Can't Get Enough of You Read online

Page 12

  “Yeah, that’s true. But when I look at you, I see a successful woman who is real, genuine, and very special. Jenna, when you love, you give it your all. I miss that . . . I miss you.” He leaned forward before he asked, “I know I promised not to push, but have you thought about us?”

  She shook her head. “I’ve tried my best not to think about the two of us and the mistakes we made. I’m not like you. I don’t want to repeat past mistakes. It hurts too much.”

  “That’s not fair. You gave us no more than, what, half of a second’s worth of thought?” he quipped.

  Just then a soft bell chimed and the pilot’s voice came over the speakers. They were approaching Las Vegas’s McCarran International Airport and would be landing soon.

  Jenna worried her bottom lip while quickly fastening her seat belt. “Now isn’t the best time to talk about this.”

  With his seat belt secure, he nodded. “You’re right. You’ve enough on your mind with seeing your twin sister again.” He reminded himself to slow it down . . . to just relax and simply enjoy being with her. This trip was not about him or his needs. This was for Jenna and getting her family back. He wanted it for her. She deserved that and so much more.

  Yet her closeness challenged his resolve. Scott was no saint. He couldn’t stop himself from wanting her. He’d limited himself to occasional touches and kisses. More than that was up to her. Aware of her vulnerability, he had to be careful not to take advantage of her. Jenna’s happiness mattered to him above all.

  Jenna stared out the window, studying the landscape below, then she met his gaze. “Scott, I wasn’t being flippant or callous, but I know . . .” She stopped abruptly when he brushed his lips over hers.

  “Let’s agree to leave it for now without any qualifiers.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t think you know how you really feel about me. You’ve been too busy avoiding the subject.”

  When she would have voiced her objections, he kissed her again. This time it was a deep, hungry kiss. The slow flick of his tongue was a tantalizing reminder of what they’d once enjoyed. They were both breathing hard by the time the jolt of the jet’s wheels touching down separated them.

  Alarmed by the potency of that sizzling-hot kiss, Jenna didn’t dare look at him. She returned her gaze to the sparkling lights rushing past. When the plane finally rolled to a stop beside an empty hangar, a limousine stood waiting nearby.

  “You arranged for a car to take us to the hotel?”

  “Mmm. Ready?” He released his seat belt.

  “Yes.” Suddenly she began wondering about their hotel arrangements.

  “How are you holding up?”

  The question immediately reminded her why they were together. She didn’t bother to object when Scott helped her with her jacket.

  After thanking and saying good-bye to their flight crew, Jenna was rushed along to their limousine.

  “Nervous?” The inquiry broke the silence as the car was soon caught up in the evening traffic.

  “I can’t say that I’m nervous like I was when I met my brother, but I’m excited. I can’t help wondering how she’ll react when she sees me. It’s been a long time coming, and I feel as if a part of me has been missing . . . an essential part that no one else knows is gone. Does that sound crazy?”

  “Makes sense to me. Have you ever been to Las Vegas before?”

  “No, this is my first time. How about you?”

  “Many times.”

  When he smiled but didn’t elaborate, Jenna almost questioned him, but she caught herself in time. What he’d done in Las Vegas or anywhere else wasn’t her concern. What was she thinking? They’d lived separate lives. The fact that she was even curious was downright annoying. She’d shown too much interest in his love life. So what if he’d traveled the world with beautiful, glamorous women? She might not like hearing about his involvements. Besides, it had nothing to do with her.

  Their sole reason for being together was to find her sister. As long as she kept that thought in mind and didn’t let him back into her life in any meaningful way, she would be fine. She must remember that this trip wasn’t about the two of them.

  “You’re awfully quiet,” Scott mused as the limousine eased to a stop in the luxury hotel’s impressive curved drive.

  “I’m fine,” Jenna said, a bit too quickly. “I hope it doesn’t take too long to check into our rooms. I’m anxious to see Lenna.”

  “All the doubts behind you?” he asked as he got out of the car.

  “Pretty much,” she replied absently, taking his hand to let him help her out. Once their luggage had been handed to the hotel’s bellman, Scott casually tipped the limousine driver before he urged her into the well-lit lobby of the impressive hotel.

  Her first thought was that she couldn’t afford to stay here. Perhaps she should have discussed her budget with Scott? Fortunately for him, he no longer had to be concerned about money. No, she suddenly decided that she wasn’t going to worry about anything either. She was here in Las Vegas to locate her sister. So what if she had to exceed her budget along the way? It didn’t matter, because her goal was to locate Lenna. She’d have to make arrangements to pay him back later.

  Jenna noted that Scott was greeted by name. There was no delay at the check-in desk. They were escorted through the elaborately decorated lobby to a bank of glass elevators, where they were whisked up to one of the top floor’s penthouse suites.

  As Jenna stood in the center of the luxuriously furnished living room of a two-bedroom suite, she muttered to herself, “Go with the flow.” She looked around in utter disbelief. She’d planned to pay him for the traveling expenses. How? She’d have to cash in her 401(k) to cover the cost of this trip. This was no two-hundred-a-night hotel room! It was more like ten thousand a night, and that didn’t include the private jet or the limousine service.

  “What? Not going to check out your bedroom? Make sure it’s okay?” Scott stood near the floor-to-ceiling window that overlooked twinkling lights and lush hotel grounds.

  She confessed, “I didn’t expect anything this lavish.”

  “It’s only for the weekend. Think of it as a mini-vacation.” He waited, as if expecting more protests.

  She forced a smile. “Excuse me while I get freshened up. I’ll only be a few minutes.” Carrying her jacket and purse, she headed to the open bedroom where her luggage had been placed.

  “Take your time. According to Mr. Collagen’s report, Lenna or Leah Bennett should be working at the Starlight Lounge tonight. Are you hungry? Would you like me to order something to eat?”

  “You go ahead. I’m too nervous to eat.”

  “Sweet love, you didn’t eat anything on the plane. How about a grilled turkey and cheese sandwich? Is it still your favorite?”

  She stopped so suddenly that she nearly tripped on the lush carpet. The tender endearment caused her breath to catch in her throat. It brought back memories . . . detailed, intimate moments of a time best forgotten. Alarmed by her emotional reaction, she had to struggle to maintain her composure.

  “That will be fine. Thanks,” she said shakily.

  She couldn’t breathe easily until the bedroom door was closed behind her. On trembling legs, she sank onto the end of the queen-size bed, grateful for the support. It was too much, all of it: the opulence of the trip, the prospect of seeing her twin, and now the bittersweet memories of when they were lovers came rushing back. Shakened, Jenna simply sat watching the desert sun set in the distance.

  “I don’t want to go back,” she whispered.

  It would have been easier to cope if the memories had all been bad. Unfortunately, some were so sweet and achingly tender that they brought back a wealth of emotions. Emotions she preferred to remain locked away forever. It hurt recalling the good times. She didn’t w
ant to remember the sweet magic of being in Scott’s arms . . . being on the receiving end of his hot, hungry kisses and intense lovemaking.

  “I won’t do it!” she muttered aloud, wrapping her arms protectively around herself.

  It had taken years to learn how to push away those memories. Why now? None of it mattered anymore! What she needed was a few minutes to calm down. Her focus should be on what she’d come here to do . . . find her twin sister. So what if she was caught up in Scott’s world? It wouldn’t last beyond the weekend. His life had nothing to do with hers. Their connection wouldn’t extend beyond the loose boundaries of friendship.

  With that settled, she collected her toiletries and went into the connecting bathroom. “No worries,” she repeated as she took care of the necessities. Learning the details of his life didn’t mean she was softening toward him.

  She wasn’t reckless enough to dismiss the way he’d hurt her or welcome him back for more of the same. She was no longer the naïve twenty-year-old who had fallen in love with the campus basketball player. She was a career woman who had her priorities straight and clear goals that couldn’t be swayed by a fancy trip into fantasy land.

  Jenna had thought she was prepared for the loud music blaring from the sound system, the dim lights, the overdone glitz of the club’s interior—which leaned more toward sleaze than glamour in her estimation—but she’d been wrong.

  Even though she wasn’t the only woman seated at the small tables, she was extremely uncomfortable. The room wasn’t packed, but there was a sizeable number of men surrounding the well-lit stage. All eyes were on the nearly nude woman gyrating around in a pair of glittery panties and stilettos.

  She reminded herself that she wasn’t there to judge. Yet she couldn’t help feeling relieved that it wasn’t her twin up there topless. Bored by the dancing, she looked around, noting that there weren’t any clocks mounted on the walls, not even near the bar. Thankful that she wasn’t on her own, she wondered what Scott was thinking. He looked as bored as she was. To his credit, he’d suggested she might be more comfortable waiting in the limousine or the lobby, but she’d refused, insisting that if Lenna could put up with it, so could she.

  After searching the room yet again, she let out a disappointed sigh before she said in Scott’s ear, “I don’t see her.”

  “Don’t worry. If she’s here, we will find her.” He signaled to one of the barmaids dressed in bright blue hot pants and bra.

  “What can I get you, gorgeous?” The barmaid leaned in close to Scott, all smiles as she looked him over appreciatively.

  He had to speak into her ear to be heard over the music. Jenna anxiously looked around once again while he ordered their drinks. Scott pulled out a fifty-dollar bill when he asked about Leah Bennett. Although Jenna could not hear his exact words, she watched the barmaid nod, pocket the money, then stop at the bar to place their orders before she went through a rear door, labeled Private.

  Scott reached over to gently squeeze Jenna’s hand. He said into her ear, “She’s here tonight. Evidently, she just finished dancing. Hopefully, it won’t be much longer.”

  “Good.” Jenna forced a smile, unaware of the way she clung to his hand. She found the whole situation disconcerting. She wasn’t a prude, yet she would have wished for so much more for her twin. If this was indeed her sister, Jenna wanted to understand why she’d decided to strip for a living. She had so many questions, but for now she had to cope with the endless wait.

  Even though Mr. Collagen’s report had detailed what Lenna did and where she worked, it hadn’t stopped Jenna from wanting to see her sister again. Nor had it prevented Jenna from wanting Lenna in her life. The job didn’t define her twin. Losing their parents had been devastating for all three Gaines siblings.

  Ignoring the drink in front of her, she continued to anxiously scan the room. She gasped the instant she spotted Leah Bennett. The barmaid who’d waited on them pointed in their direction. Jenna didn’t recall moving, but suddenly she was on her feet and hurrying to the woman who was without doubt her twin.

  “Lenna!” Jenna whispered the name, then grabbed her sister and held on to her. Tears of triumph and sheer joy spilled down her cheeks. “I can’t believe it’s you!”

  Her twin pulled back far enough so she could study her in disbelief. “Jenna? Is it really you!”

  “Yes!” Jenna was barely able to contain her excitement as she clung to her little sister. It wasn’t a dream. Her twin sister, Lenna, was real and right there!

  “Come on, ladies,” Scott said. “Let’s go out into the lobby, where we can hear each other without shouting.” He ushered them out, away from the blaring music and noise of the dark club.

  “Who’s this?”

  “Scott Hendricks.” He introduced himself as he stared down at Jenna’s twin. “You’re the mirror images of each other!” He laughed, looking from one to the other.

  And they were incredibly alike, even after living apart for twenty-five years. They were the same height and nearly the same weight; even their long, dark-brown hair was parted in the center. The obvious difference was in their makeup and the way they dressed. Lenna had on tight black leggings and a low-cut blue blouse. Her naturally wavy hair had been straightened and flowed down to her shoulder blades. She also wore considerably more makeup and chunky jewelry than Jenna did.

  Cradling her twin’s face, Jenna said, “Oh, Lenna Marie. You’re beautiful. You look so much like Mama.”

  “I’m Leah now. I can’t believe it’s really you, Jenna Marie. What are you doing here? How did you find me? How did you even know where to look?”

  Thrilled, Jenna laughed happily. “Believe me, it wasn’t easy. I tried on my own to find you for years, then I finally broke down and hired a private detective to do it for me. It’s been too long coming, little sis.”

  Scott interjected, “What time do you get off work, Leah? Can we take you somewhere so the two of you can talk? Perhaps go out and get some dinner? Jenna has been so excited, she’s barely eaten the entire trip.”

  “I can’t leave until two. But I’d love to go out to eat,” Leah beamed.

  “Wonderful!” Jenna said eagerly. “We’ll meet back here at two.”

  The twins exchanged another hug, then Leah pulled free. “I’ve got to get ready for my next set.” She hurried away, past the bouncer guarding the door that evidently led to the rear dressing rooms.

  “Ready to go? Get some fresh air?” Scott carried Jenna’s things, forgotten in the excitement.

  “I can’t believe it!” Jenna exclaimed, taking time to slip into her jacket and tuck her satchel purse over her arm before going out into the crisp night air. She linked her arm through his. “Pinch me! Tell me I’m not dreaming.” Her eyes were glistening from tears as she looked up at him.

  “I can do better than that,” he said huskily, pulling her into his arms. His kiss was tender, brimming with emotion. “It’s real. You did it! You have your family back. Congratulations, babe.”

  Jenna clung to him, knees shaking. “If this isn’t real, don’t wake me. I don’t want it to ever stop.”

  Scott chuckled. “Come on. Let’s get inside the car before you collapse.”

  “Good idea,” she laughed.

  Their driver spotted them and instantly had the passenger door open and waiting for them. Once they were inside, they both laughed like two happy children.

  When the driver started the engine, Jenna panicked. “Scott, we can’t leave. We have to wait for Lenna.”

  “Calm down. We aren’t going far, just killing time until she’s ready to leave for the night.”

  Jenna sighed, realizing she’d overreacted. “I’m a mess. For a moment there, I was scared of losing my sister after finally finding her.” She shuddered at the thought.

  “Will you stop worrying? Nothing bad is going to hap
pen.” Scott placed a kiss in the center of her right hand.

  “My emotions are in an uproar. I’m not sure I know what I’m feeling.”

  “Sit back. Try to relax and enjoy this special time.”

  “You’re right.” She leaned her head back against the soft leather cushions while gazing out the window, not really seeing anything. Lost in thought, she absently moved a caressing thumb over the back of one of his large hands.

  It was true. She was overcome with feelings, so many that she couldn’t begin to sort them out. Along with the pure joy, she was thrown by the deep sense of gratitude she felt that Scott had shared it with her. Bombarded by emotions, Jenna knew she had no choice but to deal with those feelings.

  She’d fought against being vulnerable to him and lost. Being near him had caused her awareness to grow, not lessen. She should be savoring the sweetness of her reunion with her twin, not wondering how she was going to protect herself from Scott. Her foster sisters had warned her, but she hadn’t listened. Now that he had come right out and said he wanted her back, it was up to her to decide what to do.

  She should have asked Sherri Ann and Laura to accompany her on these trips. But no, she’d allowed Scott to tag along with her. In the midst of finding her family, she’d realized she’d wanted him with her. What she hadn’t done was look too closely at the reason behind that decision.

  Lost in thought, Jenna jumped at the caress of his lean finger down the side of her cheek. Instantly her eyes locked with his and her heart began to race. She was immediately caught in the warmth and tenderness of his dark, intense eyes. And she couldn’t look away.

  He flashed a wide, quick smile, pointing out the tinted windows. They were back at the club. “See, I told you there was nothing to worry about.”

  Jenna turned to see her twin walking out the door. Before she could voice her relief, Scott had gotten out and was escorting Lenna—no, Leah—to the limousine.

  “Wow, I have to hand it to you, big sis. You folks know how to travel in style,” Leah crooned.

  Jenna laughed, too happy to bother with an explanation. Clasping her twin’s hand, she asked, “Did you have any problems getting away?”