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Can't Say No Page 7

  “I don’t.” Although curious, she was too embarrassed to look down.

  “Then why are you hugging one end of the sofa rather than being in my lap?”

  “I doubt your lap could hold me.” She giggled, trying to joke at her own expense.

  Ralph grinned. “You have nothing to worry about. I can’t wait to fill my arms and hands with your sexy curves. So-o-o, explain to me again why you’re so far away when I want you here.” He patted his muscled thighs.

  I can do this, she repeated to herself as she scooted over to his side.


  “It will do.” He placed kisses across her throat, then tongued the hollow at the base of her throat. “You like?” he whispered.

  “Mmm,” she moaned.

  He moved his hand to her waist. “Or do you like this better?” he asked before pressing his mouth to hers. One kiss moved into another, and yet another. He squeezed her waist before moving his hand to her breast.

  “You’re so soft, Vanessa. So much woman,” he whispered as he kissed her again, stroking her tongue with his while worrying the hard crest of her breast. “Mmm,” he sighed, as she moaned. He continued to squeeze her nipple until it pebbled even harder.

  Vanessa trembled in his arms.

  “You’re so beautiful…let me touch you, baby. Let me see you and taste you.”

  She nodded, her eyes closed, her breath rapid. He needed no further encouragement. He unzipped her dress, pulling the straps down, easing the clingy fabric from her arms and down past her waist.

  Vanessa, caught up in the seductive magic of his hot, hungry kisses, didn’t consider protesting as he unhooked the front clasp of her strapless bra and peeled the cups away from her full breasts. She whimpered in protest when his mouth left hers, then gasped aloud as he tongued the erect dark brown nipple into aching need.

  “Sweet,” he whispered as he played with the other nipple. He took her peak into his mouth, then began to suck hard, causing Vanessa to call out his name, moaning aloud as hot sparks of desire shot through her system. She unwittingly crossed her legs, pressing her thighs tightly together.

  “Good?” Ralph lifted his head to gaze hungrily into her velvet-dark eyes.

  She caressed his face, unwittingly urging him back down to her arching breasts. Ralph seemed to understand what she needed; he moved to the other globe and treated it to the same sizzling-hot attention.

  She was whimpering so by the time he lifted his head that he studied her face, before he asked “Do you want me as much as I want you, beautiful?” Ralph licked her plump bottom lip.

  Vanessa nodded, unable to find the words to express her needs.

  “Then show me.” Ralph paused, his mouth close to hers but not close enough.

  “How?” she murmured, mesmerized by the sight of his firm lips, longing to lick his lips as he’d licked hers.

  As his hot eyes moved down her throat over her ripe breasts and back to her lips, he couldn’t fail to see her blush.

  “I want you on my lap, beautiful.”

  “I’m Vanessa,” she said hotly.

  “Oh, I know who you are. Tonight, you are my Vanessa…mine. And I think you’re beautiful. Come on, stand up and take that dress off.” He patted his thighs. “I want you here.”

  Flustered, and unsure of herself, nonetheless she was where she wanted to be…with him. She stood on unsteady legs and pulled her dress down her shapely hips, past her thighs, to the floor.

  “Vanessa,” Ralph crooned, as she stood in front of his spread thighs in nothing more than black bikini panties and thigh-high black hose.

  “You are so incredibly beautiful and sexy,” he murmured throatily, clasping her waist as he guided her down until she sat facing him straddling his powerful thighs. When he reached for the hem of his T-shirt, she pushed his hands away and took charge.

  “Let me.” She was shaking but managed to get the shirt over his head. She’d been waiting for what seemed like forever to see him, to touch him.

  He leaned back, smoothing his palms on her long legs. He caressed up her silky bare thighs.

  “See anything you want, help yourself, sugar,” he teased.

  Vanessa trembled, wanting, but afraid to caress him.

  His copper brown chest gleamed, firm with hard muscles. Both his pecs and biceps were well developed while his abdomen was trim and his stomach taut. In short, in her estimation, he was the beautiful one.

  Vanessa’s lids dropped as she felt him lift her breasts, using the heat of his tongue to lick one globe. She was sobbing by the time he had taken both nipples in turn and suckled. When he pulled back, he only went back far enough to study her face.

  He said, quietly, “You okay?”

  Caught in a frenzy of emotion, sensation, and sexual desire, Vanessa could only nod.

  He released a sigh before he kissed her, long and deep, as he wrapped his arms around her. He said into her ear, “Let me hold you.” He must have heard her murmur of agreement because he tightened his arms even more. As his hard muscle meshed with her cushiony softness, they both sighed at the pleasure.

  Vanessa had thought she knew what to expect, had thought she was prepared for this. The instant her bare flesh met his, she realized she didn’t have a clue. Never had she given so much of herself physically and received so much from another, yet she wanted so much more. She felt empty deep inside and knew that only he could give the fulfillment she craved.

  Even now he was holding her as if she were delicate, made of spun glass. And she hated it. She wanted it to stop, but she didn’t know how…didn’t know how to tell him what she needed.

  Giving in to her need, she began to slowly move her hands over his wide shoulders and down his back from nape to spine while kissing the side of his throat. His husky groan made her smile her satisfaction and unwittingly rub her aching nipples against him.

  Ralph eased back, putting space between them. Her closed eyes fluttered opened, a question in their brown depths.

  She gasped as she felt him cup and squeeze her sex. “What are you doing?”

  “Making you hot for me.” He lowered his head again to her aching nipples and took one into his mouth to suckle while he found and repeatedly worried her clitoris through her silky panties. He didn’t stop until she cried out as she reached a climax.

  Panting, Vanessa rested against Ralph, her hand over his heart as she tried to make sense of what had just happened.

  Ralph held her tight until her breathing gradually returned to normal. Then he slid her along his hard, long, muscular thighs until her moist folds moved against the length of his erection, teasing them both. They both groaned at the contact, despite annoying layers of clothing separating them.

  “How long has it been for you?” he asked, kissing the sensitive spot on her neck.

  Vanessa shivered but not from desire. “Why?” she asked, startled by his interest. He hadn’t asked before. Why was he asking now?

  “It’s not something I normally ask, but because it’s you, I want to know all your sweet secrets.”

  Vanessa lifted a brow, then attempted to tease seductively, “Judging by what I’m not wearing, I’d say you know just about all there is to know about me, sweet man.”

  Ralph laughed throatily, kissing the warm scented place where her neck and shouldered joined. “Mmm, I’d say there is one very special place I haven’t discovered.”

  Weak with relief, she stroked a hand down his chest. “Don’t let me stop you,” she whispered.

  His kiss was hard, urgent, then his lips softened, and he began to tease her mouth open. When she parted her lips, the kiss deepened as he stroked her tongue with his own. He didn’t stop until she was moaning his name. His large hands moved down the line of her smooth back to curve on her lush behind.

  “You’ve got me hot and rock hard, I can’t think straight. All I know is that I need you. I want to be inside you, my beautiful Vanessa.”

  “Yes…yes,” she practically sobbed,
her need matching his.

  He revealed huskily, “I’ve been fantasizing about having you in my arms, in my bed. This past week felt like a year.”

  She looked at him, not knowing what to think or say. Yet she was afraid to believe he was sincere. She needed no reminder that she was with Ralph Prescott, a man who had his pick of women in the “D.” For this special night she was all his…all night long.

  She let out a startled screech when he stood up, his strong arms supporting her plump bottom. She quickly wrapped her arms and legs around him.

  “Put me down before you hurt yourself.”

  “Not likely. I routinely bench-press much more than you weigh, beautiful.”

  “But where are we going?”

  “To bed.” He laughed. His long legs moved easily through the house to the staircase. Eyes closed, she held on as he mounted the stairs. He wasn’t out of breath when he reached the top landing. He turned right, moving down the carpeted hallway. He passed several closed doors on both sides of the hall. He slowed as they approached a set of double doors that was partially opened. He used a shoulder to push them wide and entered a huge bedroom. He walked between a set of sofas facing each other and flanking a stone fireplace. He moved on to an oversize bed.

  She let out a gasp when he placed her in the center of his bed. A dark red velvet comforter covered the biggest and longest bed she had ever seen. Her head rested on crisp white silk-covered pillows. A single lamp was lit on one of the nightstands. Both the carved headboard and nightstands were made of dark, rich cherrywood.

  As he reached on either side of her and eased down the comforter and top sheet, she lifted her hips.

  “Comfortable,” he teased, a hand braced on his hip.

  Vanessa merely nodded, as if she were in a daze. Ralph’s eyes never left her as he pulled off her panties and rolled her hose down her long legs.

  “Don’t move,” he whispered huskily. “Let me look at you.”

  Vanessa doubted she could move, as she struggled to accept the moment had finally arrived. She was in Ralph’s bed.

  He was the first to break the silence when he said “Do you have any idea how unbelievably sexy you are?” He didn’t wait for her response, but said, “Your skin is like dark, creamy chocolate. To think you’ve been hiding those dangerous curves beneath your clothes all this time. So beautiful. From now on, that’s what I’m going to call you…beautiful.”

  “Stop,” she begged. “You’re embarrassing me.”

  “But why?”

  In an effort to distract him, Vanessa slowly ran a hand up one long, muscular, denim-covered thigh. She stopped before she reached the prominent ridge declaring him male.

  His lids drooped, then he urged, “Please don’t stop.”

  She turned to swallow down an attack of nerves and slowly moved her fingers over the large bulge, from the thick base to the broad crest. When he released a husky moan, Vanessa jerked her hand back, afraid she had done something wrong.

  “Please…don’t stop.”

  When she hesitated, Ralph took her hand and curved her fingers over his shaft, moving it along his hard length. She stroked over him twice before he took her hand in his. At her questioning look, he unsnapped his jeans and carefully eased down the strained zipper.

  Vanessa knew she should look away but didn’t. Her natural curiosity had taken over. She wanted to see Ralph, every inch of his muscular frame, bare, for her eyes only. Her gaze never left him as he pushed the jeans down his hips and legs. She watched as he pushed down a pair of navy knit boxers, then stepped free of both.

  She knew her eyes were wide as she took in his full length. There was nothing small about him anywhere. He opened the top drawer in the nightstand and placed a box of condoms on top.

  “I didn’t forget,” he said as he sat down beside her and placed kisses down the middle of her rib cage to her stomach.

  He whispered, “Open those long, pretty legs for me, beautiful.”


  She had a single thought that consisted of a solitary word…hurry. Burning with an unrelenting hunger that only he could ease, Vanessa obeyed, and in doing so, she offered her all, without fear or hesitation. For this one magical night, he was hers alone.

  Ralph released a heavy sigh as he settled between the expanse of her long, shapely legs and eased her toward him. He caressed his way up the outside curve of both legs, then leaned forward, pressing his lips to hers before he sank back and kissed his way back up her inner thighs. At her startled gasp when he pressed a kiss against her feminine curls, Ralph hesitated. When she made no further protest, he parted her plump folds and found her slick with feminine moisture. He moaned her name as he slid a finger deep inside her sheath.

  At the sound of her whimper, he husked into her ear, “You are so incredibly tight. Relax, beautiful.” He moved until he could take her nipple into his mouth while he played in her heat, increasing the friction while pressing his palm against her exposed clitoris.

  “Oh…ah,” Vanessa cried out, turning her head from side to side as her enjoyment grew. She arched her back, losing touch with everything but how he made her feel. Added to that, the increased suction on Vanessa’s taut nipple caused her senses to go wild, sending her into yet another release.

  Before she could gather herself, Ralph’s hard body covered hers. His eyes burned hot with desire as he stared down into her velvet-dark eyes. Her hands caressed down his broad back as he pushed a firm thigh between hers, spreading her legs even more. Her eyes went wide when she felt the unmistakable pressure of his rigid sex. Using the broad crest of his thick shaft, he parted her soft folds, moving against her damp opening. Ralph’s breathing was as uneven as hers as he teased her softness, giving her time to adjust to his size.

  “Ralph…” she moaned.

  He said her name as he slowly pushed forward.

  He growled into her ear, “Relax, sweetheart. I won’t hurt you.” He kissed her.

  Vanessa tried to relax but whimpered in pain when he reached the natural barrier deep inside.

  He stopped moving. His entire body stiffening.

  As the burning eased, the pleasure returned. Vanessa moaned, needing to feel more…all of him. “Hurry,” she urged.

  He growled, “Why didn’t you tell me?” through gritted teeth.

  Even though she sensed his anger, that didn’t stop her from wanting him…now.

  Instead of answering, Vanessa arched her back, lifting her legs to encircle his waist. His response was a groan and deep shudder.

  Licking his neck, she whispered “Please…Ralph. I need you, all of you.” She was beyond pride as she pleaded with him to finish. When he didn’t move, she followed feminine instinct. She tightened her inner muscles around his hard shaft, stroking him, milking him.

  He covered her mouth in a hard, punishing kiss, then he thrust forward past the barrier until he filled her completely. Vanessa cried out at the pain. Taking a deep breath, she rested with her lips at the base of his throat. She kissed him there again and again. Growing frustrated when he remained still, she wiggled her hips beneath him.

  Ralph moaned huskily, then began to ease out slowly before plunging into her sheath, repeating the movement again and again. Each stroke was deeper, harder than the last, as he gripped her hips, showing her how to move with him. All too soon Vanessa climaxed, her entire body quivered, and he quickly followed as his large frame convulsed into an earth-shattering release.

  Ralph had used his arms to support his upper body. Then he dropped down beside her, his breath quick and uneven. He said nothing for such a long time that Vanessa began to worry. She was certain she’d pleased him. Despite her lack of experience, her instincts told her she couldn’t be wrong about that.

  Determined to push the negative thoughts away, she concentrated on that one positive…she hadn’t failed. She’d done what she set out to do…turned her fantasy into reality. Making love with him had been better than she imagined.

hy didn’t you tell me?” he said tightly.

  “You sound angry.” Suddenly uncomfortable with their nudity, she reached down and pulled the sheet up to cover them.

  Ralph turned his head toward her, a muscle jumped in his jaw as if he were grinding his teeth. “Why didn’t you tell me that you had never been with a man?”

  Nervously smoothing the sheet covering her breasts, Vanessa took a few minutes to collect her thoughts. Of all the things she imagined might happen between them, this conversation wasn’t one of them. She’d foolishly assumed he wouldn’t notice. Why was he making such an issue of it?

  “I asked why didn’t…”

  “I heard what you said. I just don’t understand why you are so angry about it. It was my decision to make, not yours.”

  “I don’t believe this!”

  He swung his feet down to the floor, his back to her. He walked through a set of double doors into what she saw was a hallway. Both sides of the hall were lined with closet doors. At the other end of the hallway was another set of doors. He disappeared inside what must be the bathroom.

  Vanessa sat up in disbelief. This was nothing like she imagined it would be afterwards. Where was the romance? He hadn’t held her close. Instead he was truly angry with her. If anyone should be angry, it should be her. Why did her lack of experience matter? Why was he letting it ruin what they had shared?

  Frowning, she dropped her hands over her face. He hadn’t taken anything that she hadn’t wanted to give. Oh, she wanted him all right. For weeks she’d been desperate to know how it would feel to have him deep inside her body. Evidently it hadn’t been as good for him as it had been for her. For her, it had been sheer magic. Why wasn’t he pleased? He’d climaxed! That had to mean something, didn’t it?

  Feeling absolutely stupid, she listened to the sound of the shower being turned on. No, no, no! It was not supposed to end this way! She sniffed unhappily. Well, sitting and crying about it wasn’t going to fix things. She had to do something, that is, unless she wanted their special night to end now, right this minute.