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Can't Say No Page 16
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Page 16
At the tears trickling down her cheek, he paused, “What’s wrong, my angel? Why are you crying? I thought you were pleased. If you’d rather not do this, then we can leave them where they are.”
“No!” She quickly wiped the tears away. “I’m just so happy. I’m overwhelmed with joy that I can’t contain it all. My love, I want them. Please say you want them, too.”
Greg cupped her face, lovingly. “Of course, I want them. I’m sure the older sister will be relieved that she no longer has to care for them. You, my angel, will make a wonderful mother. I think from now on I’ll call you ‘angel.’ Only an angel would consider taking over the care of two children from a past relationship. You are perfect. And I love you because you don’t feel threatened.”
“Of course I don’t feel threatened. I have no reason. I know you’ve had relationships before we met, and I also know you’re a good man. You aren’t some lowlife who would neglect or ignore your child. I’m so proud to be your wife. You are so wonderful. Once you learned about the twins, you were instantly prepared to deal with the consequences of a past mistake.” She jumped up, asking, “So how soon can we get the twins? I have so much to do. I have rooms to decorate…toys to buy. And clothes! They are going to need clothes. How soon, my darling?”
Greg leaned back in his chair. “I’m not sure, but I promise you it shouldn’t take very long. I will hire the best child custody lawyer we can find and get the ball rolling. No more visits to the fertility doctor?”
“None,” she promised.
Sheila hugged him. “I’ll leave all the legal matters to you, my love, and you leave the shopping and decorating to me. Honey, please, let the lawyer know that I want to adopt the twins. I want to be their mother.”
“You will be, my angel. I promise you.”
On the drive home, Ralph swore aloud. “Why did she make things so damn complicated?” He’d done everything he could think of to convince Vanessa that he was no threat to her and certainly not her family. Why would he want to hurt her little brother and sisters? Deliberately or otherwise? She had to see that it was a ridiculous idea.
How had something so simple as his desire for her gotten so out of hand? He swore in frustration. Vanessa was hardly the first female he had desired, and he assured himself she wouldn’t be the last. So why was his desire for her eating away at his control?
It was bad enough that he wanted her to the point that he couldn’t walk away from her. It had gotten so that many a night he hadn’t wanted to go home to an empty house. But instead of dropping by his folks’ for a home-cooked meal and a little chatter, or even Wesley’s or Anna’s place, he’d been parking himself at Vanessa’s table like a lost puppy. She had become a habit that, if truth be told, he didn’t want to break. He had to at least speak with her every single day if he couldn’t see her.
He didn’t mind having to share her with the children. He was fine as long as he knew at the end of the evening, he would be rewarded. His reward, alone time…having her to himself. That time with her was more than worth the wait. Some nights, they merely talked, but as he watched her eyes light up, or she told some anecdote about work or the children, he could feel the pleasure. And he lived for the moments when her defenses would crumble, sometimes it would be for only a few minutes, and her entire body would lose the protective stiffness she imposed on herself. She’d let herself go, and her sweet body would sway toward his. It was all he could do not to take advantage when her defenses were down. He lived for those precious moments.
Furious, he swore long and hard as he put his body through a punishing workout. He wasn’t sure how his foolproof plan had backfired. All he knew was he wasn’t ready to let it go, not over a stupid mistake. He wasn’t going to give her an easy way out. She claimed she wanted his friendship. Well, friends don’t just walk away when things are rough.
Vanessa could tell by the look on his face that she was the last person he expected to find at his door. He blinked twice, as if to clear his vision.
She spoke quickly, hopefully before he slammed the door in her face. “I suppose I should have called first. May I come in?”
Ralph’s famous charm was notably absent when he stepped back. “Come on in.”
She waited until he’d closed the door, before she said, “I know it’s late, but this can’t wait until tomorrow.”
He said tightly, “What? Did you find something else to accuse me of? Robbery? Child abuse?”
Vanessa looked everywhere, but at him. “I came to talk. This won’t take long, but may I please sit down?” She was beginning to worry that her unsteady legs might not hold her. Even though, the air-conditioning kept the hot night pleasantly cool, she shivered.
His voice was tight with anger. “Excuse me for forgetting the manners my aunt drummed into my head.” He gestured toward the formality of the large living room rather than his den. He was right behind her, switching on a Tiffany-style floor lamp. He motioned to the two large, deep-cushioned, burgundy sofas, facing each other in front of a large marble fireplace. As she crossed the room, the sound of her heels on the hardwood maple floor was muted by a luxurious, patterned area rug.
Gratefully, she sank down on the end of the sofa, clasping her trembling hands in her lap. She nervously smoothed the layers of her orange-and-gold floral sundress. It was two years old, a gift from the kids. She hoped it would bring her good luck. Struggling to find the words to convey her feelings, she worried her bottom lip, then remembered she was wearing makeup and stopped. Impatient with herself, she waited for him to speak.
“Well?” Ralph prompted. Not bothering to sit down, he leaned a broad shoulder against the impressive marble mantel. The large mirror above the picture-lined shelf reflected the beauty of the room.
She forced her eyes to meet his dark gaze. “I came to apologize. I was upset, I overreacted, and I said things I shouldn’t have said. Once I had time to cool down and think, I knew your offer wasn’t meant to hurt anyone. You have been thoughtful and generous to my family. In fact, you’ve gone out of your way to include the children whenever possible. I’m sorry, Ralph. Can you forgive me?”
The stiffness left his big frame, but he continued to study her. “You surprised me. I didn’t expect you to say that, but I’m glad you did. I’m also sorry. I didn’t mean to upset the kids.” He paused before he revealed, “I don’t know if I’ve ever told you how much I admire the way you care for your family. You’ve done a remarkable job.”
“Thank you.” Deeply touched, she felt some of the tension she’d been holding inside slip away. “I probably should have waited until tomorrow instead of coming by so late.”
“No problem. It’s barely eleven. Would you like something to drink? There is ice tea, soft drinks, juice?”
“Diet Pepsi, if you have it.” She blushed, aware of his gaze moving over her.
Ralph chuckled. “I may have Pepsi, but I doubt I have diet anything, other than water.”
She laughed. “Ice tea, please.”
By the time he returned, her jitters had settled a bit more. He placed the small tray with two tall glasses of tea on the coffee table.
Cupping her drink in both hands, she attempted to tease, “Don’t worry. I won’t stay long.”
Instantly, he turned serious. “Don’t rush on my account. You’re always welcome in my home.”
“Thank you,” she said, while wondering if he was merely being polite. The man had an active social life. For all she knew he could have a late date or plans to go out.
He took the seat across from her. Rather than reach for his drink, he studied her.
She surmised, “You’re still angry.”
Ralph shook his head. “No, what I am is confused. I don’t know where I stand with you. Until tonight, I thought we were getting to know each other. Getting closer. If not lovers, then at least I thought we were repairing our friendship. Now, I don’t know what to think. You’re here, yet you
said you don’t want anything to do with me. You were quite clear when you said you don’t want me near your family. Nothing has been resolved.”
“That’s not…”
He interrupted, “Please, let me finish.” Rising, Ralph began to pace between the fireplace and the set of bay windows, but he made no effort to fill the prolonged silence.
Unable to look away, Vanessa’s heart raced with a combination of fear and excitement. What was he really saying? Did he want her to go or stay? Or was that it? He wanted her to make the decision. What did she really want from him? Did she even know?
She came tonight because she’d hurt him and knew it was up to her to make things right. Okay…the unvarnished truth. Despite what she’d said and done to protect herself, Vanessa knew she wanted the man. She wasn’t thinking about forever. She wasn’t even thinking about tomorrow. All she could focus on was the here and now.
She wasn’t even sure how it happened. She didn’t even remember rising, but suddenly she was in Ralph’s arms, with her breasts pressed against his chest and her arms wrapped around his neck. She hung on to him, needing his solid strength. Although she couldn’t seem to find the words, she stood on tiptoes and lifted her face until she could reach his hair-roughened chin. It wasn’t enough. What she wanted was his mouth.
He released a deep groan, dropping his head until she caressed his fleshy bottom lip with her soft tongue. She licked first the right, then the left corner of his mouth before slipping her tongue deep inside. There was no hesitation on his part as his hands spanned her waist, then he followed the slope of her back, over her plump bottom, cupping her softness.
He brought her into the heat of his long length until his heavy erection pressed against her stomach. She shivered, trembling with desire, thrilled to discover he wanted her. His long, steel-hard shaft brought back poignant memories of how he felt inside her. Goodness yes, Vanessa needed Ralph…wanted him now.
Why had she fought so hard against it? And why had it taken her so long to get back to this place and this man? They felt so good together…so right. This was so much better than any fantasy or dream she’d conjured up.
As he fed her kiss after hungry kiss, the pulsating need throbbed deep inside, moistening her feminine core. Had she ever been more needy…felt so incredibly empty?
This was how she awoke during the night, aching for him. It was not make-believe. Ralph was real. Allowing her feminine instincts to guide her, Vanessa pressed the ultrasensitive crests of her breasts into his chest. She rubbed her sex against the firm contour of his muscular thigh. Even though she was nearly faint from lack of oxygen, she moaned a protest when his mouth left hers. Why? Why had she gone so long without him? Oh, she needed this. She needed him.
When she raised her hand to trace the line of his jaw, he pressed a kiss into the center of her palm. But he surprised her when he shook his head.
“Why did you stop?” she forced herself to say, while her stomach filled with nerves.
His voice was gruff when he said, “No more misunderstandings. I want to make sure we are on the same page. If we take this further, it will be what we both want.”
Dropping her lids, she whispered, “Ralph, this is crazy…” Her voice was so husky with desire that she couldn’t even try to hide it.
He made a frustrated sound in his throat, his voice harsh with need when he grated, “Not to me. Now tell me what I need to hear. Or this ends now.”
She stared at him in disbelief, but evidently, he meant what he said. He didn’t break down but waited for her response. When she still didn’t say anything, he let go, dropping his hands to his side and stepped away.
Vanessa grabbed his hands, whispering, “Are the words so important?”
Vanessa stared at the base of his throat for a few moments before she said in an urgent whisper, “I’m here because I want to be with you. Make love to me, Ralph.”
His nostrils flared as if he were filling his lungs with her scent. And his heated eyes never left hers as he gripped the hem of his crewneck T-shirt and ripped it away from his body. Dropping the ragged edges, he unsnapped his jeans and began easing the zipper down.
Her breath hitched in her throat when he reached for her with both hands, pulling her back to him. “I need you now,” he growled an instant before he captured her mouth with his.
There was no finesse in that kiss. There was nothing soft or coaxing about it. It was wild, exactly what she needed to reassure her that he indeed wanted her as much as she wanted him…hot, raw, and insistent.
“Yes…oh yes,” she managed to get out when he freed her lips.
Her lips were tender, swollen from his kisses, but she didn’t make a single complaint as she rained kisses down his dark throat and chest. His skin was hot against her lips, her tongue. He filled her senses.
“You’re wearing too many clothes,” he complained.
He quickly pulled the zipper down the back of her dress, pushing it off her shoulders and down past her hips until she could step free of the garment. He pressed a kiss to the base of her throat as he reached behind her to unhook her lacy beige bra. Only when it fell to the floor did he release a ragged sigh. His hands clasped her waist, then slipped beneath the lace band to push the beige bikini panties off her hips, down her long, shapely legs.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said huskily as he held her close until her body hugged his long length. “Feel how badly I want you…Nessa. How desperately I need you.” His open mouth slid down the side of her throat before lingering to lave the feminine-scented hollow.
Frustrated when Ralph pulled back, she released an impatient sound deep in her throat, watched as he shoved his jeans down his lean hips and long, muscular legs. His body was still tight, the well-toned body of an athlete. He had not let himself go. Even though he’d been out of the game for a few years, he was the beautiful one.
He surprised her when he dropped to his knees, wrapping his arms around her soft hips. He buried his face between her creamy brown breasts and filled his hands, cupping her round bottom, squeezing her lush softness. He carefully placed a series of kisses down her rib cage to her stomach. He placed hot, wet kisses on her soft, flesh, pausing to tongue her belly button. Vanessa trembled as desire raced along ultrasensitive nerve endings.
“Ralph…” she begged, bracing her hands on his broad shoulders, uncertain if her legs would continue to hold her upright.
His response was to slide his mouth lower still…he placed tender kisses in the ebony curls that covered her sex. She let out a surprised squeal when his tongue warmed the place he’d just kissed.
“Nessa, you are so wet, so ready,” he groaned as he followed the sweet curve of her feminine mound. He stunned her when he tongued the outer fleshy folds, then bathed her fragrant softness with the hot wash of his tongue.
“Ralph…” she begged, while shaking her head. Shoving her hair away from her face, she realized she was still wearing heels and trembling so badly she could hardly stand.
“Please don’t tell me to stop. Let me really taste you…the way I’ve wanted to do for so long,” he said urgently. His large hands cupped her ripe buttocks. He rhythmically squeezed her softness, at the same time inhaling her woman’s scent as he waited for her response.
Aching with need, she nearly screamed his name. Wild with frustration and eager for the full strokes of his tongue, she begged, “Oh…please. Don’t stop!” Suddenly feeling herself falling as her legs gave out, she clung to his shoulders. He tightened his arms around her and held on to her.
“Let go…I’ve got you,” he said as he eased her down onto her back. “You okay?” he asked, his face buried in her full breasts.
Vanessa surprised them both when she giggled. “I have never been better.” Her humor quickly turned to moans as he suckled a dark peak, taking it deep into his mouth to enjoy. Not wanting the other to feel cheated, he moved to tongue the other nipple, drawing it into his mouth as he gave
her the hard suction that caused her to quiver with longing.
She remembered saying his name, then the next thing she knew, his mouth was between the plump lips of her mound. He kissed her there, then used his fingers to hold her slick folds open to the hot strokes of his tongue. He tasted her as if she were a rich, creamy dessert.
She whimpered as sensation after sensation battered her. He didn’t ease up but continued to pleasure her. He relished her sweetness as if he were starving for what only she could give him. When he moved to lave her ultrasensitive swollen nub, she gasped, quivering uncontrollably. When he took the aching bud into his mouth and suckled, she lost touch with her surroundings.
Vanessa was lost in a mad whirl of wild sensations. She screamed her enjoyment, convulsing in a white-hot, earth-shattering orgasm. It was a while before her awareness returned, and she even realized where she was.
She wanted to ask him why, but couldn’t find the words, let alone have the nerve. Who was she kidding? She could barely form a coherent thought. He cradled her in his arms. Tears of sheer bliss ran unchecked down her cheeks. When she opened her eyes, she quickly blinked in order to see him clearly.
Ralph’s intense gaze captured hers as he stroked down her back, calming, soothing her. “You okay?”
Vanessa, certain her voice would fail her, nodded, then flushed with embarrassment as she recalled how he had pleasured her and that she had relished every second. “I still can’t believe…”
Ralph dropped his head, following the slope of her throat to the valley between her breasts. “No need to blush, beautiful. We did nothing wrong, certainly, nothing to be ashamed of. I’ve wanted to know everything about you, including the way you taste on my tongue, since the night we first made love. I wanted it badly but held back because it was our first time. I didn’t want to shock you.”
“Did you…” she stumbled over the words.