Can't Say No Read online

Page 8

  Brushing her tears away, Vanessa yanked the sheet off the bed and wrapped herself in it. Walking over to his dresser, she used his brush to bring order to her thick curls. Taking a deep breath, she knocked firmly on the bathroom doors.

  There was no answer. Calling his name, she pulled them open and looked inside. The room was done in taupe granite and bronze features; a row of thick white towels were heating on the towel warmer.

  It was not the opulence of her surroundings that held her attention. Ralph stood in the center of an oversize, clear glass shower stall, water rushing from multiple showerheads.

  He was all smooth hard muscle on one powerful bare frame. His broad, rich brown back narrowed into a trim waist, and taut yet nicely rounded buttocks, with long, muscular legs, and narrow feet. His head was down, his hands braced against the wall as water cascaded over him. He must have sensed her presence, for he turned to glance over a broad shoulder.

  Vanessa could read his expression through the sheet of water. He stared at her before turning his back on her.

  Suddenly furious, Vanessa marched over, yanked opened the shower door, and stepped inside. She yelled over the sound of the spray, “What is your problem, Ralph Prescott? You are the one who invited me here. Do you want me to leave? Is that why you are treating me this way? If that’s the case, just say the word, and I’m gone!”

  Before she could say more, he yanked her inside and against him.

  Burning with need, Ralph took her sweet mouth again and again. The more he tasted her, the more he wanted. When she whimpered in protest, he softened the kiss, soothing her with gentle strokes of his tongue. How had she managed it? She was turning him inside out, crazy with desire. Once was not nearly enough. When she melted against him, he pressed kisses down her throat. He tugged the sheet tucked over her magnificent breasts until it dropped onto the marble floor. He didn’t want anything between them…nothing from preventing him from feeling every one of her voluptuous curves.

  For tonight she was his dark, chocolate beauty. He never dreamed that this shy, quiet woman was so hot or that she could make him forget everything, but her. He felt as if his head had blown off when he came inside of her. He’d never even come close to feeling that way before.

  “Vanessa…” he groaned, pressing her cushioned soft breasts into his chest. The magic between them was starting again. One minute he was furious…the next he was wild with need. How had she gotten past his anger? How had she made him forget that she’d kept her virginity a secret?

  He still couldn’t believe that he hadn’t made himself pull out…and he had tried. This untried virgin had done something no woman had ever done. Vanessa had caused him to lose control completely.

  “You feel so good.”

  “Oh Ralph.” Trembling, she wrapped her arms around him, holding on tight.

  He took another taste of her lips, then he reached for the bar of milk soap he preferred. When his hands were covered in lather, he slowly moved them over her body, from her soft throat to her sleek shoulders. Satisfied when her lids closed and she trembled with need as his soapy hands slid over sensitive breasts, Ralph paused to tug her nipples into peaks. Once they were swollen and taut with desire, he moved sudsy hands over her soft skin down to her stomach. Vanessa moaned in earnest. He was holding her up by the time his soapy fingers played first in her nest of ebony curls, then focused on caressing her ultrasensitive folds. He took his time before he found and worried her feminine core until the bud was swollen from need, and she begged him to take her.

  Ralph was so hungry to have her yet again that only a kernel of common sense kept him from taking Vanessa against the wet marble without protection. He switched off the water, then, with more haste than grace, carried her into the bedroom wrapped in a bath sheet, another fresh towel over his shoulder. After he placed her on her feet beside the bed, Ralph dried her hair.

  “Sorry, it got wet,” he said, between kisses.

  “I’m not sorry about anything.” She stared up into his eyes.

  He stared at her for a long moment before taking her kiss-swollen bottom lip into his mouth to suck. “Sweet…so sweet,” he groaned. At her responsive shiver, he deepened the kiss until they were both breathless.

  Ralph picked up a new packet from the nightstand, but before he could do more than open it, Vanessa took it from him.

  Her beautiful dark eyes pleaded with him when she asked, “Please let me.”

  He didn’t even consider objecting, when there was nothing he wanted more than to have her softness on him. He nearly lost it when she gently caressed him from the thick base of his shaft to the sensitive crown.

  Suppressing a moan, he released a pent-up breath when she finished unrolling the condom down his hard length. He relaxed, showing her how he like being stroked.

  “Thank you.” He kissed the side of her neck, then slowly unwrapped her towel as if she were a gift especially meant for him. She was glorious, and he told her so.

  He kissed her again and again, caressing and squeezed her lush hips. Quickly drying off, he stretched out on the bed. He chuckled at her look of surprise as he took her hand, urged her to sit astride him, his hands on her hips as he guided her down onto him.

  His gaze heated as he watched her eyes widen as he carefully filled her. He enjoyed the way her eyes softened and her breath quickened even more as she moaned her pleasure.

  “You are open and wet for me. Can you feel how much I want you, Vanessa?”

  She nodded, as if speech was beyond her at that moment. He studied the way her lids closed, her beautiful eyes hidden as he lifted her. She sank onto his throbbing shaft, but this time she slowly took all of him. He growled his pleasure from deep in his throat.

  “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now,” she confessed.

  “Just relax and enjoy,” he whispered back as he wrapped her in his arms until her sweet breasts pressed against his chest. He waited, giving her time to adjust. He indulged himself, kissing her again and again. Once she seemed comfortable, he guided her hips, whispering. “You’re in control. Move as slow or fast as you want, beautiful.”

  Vanessa’s eyes searched his as she carefully moved along his pulsating length. He closed his eyes and groaned huskily at her tight, wet heat. It took all his control to wait until she was ready. The wait was sweet agony. He growled his pleasure.

  “Good, Vanessa?”

  She nodded as she began to quicken their pace. Judging by her facial expression and the way her inner muscles tightened around him, he suspected she was close to completion. He reached between their bodies and caressed her slippery feminine pearl. Her entire body stiffened as she shuddered in his arms. Her strong release triggered his own and he climaxed mere seconds after she did.

  Exhausted, he held her close as their breathing returned to normal. Their bodies were still joined as he kissed her hungrily, not wanting to let her go. She’d done it again, given indescribable pleasure. Everything about her pleased him. His body began to harden, again.

  “Didn’t you…” she questioned.

  He chuckled, saying huskily, “If you are asking if I came, the answer is yes.” He rubbed her soft cheek with his. “What can I say?” he asked, moving a caressing hand down her back. “I can’t get enough of you. Relax, I’m not going to take you again. I don’t want you sore.” Easing out of her, he rested on his back. He was tempted to leave the light on, so he could look at her, but it was late, and they were both tired. After turning off the lamp, he held her close, relishing her soft curves.

  He whispered in her ear, “You okay?”

  Vanessa nodded. “It has been a long day. I wonder where Devin is taking Brynne.”

  “Private island near Hawaii.”

  “Sounds wonderful. I’m surprised he kept quiet.”

  He yawned. “Sorry.”

  “Tired?” she asked, moving a hand over his chest.

  “Mmm.” He sighed deeply. “We should talk.”

  “About what?”r />
  “I need to understand why now and why you chose me. But it will keep until morning.” He brushed his lips against her temple while moving his palm soothingly up and down her arm. Her skin was so soft all over.

  Smiling, he closed heavy lids.

  Vanessa lay on her side, her head on Ralph’s chest, her fingers spread low on his concave abdomen. Judging by his deep breathing, he was asleep.

  Carefully, she slid her leg from beneath his. He stirred, his brow creased in a frown, and he tightened his arm around her waist.

  “Come back here,” he grumbled in a deep, gravelly voice.

  “I’m going to the bathroom.”

  “Mmm,” he mumbled, never opening his eyes, but dropping his arm to his side.

  Quietly picking up her things, Vanessa hurried into the bath. After using the facilities, she took a quick shower. As she stared at herself in the mirror, she realized how tired she felt and that she looked a mess. Last thing she wanted was to talk about what happened.

  How could she make him understand why when she couldn’t sort it out herself? He made her feel things she didn’t want to feel. How could she admit she had a schoolgirl crush on him? Or that he filled not only her dreams, but her daydreams?

  She re-dressed in panties and hose and tiptoed out of the bedroom. Finding the rest of her clothes in the den, she finished getting dressed and let herself out.

  She had originally planned to stay the entire night and part of the following day. But that had all changed the instant he decided they needed to talk. Her car was parked in the spacious circular drive. She didn’t congratulate herself until she was out of his subdivision and on Twelve Mile Road. It didn’t matter if it was close to three o’clock in the morning. She could sleep as late as she liked.


  Ralph was livid! He couldn’t remember ever being so upset. Naturally he’d been disappointed when he awoke and found Vanessa’s clothes gone. He assumed she was downstairs, perhaps preparing his breakfast. He’d showered quickly, not bothering to pull on more than a well-worn pair of jeans. When all the downstairs rooms had been searched, including the kitchen, his disappointment ballooned into a full dose of anger.

  First she led him to believe she had some experience with men. Then she had gone on to break her promise to spend the entire night and part of the next day with him. Not one to openly display his feelings, he was shocked at his inability to put his hurt aside and move on.

  Rather than join his folks at the ten-forty-five church service, Ralph had subjected his body to a punishing workout, ending with laps in the pool.

  Fortunately, his temper cooled enough for him to at least act civil, so he’d gone over to have Sunday dinner with his family. It was a Prescott ritual that they honored; regardless of how busy everyone was during the week, they came together on Sunday. He rarely missed Sunday dinner, mainly because he hated to disappoint his aunt.

  Only this week he had planned to spend the day in bed with Vanessa. As he drove over, he wondered if he’d run into her. It was possible, as her little brother and sister were spending the weekend with his folks. He recalled his aunt’s mentioning that the twins were going to help entertain Shanna while her parents were on their honeymoon.

  Yeah, it would be interesting to run into her. He had a few choice words to say. If nothing else, he would demand an explanation. He deserved that much! It would help if he had an idea why she’d run. Sure he had been upset when he discovered she was a virgin. Any man would be. But they had made up, or so he thought, until he woke up alone.

  He swore when he pulled into the drive and didn’t see her van. Anna and Gavin’s Navigator, as well as Kelli and Wesley’s Cadillac, was parked in the drive.

  “This has never happened to me,” he muttered aloud. If anyone was sneaking out, it was generally he. He didn’t like waking up in an unfamiliar bedroom. He’d had enough of that when he was in the pros, traveling with the Lakers for so many years. When he retired from the game, he promised himself the days of not knowing where he was were over.

  A few of his lady friends had not been pleased when he didn’t stay. But that didn’t stop him from leaving when the lovemaking was over. Expensive gifts or flowers always soothed those ruffled feathers and eased his way back, if he chose. Until last night, he hadn’t dealt with a woman who didn’t know the rules.

  He wasn’t interested in a long-term relationship. He didn’t want any form of a relationship. He was no fool. Relationships were how his cousins ended up married.

  The man-woman thing was nothing but a game. And he was a master player. Everything had been fine until last night.

  What was she up to? Despite the trick she had played on him, he seriously doubted she knew what she was doing. It was not a game to her. He’d bet his last dollar that she wasn’t playing at anything.

  His first mistake had been not following his gut instinct. When she propositioned him, he had been wrong to agree…his answer should have been a flat-out no.

  It wasn’t as if he hadn’t been approached before by attractive women. They were generally after money, or out to trap him in any way they could…mainly marriage. It had been going on since he turned pro. Thanks to his uncle, he and his cousins had never had trouble recognizing their ulterior motives. What was different this time was Vanessa. Her interest in him had come as a shock, especially since he’d always considered her to be a good girl. Now he was forced to deal with the fallout from a guilty conscience.

  Because Wayne and Kyle, Gavin’s younger brother, spotted him and called his name, there was no turning back. The men were outside manning the barbecue grill, while the ladies were inside, Ralph had no choice but to stick it out. Before he reached the lawn, Shanna came running to him with her little arms out wide. She was followed by the Grant twins.

  Ralph grinned as he swung Shanna up for a hug and kiss on the cheek. He also scooped up Vanessa’s baby sister, Courtney, causing her to squeal with laughter. With the girls back on their feet, he bent down to tickle Vanessa’s baby brother, Curtis, on his tummy, sending him into giggles. When Vanessa came to pick up the twins, he intended to be there. If she couldn’t make the trip, he planned to volunteer to drop them off. Vanessa wasn’t going to be able to hide from him. Just imagining her surprise widened his smile.

  After dinner, Ralph was the one forced to conceal his disappointment when he learned from his aunt that the twins were staying another night. Donna would be dropping the twins at kindergarten in the morning since the public schools’ summer vacation didn’t start until the following Thursday.

  Ralph wanted to howl his frustration. He’d given his word that he would not seek her out afterwards. His word was not something he gave lightly. But they needed to talk. He needed to understand why.

  Lana knocked on the open bedroom door before she walked across a hardwood floor to the queen-size bed. “Nessa? Are you sick?” she asked as she sat down beside her sleeping sister.

  Vanessa mumbled into the pillow. “What time is it? And how did you get home so early?”

  “Early? It’s after three. Marisa’s mom dropped me off. Why are you in bed in the middle of the afternoon?”

  Vanessa rolled on to her back and covered a yawn. “Just catching up on some sleep.”

  “The twins aren’t home yet.” Lana curled up at the end of the bed, resting her back against the footboard.

  “Mrs. Prescott asked if they could stay another night.” Vanessa propped herself up against the pillows. The beautifully carved mahogany bedroom set with a large sleigh bed, along with matching armoire and dressing table had originally belonged to their grandparents, and had been lovingly created by her grandfather. It had been passed down from her mother to her. It gave the room an old-fashioned charm.

  The heavy desk near the window was often used to hold Vanessa’s aged Singer sewing machine or the embroidery machine. The embroidery machine was the last gift her mother, Leah, had given her for Christmas. A large corkboard on the wall above the desk was co
vered with drawings of her most recent designs.

  “Sis, look at your hair. It looks like you had a good time last night,” Lana teased.

  Vanessa covered her face, laughing. “Forget my hair. Tell me about you. Did you and Marisa have fun?”

  Lana grinned, kicking her shoes off so she could tuck her legs beneath her. “We always have so much fun. We stayed up most of the night talking.” Her beautiful brown face was relaxed and carefree.

  Pleased, Vanessa vowed to do as much as she could to ensure it stayed that way. Lana took life much too seriously. She’d been so young when forced to deal with the loss, first of their father, and then their mother. Vanessa did her best for all her siblings. Unfortunately, during the summer months, Vanessa would have to rely on the seventeen-year-old to watch the twins while she was at work. Even though, she paid Lana, Vanessa wished things were different. She wanted her sister not to be so serious all the time, to spend time with her friends and just concentrate on enjoying herself, before she had to settle down for her last year in high school.

  “So what about you? Did you stay and dance the night away?” Lana asked eagerly.

  Vanessa dropped her lids. She didn’t enjoy lying, especially to her sister, but she couldn’t exactly reveal the truth either. She hedged. “I had a great time at the reception. Wasn’t the wedding fabulous! The dresses came out better than I imagined, and Brynne was so beautiful.”

  “Absolutely! I was so proud of you, getting all those bridesmaids’ dresses designed and embroidered, not only on time but beautifully. You did a great job on Brynne’s dress!” Lana enthused. “How did you feel when you saw how good they looked…all together?”

  “Overwhelmed.” Vanessa laughed, getting up to hug her sister. Over dinner and during the evening, the sisters discussed the wedding in detail. Vanessa revealed that she’d been approached about designing a one-of-a-kind evening gown for one of the Metro area’s wealthy ladies, Judge Quinn Montgomery’s wife, Heather. Brynne had told everyone, who bothered to listen that Vanessa had designed her bridal gown.