his self-control. He’d offered to help her find her family, and that was exactly what he had done.
How could she let her fear of falling for him all over again cause her to make such a terrible mistake? Thank goodness he didn’t know what she’d been thinking. Jenna was so upset by her lack of faith in him that she purposely left her bedroom door unlocked.
Even after hours of much-needed sleep, she felt guilty for the way she’d misjudged Scott. She suspected that her lack of faith came from a well of fear . . . fear that was generated by her increasing awareness of his masculine charm.
Awareness could lead to hunger . . . hunger to once again experience his lovemaking. Furious with herself, she punched her pillow. Just who did she think she was kidding?
She still desired Scott Hendricks. She wanted the fierce heat and sizzling sexuality that was so much a part of the strong, intense man she’d once loved with all her heart. Despite her best efforts, she could no longer avoid what was right in her face. Every time he was near, she recalled the passion they’d shared.
Although young, Scott had been a tender lover, considerate of her needs. Jenna had been a virgin when they’d first come together. Even though he’d never said so, she’d suspected that his experiences in the bedroom had also been limited. He’d been nineteen to her twenty. There had been a few awkward moments, even a bit of embarrassment, that had quickly given way to the intensity of making love. There had also been tenderness fueled by how they’d felt about each other. They’d loved so deeply that they hadn’t been able to get enough. There had been no worry about unwanted pregnancy, though. They’d used protection to safeguard themselves and their future.