Can't Get Enough of You Page 6
“Glad to hear it. Let’s look for those potatoes, they sound good.”
Jenna smiled, relieved by the change of topic. “Look, Taylor has filled finger potatoes with cheese and lobster meat tonight,” she said as she headed for the stack of plates and silverware. She wasn’t hungry, but she planned to fill her plate—anything to avoid answering any more questions about her long-dead relationship with Scott.
As the evening progressed, Jenna was able to relax enough to enjoy herself. Jackson had many of the qualities she was looking for in a man. Besides being single, above average in height, and well educated, he was quite funny, quickly putting others at ease. He also seemed genuinely interested in her and actually listened to her opinions. If only Jenna could just forget about Scott. Every time she glanced up, she expected to see him.
“It’s so good to have you both here,” Taylor said as she walked up to them. “Can I get you anything?”
“Not a thing. I couldn’t ask for better food or company. And you are a wonderful hostess. How could anyone not be having a great time?” Jenna praised.
“I couldn’t agree more.” Jackson leaned forward to kiss Taylor’s cheek. “You throw a slamming party, pretty lady. Tell Donald to watch his back. You, my friend, are a gem.”
“Hey, I heard that,” the man in question laughed. Donald slid his arm around his wife’s waist. “I’m no fool. I know what a lucky man I am.”
Blushing, Taylor gazed into her husband’s adoring eyes. “I’m the lucky one. Donald is a fabulous husband and father.”
Jenna looked on with a thoughtful smile. Taylor deserved true happiness. The deep love the two of them shared was both a genuine joy to observe and an affirmation of what Jenna held dear and longed to have in her life. There had been a time when she’d thought she’d found that remarkable man, but she’d been wrong. Now, she could only dream of sharing such an incredible and enduring love.
“And you, Taylor, are an exceptional mother and wife. I’d say you both are blessed.” The male voice was deep, resonating with conviction. Scott went on to say, “What you two share is rare.”
Jenna’s face suddenly felt warm, flushed with heat. Scott stood directly behind her. Her awareness of him seemed to race along her nerve endings. Although she couldn’t see him, that didn’t stop her from feeling the power of his personality or the force of his male charm. Even in a well-educated, sophisticated crowd like this, he stood out. And it had nothing to do with his fame or wealth. Both women and men were drawn to Scott. Despite their past failure, Jenna was no exception.
Time had provided a healing balm that had eased the disappointment of their lost love. Thank goodness it no longer hurt to be in the same room with him. She longed for indifference, where it no longer mattered.
Yet their time together hadn’t all been a disappointment. Jenna recalled the number of times she had received Scott’s support and encouragement when she’d feared that she would never see her family again. He had never failed her and had always believed. Her call from Jack Collagen suddenly came to mind.
“Scott, that was so sweet. Thank you,” Taylor beamed.
“Taylor, everything has been simply wonderful, but those ribs are out of this world. Did you make them yourself?” Barbara McCall asked, joining their group.
Jenna was relieved that the conversation had switched to something other than true love. She wasn’t interested in a stroll down memory lane, especially not tonight, of all nights. She was here with a new man, who seemed to care for her. That was what she should be focusing on.
Nonetheless, she was bubbling with excitement at the very real possibility of finding her brother. She’d been holding the news close to her heart all evening and needed to share it with someone. Someone who understood her and what she’d gone through and longed for, for so long. Taylor should have been the logical choice. Why hadn’t she pulled her aside?
For some unknown reason her gaze kept returning to Scott. No, that wasn’t exactly accurate. Jenna knew why she ached to tell Scott about Lincoln. Scott had been the one who’d held her when she’d woken up crying and shaking from the familiar, yet hated, nightmare. In the dream she’d been continuously searching for and calling out to her family without success. The worst part was that when she’d woken up, she’d known it hadn’t been a fantasy but her reality.
During their time together, Scott’s soothing touch had eased her pain, and he’d dried her tears. He knew what she’d gone through and would understand the impact this news would have on her life.
When her eyes began filling up with tears, Jenna quickly excused herself and hurried out of the room. She continued on past the kitchen until she could slip out a side door that led to the rear veranda. She had no idea how long she stood outside, taking slow, calming breaths. Although the night air soon chilled her bare arms, she didn’t go back inside. Struggling to get her emotions under control, Jenna jumped when she felt a man’s jacket, still warm from his body, settle over her shoulders.
Jenna didn’t need to turn to recognize the jacket’s owner. His clean male scent, combined with the scent of his aftershave, was unforgettable.
Determined to ignore the way her body filled with longing, Jenna refused to turn toward him. Taking a deep breath, Jenna murmured, “Thank you, Scott. I know I should have gone back inside, but I needed a few minutes to get myself together. And thanks for the flowers.”
“Something’s wrong?”
She shook her head, her lips automatically curving into an engaging smile. “Nothing is wrong. In fact, things could not be better.”
“Then why are you out here alone? And not inside showing off your new man.”
Jenna heard the censor in his voice and turned to look at him. She shook her head, clarifying, “Jackson is an old friend, just like everyone here tonight.”
“There are all kinds of friends, including the ones that sleep together.”
Jenna glared at him. “Do you have to be so tacky?” Not waiting for a response, she blurted out, “I have news. Jack Collagen, the private investigator, called just before I was leaving tonight. He thinks he has found my brother. I still can’t believe it!”
Scott let out a loud hoot and swept her up into a tight hug. He easily lifted her off her feet. “Sweet thing, that is fantastic! Are you sure? That it’s really Lincoln?”
Laughing, Jenna didn’t scold him for using the familiar endearment, but she sobered enough to pull back and say, “At this point, I don’t know anything for sure. But I’m excited.”
“Why would he call if he weren’t sure?”
“Because I asked him not to approach Lincoln. I want to do it myself. Mr. Collagen did the background work. Now the rest is up to me,” she said, beaming at Scott.
He shook his head. “Jenna, I don’t like the sound of that. You plan to go meet a stranger that . . .”
“It’s the way I want it,” she said, her chin lifted stubbornly.
“Jenna, you don’t know what you may be getting into. Tell me this Collagen will at least be with you.”
Jenna laughed. “I could tell you that, but it would be a lie. I’m doing this alone. By Friday evening I should know, one way or the other, if I’ve found my long-lost brother.” She grinned, wrapping her arms around herself. “Wish me luck, Scott. Please.”
Scott surprised her when he encircled her waist and brushed his lips against hers in a brief, but tender, caress. “I’m going to do more than that. I am going with you.”
When she shook her head no, Scott placed his fingertips over her soft, full lips. “No argument. You don’t have to do this alone. Let me come with you. Let me be there beside you.” He grinned, “I can’t count the number of ways you supported me when we were together. You always had my back.”
“I don’t know what to say,” she whispered aloud. “I�
�m sure you have better things to do this weekend than to drive to Ohio. Cleveland is not exactly around the corner, you know.”
“So, he’s in Cleveland. You plan to drive? Look, I have a better idea. My buddy Ralph Prescott has a fleet of private planes. It wouldn’t be a problem to use one for the weekend. We can be there in less than a half hour in the air.”
“No! This isn’t some jet-setting, glamorous weekend. This is serious. It’s about my brother, whom I have waited most of my life to see again. I planned to drive to Ohio to see him. My car may be old, but it got me from New York. It will get me to Ohio. You do whatever you need to do to get lucky, but keep me out of it.”
Scott laughed without humor. “That was low, babe.” He took a step back and held his hands up defensively. “It was nothing more than a suggestion. If you feel I’m being too pushy, I will back away. I know how much this means to you, and I only want to ease your way.”
Frowning, Jenna realized she was being unfair to him. He was only trying to help. “Sorry, I know I overreacted a little.”
“You think,” he teased.
She laughed, placing her palm against his heart, then suddenly jerking it away when she realized she was touching him as freely as if they’d still been lovers. “Look, I appreciate the offer, but . . .”
“I know you have your own plans, and I promise not to interfere in any way. I just want to be there, just in case you need a friend to back you up. You want to drive, then we’ll drive. Please, Jenna, just let me be there with you.”
Jenna knew she didn’t need backup. And even if she did, she could ask her foster sisters or Jackson to go with her. Yet for some strange reason, it felt right to have Scott at her side. She tilted her head to the side, unaware of the way she worried her bottom lip.
“Jenna?” he prompted.
“You’re an excellent driver. Remember on the drive down to Florida with Taylor for the holidays? We had a great time.”
He grinned, “Yeah. With two ladies in the car, we hit every rest stop between here and St. Petersburg. So what time do you want me to pick you up? Or would you rather pick me up?”
“You pick me up. Nine too early?”
“Not for me.”
“Hey! You two alright out here? I don’t need to call the cops, do I?” Taylor called from the side doorway.
“We’re fine. Just sharing news. Come on, Scott. It’s getting cold out here.” Jenna sent him a teasing smile over her shoulder before she crossed to Taylor. “I’ve good news. The private investigator I hired thinks he found my brother, Lincoln. Scott has agreed to go with me to check things out.”
“Jenna! That’s wonderful!” Taylor gave her a quick hug.
Jenna laughed, “I didn’t want to say anything in front of the others, not until I know more. It might not be Lincoln. Then I’d have to start all over.” Recognizing that she was babbling, she stopped talking.
“I understand.” Taylor kissed her cheek. “But I’ll have my fingers and toes crossed that it is your Lincoln. Can I tell Donald later?”
“Of course.” It wasn’t until they were inside that she remembered she still had Scott’s jacket draped over her shoulder. Turning back to him, she said, “Thanks, Scott, for everything.” She gave back the garment.
He smiled. “Any time.”
Just then, Mrs. Hendricks came into the rear hallway with Jackson right behind her. “I was beginning to wonder where everyone ran off to. Is something wrong?”
“Nothing. I was just going to put more cream puffs in the oven.” Taylor tucked her arm through her mother’s. “Come along, Mama. You can help with the chocolate sauce.”
Mrs. Hendricks smiled. “I’d be glad to, dear. Scott, why don’t you come also. I have to tell you what that nice Mrs. Roberts said about you.”
Scott looked from Jenna to Jackson before he asked Jenna, “You okay?”
“I’m fine.” Jenna walked over to Jackson. Smiling, she said, “Were you by any chance looking for me?”
“I wondered where you’d gone off to,” Jackson said pointedly.
Jenna looped her arm through his. “I just went out to get some fresh air. It was getting crowded in here.”
Jackson nodded, following Jenna back into the living room, where most of the guests were congregated near the impressive fireplace. Flames flickered in the grate, lending a cozy atmosphere to the room.
When he hesitated, Jenna glanced up at him curiously. “Yes?” she prompted.
“Is something going on between you and Hendricks that I should know about? Every time I turn around, you’re with him.”
“As I told you earlier, Scott and I are just friends. Taylor, Scott, and I were talking. Just like you and I are old friends.”
“You and I never lived together,” he shot back.
“That’s old news, Jackson, and rather boring. Why are we even discussing it?”
“Perhaps because the other guests are talking about it?”
“That’s not surprising. Scott is a celebrity. He draws attention wherever he goes. That has nothing to do with me. Can we please talk about something else?”
“Fine with me. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t stepping where I had no business going.”
“You’re not, Jackson.”
He nodded, picked up two wineglasses, and offered her one. She thanked him. She was relieved when he began telling her about a project he was doing with his engineering students.
It was after ten when Jenna said, “It’s getting late, and I have class in the morning. Jackson, would you mind if we leave a bit early?”
“No problem. Some of the others have also started making the rounds, saying their goodnights.”
By the time they approached Donald and Taylor near the foyer, the crowd had indeed thinned out. As Donald placed her evening wrap around her shoulders, Jenna was glad the evening was drawing to an end. She felt both physically and emotionally drained. She told herself she had no reason to be uneasy as they bid the others goodnight. And she wasn’t annoyed by the way Jackson and Scott eyed each other as if they were sworn enemies. They were acting like little boys, fighting over a favorite toy. Men! She was her own person. And she could easily do without both of them.
“Thanks, Taylor. I had a lovely time. It was great seeing everyone again.”
“Next time we won’t wait ten years,” Taylor teased.
“Good idea!” Jenna laughed.
“Come for dinner soon,” Donald offered, exchanging a handshake with Jackson.
“Thanks!” Jenna called as she allowed Jackson to take her hand and lead her to his car.
“Enjoy yourself?” Jackson asked as he held the door for her.
Jenna was too tired to do much more than nod. The euphoria she’d felt at the thought that Collagen might have found her brother was wearing off, to be replaced by the real possibility that she might be setting herself up for a major disappointment. What if it wasn’t her Lincoln in Ohio? No! She wouldn’t let herself think negatively. She had waited and prayed that she would find her family. She wasn’t going to let a case of nerves get in the way.
Preoccupied with thoughts of her brother, Jenna was surprised when Jackson pulled to a stop in her drive. She searched through her evening bag for her keys as they mounted the porch stairs.
“You’ve been awfully quiet on the drive home. Is something wrong?”
Jenna paused, then looked up into her escort’s handsome face. She suddenly realized that she hadn’t spared him more than a passing thought all evening. He deserved better. Yet she didn’t know him well enough to share her family problems with him. She searched for an explanation that wasn’t too revealing.
“Nothing is wrong, Jackson.” Forcing a smile, she said, “I’m sorry if I seem self-absorbed. A family problem I need to sort out.”
“So dating me isn’t about you trying to make Hendricks jealous.”
Shocked, Jenna quickly shook her head. “No way! Our dating has nothing to do with Scott. I wouldn’t be dating you if I wanted to get back at him. That wouldn’t be fair. You’re a special man, Jackson. I’m looking forward to getting to know you better.”
Jackson studied her, courtesy of the porch light that had been left on. He smiled. “Good.” Taking her keys, he unlocked her front door.
Jenna stepped inside and quickly punched in the code for the alarm. Before she could move away, Jackson cupped her shoulders. “You’re so beautiful. I can’t help being a little jealous. In my opinion, Hendricks was a fool to ever let you go. I won’t make that mistake.” He leaned down and pressed a kiss on her lips.
Jenna closed her eyes, painfully aware that she didn’t feel a thing. Jackson had many of the qualities she admired in a man. He was highly respected at the university. He was single, highly intelligent. He wasn’t a womanizer, out for what he could get.
Jenna hadn’t cared for his display of jealousy, though. They’d only been out a few times. They’d shared a few lunches on campus and dinners and kisses, but she sensed he was looking for the right woman and wanted to settle down. Jenna also felt he was moving too fast. She couldn’t keep up.
She sighed with relief when he didn’t deepen the kiss but pulled back. Just because she wasn’t ready for the sexual intimacy didn’t mean she didn’t care about him, though. Jackson was a nice guy.
But Jenna had only shared her body and her heart with one man. When things had gone wrong between them, it had been the worst kind of hurt imaginable. For so long, she’d felt as if she’d lost a vital part of herself that she wouldn’t ever get back. Thankfully, that was behind her. Dread was too mild a word to express her doubts about starting over.
Just when she’d thought she was ready to hopefully get her feet wet and get involved with a new man, her ex-love had come back into her world. Now the complication of finding her family had entered into the mix. Plus, she was letting Scott go with her to meet her brother. It was too much.