Can't Say No Read online

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  Yet he was everything her mother had warned her to steer clear of in a man. Ralph had good looks, smooth talk, and plenty of charm. There was no doubt he knew his way around the bedroom. Was it any wonder that he filled her dreams?

  When she let herself into the suite, Vanessa was not surprised to find her friends in the sitting room.

  “Where is Brynne?” she asked as she dropped down on the sofa beside Maureen and kicked off her heels.

  “I give you three guesses. And they all begin with the letter ‘D.’” Trenna laughed.

  “What took you so long? Checking out the moonlight?” Laura teased.

  “Very funny,” Vanessa said. “Did you ladies have a good time?”

  “Remind me in the morning to kiss Brynne’s feet for insisting that Devin’s groomsmen be single.” Trenna giggled.

  “Amen to that,” Laura echoed.

  “It has been fun,” Maureen said before she teased, “Ron seems to be taken with you, Ms. Vanessa.”

  “I don’t understand it. I haven’t encouraged him,” Vanessa confessed. “It’s embarrassing.”

  “What difference does it make? The guy is a jock…and a millionaire,” Trenna insisted. “That’s what matters. He can take care of you like a queen.”

  “They are all millionaires. So what?” Maureen observed.

  “They’re good-looking and fun. It’s not like we’re looking for husbands.”

  “Speak for yourself!” Laura worked her neck for emphasis and sent them all into a peal of laughter.

  “I don’t know about you, ladies, but I’m exhausted.” Maureen yawned. “See you all at breakfast.”

  “Sounds like a plan. ’Night,” Trenna said, giving out hugs before following Maureen.

  Laura waited until she heard bedroom doors close, then asked, “Anything happen, you want to talk about?”

  “Not really. Ralph seems to think Ron wants more than a few dances.”

  “Really? That is interesting.”

  “No, Laura. He thinks I needed to be warned. I’m ‘innocent,’ his word not mine.” Her exasperation was all over her face.

  “So. Use it to your advantage.”

  “How? I don’t need another brother.”

  “If you want the man, go after him.” Laura smiled. “Good night.”

  “That’s all you have to say?”

  “Mmm-hmm.” Laura laughed before she went into the room they were sharing.

  After releasing a frustrated sigh, Vanessa wandered around the beautifully appointed living/dining room. She didn’t so much as consider going to bed. Her thoughts were too jumbled to allow her to sleep. First she examined the jade figurine, then ran a finger over an etched crystal vase. Eventually, she stood in front of the window gazing out at the ink-dark sky. Could she do it? Did she have the nerve to go after Ralph? More important, what would she do with him if she caught him?

  First she had to get over being shy, uncomfortably so, especially around him. She wasn’t like her friends. She’d never gone after a man. Ralph was right. She was an innocent. She might as well have it tattooed on her chest. And she wasn’t attracted to any of the other men…only Ralph. He was the one who filled her dreams and made her wake trembling with desire.

  If she did nothing, the dreams would eventually be all she had. She would never know his kisses…his lovemaking. She nearly screamed “no.”

  Frowning, Vanessa admitted to herself that she wanted to be like other women. She was tired of not knowing, tired of feeling less than other women. She wanted to flirt and tease the man she desired most. She wanted Ralph to be her lover.

  She wasn’t looking for an engagement ring or any type of commitment for that matter. One special night would be enough. Surely, she could persuade him to give her one long, wonderful night? But how? What would she say?

  She’d been shy her entire life. Now suddenly she was supposed to boldly ask him to sleep with her because she was curious. She wanted to know what the love songs were talking about, what the rest of the world was getting, and she wasn’t.


  “I can’t believe it,” Vanessa whispered to Ralph, then blushed. She had no idea how many times she’d said it since she’d won $1,000 in the nickel slot machine in the casino. “Things like this don’t happen to me.”

  “Sure they do.” He laughed as he spun her out, then back on the dance floor. The rhythm and blues poured out of the loudspeakers as they moved in time to the music.

  “It’s all right to be happy, darlin’. Just don’t spend it all in one place,” he teased as he tightened his arms around her.

  “I don’t intend to spend any of it, at least not on me,” she quickly explained. “With three growing kids, they always need something. My guess is most of it will go toward school clothes and supplies. It would be great if I could put it aside for Lana’s education. She starts her senior year in the fall.” Beaming, Vanessa said, “I’m so proud of her. She’s an excellent student. It hasn’t been easy for her with just me in her corner.”

  Ralph tucked a loose curl behind her ear. “I imagine it hasn’t been easy for you, either. The congratulations go to you, Vanessa. You’re the one who has done a remarkable job.”

  Vanessa blushed, warmed by the sincerity of his compliment. “Thank you.” She laughed, then surprised herself when she teased, “I’d better watch my step. You are a charmer. Does it come naturally, or did it take years to perfect?”

  Ralph threw back his head and laughed, apparently surprised by her candor. “I was born this way. I’ve always enjoyed females. I grew up knowing they’re special.”

  “Oh, yeah? You’re smooth,” she replied, laughing.

  Ralph chuckled. “I was fortunate to grow up around a remarkably talented woman. Donna Prescott is a special lady. She treated me like her own.”

  Vanessa nearly stopped dancing to stare up at him, pleased by his openness. “No wonder, I’ve always liked Mrs. Prescott. She is not only nice but a genius, to turn you three rough-and-tumble boys into accomplished men.”

  “She had help. My uncle was no slouch.” He laughed.

  “Hmm, I’d better watch myself. I can’t put anything over on you, can I? You know my entire family.”

  Smiling, Vanessa nodded. “One of the perks of my job.”

  “You like working with Gavin and Anna?”

  “Oh yes. Never a dull moment. I admire what Gavin does for the black community. So many kids are getting the education they could never afford on their own because of his scholarship program.”

  “Gavin is one of the good guys.”

  “So are you. Anna has talked about your work with teen boys at your college. And I heard about the new community center you and your cousins are building in your Uncle Lester’s name to honor him. I’m impressed.”

  “Thanks.” Ralph’s voice seemed gruff with emotions.

  “Lester Prescott is a great coach and has done a lot over the years for the community. He’s done so much for me personally. He’s shown us boys what it is to be a man.” His voice was filled with emotion when he admitted, “Sorry, didn’t mean to get so sentimental.”

  Vanessa nodded, touched by his trust in her. She was disappointed when the music ended. Their time alone passed too quickly.

  It was Vanessa’s turn to blush, embarrassed by her fascination with him, while he treated her as if he were her big brother. She’d been trying to be assertive, but evidently he still didn’t realize she was interested.

  Dropping her arms, she said, “You had good reason to be proud of your aunt and uncle. They’re a remarkable couple, who aren’t afraid to give and receive love.”

  “Thanks for the dance,” he said as he guided her through the crowd with a hand on the back at her waist.

  Vanessa forced a smile, wondering if she’d blown another opportunity. How was she ever going to get him in bed if she didn’t have the nerve to come out and ask him? Ralph wasn’t going to come on to her, especially when he was acting as if she needed his prote
ction from Ron Daniels. She’d done everything but come right out and tell him that she wanted him, not Ron. It was harder than she imagined. She’d even dreamed last night that he’d made hot sizzling love to her. She had wakened that morning thinking about Ralph…not Ron.

  “My turn,” Ron said, a few steps from the long table the bridal party shared.

  Vanessa urged, “Give me a few minutes to get something to drink.” She hurried away, annoyed with the way Ron ogled her. She was dressed in the white off-the-shoulder knit top that she’d embellished with sequins to show off her ample bustline and small waist. It was a big mistake, for she felt as if her white jeans were clinging to her hips like nobody’s business. Trying to look sexy, she’d left her hair down, and her only jewelry was bold, gold hoops. Laura had assured her that she looked hot. For once in her life, she wanted to sizzle. She’d been hopeful that Ralph’s eyes would linger on her.

  If only Ron hadn’t jumped between them. The last thing she needed was Ralph to keep thinking she was interested in what Ron was offering. She didn’t want Ralph’s defenses in place. She didn’t need his protection. What she wanted was for him to pay attention to her.

  She’d come to a decision. She wasn’t looking for a relationship with Ralph, only a single night. For years, she’d let her natural shyness and her jealousy of his women keep her away. No one had guessed that she was drawn to the man, not even her close friends. Vanessa let out a frustrated sigh as she joined Trenna and Maureen at the table. The two other ladies were also taking a breather from the dance floor.

  “Everything okay?” Maureen whispered, glancing between Ralph and Ron.

  “Just great,” Vanessa hissed, wishing she could be candid but afraid the men might overhear. This was a “Laura” kind of problem. Things like this never ever happened to her!

  Ron joined them at the table, taking the chair across from the ladies, while Ralph made his way to the bar.

  “This music is slamming tonight,” Ron said with a grin.

  Maureen and Trenna nodded, then asked him question after question about the upcoming football season.

  Vanessa was grateful for the reprieve. Maybe she should come right out and tell him she wasn’t interested. The weekend was supposed to be fun. Why was he on her heels every time she turned around?

  “Here you go,” Ralph set a tall glass of sparkling water with a lime in front of Vanessa. Before she could even thank him, he was asking if the other two women needed fresh drinks.

  She watched the way Trenna and Maureen both smiled at him, as if the sun and moon revolved around him alone. Neither lady required a drink, but both appreciated his easy smile and thoughtfulness.

  Vanessa dropped her gaze, hating the sudden twinge of jealousy eating at her. For a moment, she’d forgotten the game she was playing. Ralph was not hers. He was fun and available to the woman who happened to catch his eyes at that moment.

  Just for one night she wanted to be the one who captured his interest. A single night of love was all she was after, then they would both go back to their individual lives. What should she do or say? Or was it too late? Had she blown it?

  In the morning they were all going to service at a quaint little church near Decatur. Afterwards, they had planned to have brunch at the hotel before heading back. On this trip, the ladies would be flying back to Detroit with Wesley, Gavin, and Ralph while Devin and his teammates returned to St. Louis.

  Only one week to go before Devin and Brynne would exchange vows and become husband and wife. Time was running out. Vanessa’s chance of convincing her fantasy man to be her man for one special night would disappear. Next Sunday, the reality of taking care of her family would once again be prominent.

  Vanessa suddenly decided the perfect time for them to get together would be after the wedding. Now all she had to do was to find a few private minutes alone with him before they returned to Detroit to convince Ralph. As long as Ralph realized that she wasn’t trying to trap him, everything should be fine. It could work. It really could. All she needed was to…

  “Wow, that was great.” Laura said, breaking into Vanessa’s thoughts. “These folks know how to party.”

  “You have not seen anything until you see the blowout we’ve planned for our reception.” Devin grinned as he pulled Brynne down into his lap.

  Vanessa wasn’t really listening. Her mind whirled with ideas.

  As Ralph slowly sipped his beer, his temper gradually eased. He kept his gaze on his cousin Anna as she talked about the food planned for the wedding reception that her catering company would be handling.

  Rising to his feet, he reached for Anna’s hand. “Dance with your cousin. Can’t have this jerk monopolizing your time,” he joked, punching Gavin in the arm as he passed by. Once they were on the crowded floor, Ralph concentrated on having a good time.

  Anna laughed up at him as they moved in time to the fast beat of the music. “This trip has been so much fun, but next Saturday it will be all over but the shouting. Brynne will be a Prescott!”

  Ralph shook his head, bewildered. “If you told me a year ago that Devin was going down like this, I’d never believed it.”

  “Going down? Not hardly. The man will finally have his family together. He’s waited four years to make Brynne his wife and complete his family.”

  “It’s a colossal mistake. The man can’t see what he’s losing.”

  “What? Lonely nights? Meaningless encounters?”

  “He is losing his freedom. None of that other stuff matters,” Ralph joked.

  Anna laughed, moving with the music. “You are so wrong. But that’s all right. One day you are going to meet that one special lady, and you won’t know what hit you. All I ask is for you to call me. I plan to be there to see you fall on your face. Promise to call me!”

  “Very funny, only I’m not laughing. You’re wrong. Not me. I like my life the way it is.”

  “Yeah, that’s the point. Your precious freedom won’t be enough. You remember that old Natalie Cole song, ‘Can’t say no’? That will be your middle name, lover boy.” Anna playfully patted his cheek, then threw her head back and laughed.

  “I remember the song, but it ain’t gonna happen. Now shut up and dance.” Ralph couldn’t help chuckling. It was official. His baby cousin was so in love with her husband, Gavin, she could no longer see straight.

  Anna was wrong. There was not a woman alive who could turn his life inside out to please her. Evidently he was the only one in the family who was safe from that “love” kind of craziness.

  It wasn’t like he had anything against marriage. It worked for his family members, but that didn’t mean it was right for him. He grinned. There were just too many beautiful women out there to settle for only one. Marriage was like inviting a man to a feast, then serving only mashed potatoes. What a waste.

  When the music switched to a slow tune, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

  “My turn,” Gavin said, taking his wife into his arms.

  Chuckling, Ralph started back to their table. Halfway there, he noted Ron leading Vanessa back out on the dance floor. Instead of continuing on to ask one of the other ladies to dance with him, he veered toward the bar for a fresh drink.

  While he waited, he promised himself that he’d find time before the weekend was over to sit Vanessa down and lay it out for her. She was so caught up in enjoying the time away that she simply was not taking his warning seriously. After their talk, his conscience would be clear, and they could both get back to having a good time.

  When they returned to the hotel, Ralph caught Vanessa’s hand. He said close to her ear before she could join the others at the bank of elevators, “If you’re not sleepy, have a drink with me on the hotel patio?”

  Vanessa blinked at him, trying not to show her surprise. She smiled. “I’d like that.”

  “Good. This way.” He waved to the others as he led her along the corridor to the rear of the property.

  Softly lit, small round tables and chairs had been
set up along the patio railings, surrounding a beautiful marble fountain. The patio opened into the lush garden lit by tiny clear lights in the trees. Despite the late hour, nearly every table was occupied.

  Ralph found an empty table near the fountain. Holding her chair, he asked, “What would you like?”

  “Sparkling water with lemon, please.” Suddenly nervous, she clasped her hands in her lap. She couldn’t stop wondering why they were here. Had he picked up on her attraction to him? Her heart began to race at the possibility. Vanessa was determined not to let her inherent shyness hold her back from this bold and charismatic man.

  Forcing a smile, she asked, “So what’s on your mind?”

  Ralph arched a black brow. “No beating around the bush, huh?”

  “Why bother? What’s on your mind, Ralph?”

  He looked into her eyes when he said, “You are on my mind, Vanessa. We’ve all been having a great time these past few weeks, with the parties and the combined shower. Now with this weekend away from home, it’s become more than fun and innocent games.”

  Vanessa’s heart was pounding so hard in her chest she could hardly fill her lungs. That was all she needed was to pass out cold at the man’s feet. She took a deep breath, hoping for calm. She needed her wits about her if she were to get the words past the lump in her throat.

  “And?” she prompted.

  “And I wanted to sit down with you to explain why Ron’s intentions aren’t honorable.”

  “What!” Vanessa snapped. “You invited me here to talk about Ron?”

  “Of course. You would not take my warning seriously the other night. I thought, if we sat down and brought it…”

  Disappointed, she interrupted, “You thought wrong. As far as I can tell, Ron has no designs on me. And even if he did, so what. It takes two…and I’m not dancing.” Vanessa was so angry, she nearly grabbed her purse and stormed out. Only the realization that there was only one more weekend left. If she wanted to turn her fantasy lover into her reality, she’d better act now. Her back was not only against the wall, it was rubbing her skin raw.