Can't Get Enough of You Read online

Page 11

  Suddenly, Jenna recalled her foster sisters’ claim that she wasn’t sexually attracted to Jackson. Unfortunately that had never been the case when it had come to Scott Hendricks. From day one, she’d been aware of his intense masculinity. She’d spent years trying to forget what it had been like to be in Scott’s arms. Even though he’d only been nineteen when they’d fallen in love, he’d been an unselfish lover. He’d put her needs ahead of his own pleasure. Nor could she forget that he’d been her first love.

  Scott was frowning when he said, “I’ve been in the chemistry lab all day. Stopping to check in on you, Jenna, doesn’t inconvenience me.” With that said, he went on to ask, “How are things going with you? Any news from Collagen?”

  Jenna flashed him a quick smile. “Yes, I got the call right before class.” Then she rushed on to say, “The woman he thinks might be Lenna has been working in Las Vegas for the past six months. Before that she lived in L.A. trying to break into acting. Besides the fact that she looks a lot like me, she’s originally from Michigan.” Squeezing his hand, Jenna said, “Isn’t that good news?”

  “I sure hope so. How soon will you know?”

  “Mr. Collagen’s e-mailing photos of her with background information. I’m so excited! I can’t wait to get home and study them and read about her. It could be my twin.”

  “Why wait? I have my laptop with me. Let’s check it out.”

  They reached her car. While she slid into the driver’s seat, he took the passenger seat and turned on his laptop. Balancing the machine on the console between their seats, Jenna keyed in her e-mail information. When she opened the attachment with the photos, both Scott and Jenna gasped. The likeness was startling.

  Jenna’s eyes quickly filled with tears as she struggled to accept the truth. Swiping at the tears, she whispered, “That has to be my twin sister!”

  “Wow! It’s incredible. How can that not be your twin? She looks exactly like you, babe.” He cupped her chin, then brushed his mouth over hers. “Congratulations.”

  “It’s too soon to celebrate.” Jenna quickly read the e-mail. “It says that her name is Leah Bennett. She was adopted by Keith and Angela Bennett. She grew up in Grand Rapids, Michigan. No wonder I couldn’t locate her on the Internet. I was looking for Lenna Marie Gaines.”

  “When are we leaving? I’m assuming you don’t want to drive all the way to Vegas?”

  Her hazel eyes went wide for a moment as she considered her response. “Friday after classes. Do you think we’ll have a problem getting a flight out with so little notice?”

  “Leave the arrangements to me. With any luck we should meet Leah on Friday night. Saturday morning at the very latest. I’ll call with the details.” After snapping his briefcase closed, Scott cradled her chin in his wide palm. “You’ve waited a long time for this moment, babe. It’s almost over.” He placed a hard kiss on her lips, and with a tender flick of his tongue, he tasted her before he released her. “Lock up,” he cautioned. After a wave, he was gone.

  Unaware of the way she ran her tongue over her tingling lips, Jenna just sat. Still reeling from the impact of his kiss, along with the recent discovery, it was several moments before she realized she was just sitting there staring at nothing. After locking the doors, she clicked her seat belt into place. Yet she waited, making no effort to start the car.

  “What just happened?” she whispered aloud.

  Scott Hendricks was what happened. One touch of his tongue had sent her senses soaring toward the heavens and had her body sizzling from the sudden heat of desire and longing for the unforgettable feel of his tongue on other parts of her body.

  It wasn’t until she was nearly home that she realized that she had not only accepted his offer to go with her to Las Vegas but had also agreed to let him handle the arrangements. There was no doubt that Scott was back in her life. That didn’t mean she should let her defenses lag or allow him free rein of her life. Had she done that? Surely not! Perhaps in her excitement at finding her twin she’d simply failed to reinforce her limits? A congratulatory kiss was one thing, but tongue action was taking it too far. No more!

  Jenna had just turned out her beside lamp when the telephone rang. “Hello?”

  “Can you be ready to leave Friday afternoon, around four?” His rich baritone voice had her heart racing.

  “Of course, I’m not going to let anything get in my way.”

  “Shall I pick you up at your office or at home?”

  “At home.”

  He chuckled. “Rather not be seen leaving campus with an overnight case and me?”

  She giggled. “Let’s just say I’m not looking for trouble. The less said about my personal life the better. Besides, everyone knows who you are, Mr. NBA.”

  “There was a time when you didn’t mind being seen with me, young lady.”

  She quickly clarified, “I don’t have a problem being seen with you. Nonetheless, it would be nice not to have everyone on campus in my business. I’m working toward tenure, not to end up in the tabloids as your new lady. You’re news, Hendricks.”

  “At one time, yeah, but not anymore. I’m simply a college student, trying to get his degree in the next year or so. See you on Friday, Jenna.”

  “See you,” she said softly as she put down the telephone. She worried her bottom lip, wondering if she was wrong for not mentioning the kiss. There hadn’t been a bit of sexuality in the conversation. No reason to bring it up. Maybe she was overreacting.

  It wasn’t until she was snuggled against her pillows that she noticed she’d forgotten to ask for details about their flight. Well, she’d have to make sure that she reimbursed him on Friday. This trip was not some romantic getaway.

  She giggled, imagining his face when she handed him a check for both their tickets.

  “Friday.” Lenna was in for a huge surprise! Jenna hugged herself in delight. She couldn’t wait.

  Jenna’s jaw dropped when their limousine stopped beside the private jet waiting on the tarmac. She watched as steps were lowered and a smiling, uniformed flight attendant waited in the open doorway.

  “What’s going on, Scott? Tell me you didn’t hire a private plane to take us to Las Vegas. I’m supposed to pay for this trip. And this is way out of my price range.”

  She’d been proud of herself for not making a comment when he’d arrived at her place in a chauffeur-driven limousine. But now he’d gone too far.

  Scott didn’t wait for the driver to do the honors. He hopped out of the car and held a hand out to her.

  Annoyed, she tucked her handbag beneath her arm and got out without assistance. “You didn’t answer my question. How much is this trip going to cost me? Do I need to put my house on the market?”

  “Very funny, Jenna. The airplane’s not going to cost you a dime. A friend of mine, Ralph Prescott, owns a fleet of private jets. It’s a favor to me.”

  “Some favor. What do you have to do to pay him back?”

  Scott chuckled, “Nothing. Friends help each other out.”

  “And he just happened to have a jet doing nothing?”

  “Ralph’s not the issue. Come on. The driver’s waiting for us to board so he can carry on our luggage.” He placed his hand on the small of her back.

  Jenna frowned at the way she was dressed in simple black slacks and a black ruffled blouse, which she’d teamed with a collarless leather jacket, belt, and a small brimmed hat, all in yellow. Her only jewelry was a pair of large, gold hoop earrings. Nothing fancy—a work outfit. But deep down, she knew that clothes weren’t the real issue. The culprit was being with Scott and having the vast difference in their lifestyles thrown in her face.


  “What?” she asked as she mounted the stairs to the beautifully appointed jet, done in rich bronze tones with lush cream leather armchairs and a gleaming ga

  The pretty flight attendant greeted them by name.

  Forcing a smile, Jenna nodded politely.

  “What is wrong? Why are you letting this bother you? You’ll be seeing your sister in a few hours. That’s all you should be concerned about,” Scott said close to her ear.

  Jenna silently sank into one of the plush armchairs and watched as Scott took the seat beside her. A desk had been built into one corner, and a flat-screen television was mounted on the wall. It looked like a tastefully decorated study, with its plush leather armchairs and marble-topped tables. Glancing around, she couldn’t help wondering if the rear door led into a private bedroom and bath. Naturally, she’d heard of such opulence; she just hadn’t experienced it.

  Clasping shaking hands in her lap, she decided he was right. She had no reason to be upset. Scott’s jet-setting lifestyle had nothing to do with her. He’d lived beyond her reach for a long time. Having it blatantly pointed out shouldn’t hurt. So why was she smarting?

  Struggling to regain her equilibrium, Jenna admitted it really didn’t matter that they were taking a private jet to Las Vegas. Scott was right. She would see her twin sister in a few short hours, and that was what was important. She needed to keep her priorities straight.

  “Welcome to Prescott Air. My name is Joan. Please let me know if you need anything before we take off. Ms. Gaines? Mr. Hendricks? Would you care for something to read?”

  Jenna was presented with an array of popular magazines. Deciding she needed a distraction, she picked out the new issue of Vogue magazine.

  Just then the pilot, Anthony Watts, came out. Scott had evidently flown with him before and quickly made the introductions. After describing the altitude at which they would be flying, the weather conditions, and the approximate time they would reach Las Vegas, Captain Watts asked if they had any questions. Then he wished them a good flight and returned to the cockpit.

  “I can’t get over all this.” Jenna’s hands fluttered restlessly.

  “Are you afraid of flying in a smaller plane?”

  Jenna lifted her shoulders helplessly. “There’s nothing small about this Learjet.”

  Soon the seat belt sign was turned on, and they were buckled in as they taxied along the runway.

  “Talk to me, Jenna.”

  “I’ve never liked flying,” she confessed. “When we were poor college students, we didn’t have many opportunities to fly.” She laughed. “You used to pick me up from my late-night class in a beat-up old car.”

  Back then they hadn’t had secrets. They’d talked about everything. They’d truly been friends as well as lovers.

  “That was a long time ago. At the time it didn’t feel like a hardship.” He chuckled. “It’s a wonder we went anywhere, considering the shape that old Camaro was in.”

  “We were young and in love. Everything was fun. But to answer your question, I’m a much better flyer now, even though I still don’t enjoy the takeoffs.” She pressed a hand to her stomach. “I’ve got butterflies.”

  Scott reached out and clasped her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “You really don’t have anything to worry about. Prescott Air has a great safety record.”

  She nodded, a bit uneasy. “I’ll take your word for that, even if I know you’re only trying to get me to relax.”

  “How am I doing?” he teased, moving his thumb over the back of her hand.

  “No complaints,” she smiled. She couldn’t help being conscious of the touch of his hand and the scent of his teakwood body. His aftershave was a heady mixture of sandalwood and a hint of vanilla along with his clean male skin.


  Once they were in the air and the plane had leveled off, the flight attendant unsnapped her seat belt. She asked, “Ms. Gaines, would you care for something to drink? You have your pick of soft drinks, a selection of cocktails, wine, and champagne.”

  Jenna glanced at Scott, suddenly realizing she was still holding his hand. Quickly releasing his fingers, she said, “Yes, thank you. I’d like some iced tea, if you have it.”

  “Of course. Mr. Hendricks?”

  “Vernors, please.”

  “Coming right up,” the flight attendant said with a smile before disappearing into a small galley kitchen.

  “Champagne?” Jenna laughed. “I could get used to this. Are they going to serve us dinner, too?”

  “Whatever your heart desires.” He grinned, leaning back in his seat and crossing his long legs at the ankles.

  “I think I’ll pass on dinner. I’m too nervous to eat. I keep wondering if this Leah Bennett is really my sister. The pictures are remarkable.”

  “Try to relax. You’ll have your answer soon.”

  “That’s easier said than done. Despite my best efforts, I can’t seem to relax. Maybe I should have ordered a drink.”

  “Hoping for a bit of liquid courage?” he teased.

  “It can’t hurt.” Then she said seriously, “I won’t be able to calm down until I know one way or the other if she’s my twin.”

  He ran a gentle finger down her soft cheek. “You already know the answer, babe. How can Leah Bennett be anyone else but your sister? I’d be shocked if she wasn’t.”

  She shrugged. “I’m trying not to get my hopes up. I don’t want to be disappointed. I’ve waited so long for this.” She looked pointedly at him. “Let’s talk about something else . . . anything.”

  Just then Joan returned with their drinks. She placed them on the small polished table between their seats, then returned with a silver tray of finger sandwiches and petits fours.

  Jenna had meant it when she’d said her stomach was a bit uneasy. She shook her head. Once they were alone again, she crossed her legs and began flipping through the fashion magazine. Unable to concentrate, she watched as Scott munched on a cracker piled with cheese and cold cuts.


  “It should hold me until dinner.” After taking a sip of his drink, he said, “I wish you could relax.”

  “This is about as relaxed as I’m likely to get. You’re used to this kind of opulence.” She gestured wildly.

  “I wouldn’t say I’m used to it. If you’re asking if I’ve been on private planes before, then the answer is yes. And I’ve had my share of limousine rides, slept in costly hotels . . . that kind of thing.”

  “Does that include wild parties, drugs, and women throwing themselves at you?” she blurted out.


  He looked pointedly at her. “No, Jenna. I’ve never been into drugs or wild partying. I’m no saint. But money has nothing to do with it.”

  “Scott, I’m not stupid. How can you say having money hasn’t changed you?”

  “Expensive toys don’t make the man or woman. I’m still the same guy you met more than ten years ago on campus. I wasn’t into drugs or partying back then. Yes, I don’t have to worry about money, but I’m still Virgina and George Hendricks’s son. I want the same things out of life that I wanted back when we first fell in love.” He paused, touched by her interest, then said, “I’m flattered that you’re curious about my life over the years.”

  “You’re grinning,” she accused.

  “Yeah,” he said, rubbing his jaw.

  Jenna looked down, as if suddenly fascinated by her fingernails. “I didn’t intend to pry. Maybe I’m interested because your life has been very different from mine. While I was poor and studying, you were living in the lap of luxury.”

  “Not that different. I suppose I did my share of clubbing when I first was drafted. I enjoyed being able to afford nice things, cars, clothes, and that kind of stuff. And yes, I enjoyed the female attention fame brought me, but I’ve never taken it to heart. You see, I’ve always known it was the money and lifestyle they were attracted to, not me.”

  “What m
akes you say that?”

  “Because it’s true. The women I dated weren’t genuinely interested in getting to know me. And that was okay, because I wasn’t ready to settle down. I’ve gone out with all kinds of women, successful in their own fields . . . actresses, models, and businesswomen.” He shrugged. “I’ve always known I wasn’t the attraction.”

  He took a long swallow of his drink before he said, “Having been in a relationship that ended in disappointment, I didn’t want to go down that same road. Yet I’ve grown tired of the carefree lifestyle with an endless string of the same type of women. So I moved on to more important things.”

  “Such as . . .” she prompted.

  “Such as family. I regret not keeping my promise to get my degree. I took classes during the off-seasons but never put forth the effort needed to get the job done.” He hesitated before he said candidly, “I hit a rough patch when I first retired from the game, and I moved back to Detroit. Did some heavy drinking and scared my sister a bit before I got myself back on track.”

  “Why are you telling me all this?”

  “You know why.”

  Jenna shook her head. “I don’t.”

  He sighed and picked up another cracker piled high with cheese. He took his time eating it. Finally he swallowed, then answered, “You know. You just don’t want to talk about it.” At the continued shake of her head, he revealed, “I want you back in my life, sweet thing.”

  She surprised him when she asked, “Haven’t you forgotten something? I was the one who broke up with you. I broke your heart.” She tapped his chin with a slender finger. “So why are you smiling? It isn’t funny.”

  “I’m smiling because I can. Yes, you broke my heart, but I’m aware of the fact I also broke yours, as well as disappointed you. We were both young and did a fine job of making each other miserable. But we survived it. For that I’m glad. And we can even talk about it.”

  “It only took nearly eleven years,” she pointed out.