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Can't Say No Page 15

  Ralph was right behind her. “What is that supposed to mean? I told you it was an honest mistake! And I apologized.” He swore beneath his breath, before he said, “I don’t get it. Why did you refuse my offer? The hotel bill won’t be a problem. I would be happy to take care of the entire trip.”

  “No!” she nearly screamed.

  “Why not?” he snapped. One large hand rested on his lean hip. “You’re acting as if I’m trying to do a terrible thing here. I’m not trying to buy you.”

  “No, what you’re trying to do is get me to sleep with you, by any means possible. What I don’t understand, is why you can’t take no for an answer? And why are you using my family to get what you want? Ralph, that’s lower than low.”

  “You think I deliberately pulled the kids into our problem!”

  “Of course. If you give it half a second’s worth of thought, you’ll see that’s exactly what you did!” She glared up at him, her arms crossed beneath her full breasts, unknowingly drawing his eyes to them. “You listen up, Prescott. I won’t stand for it!” Unable to look at him another minute, she busied herself with squirting dish liquid into the sink and turned the hot water on full blast.

  Ralph swore beneath his breath as he paced the length of the kitchen. When he stopped, he was directly behind where she stood at the sink. She felt the heat of his breath on her nape. She managed to switch off the water, but she refused to turn and meet his gaze.

  He taunted, “Afraid to look me in the eyes?”

  Vanessa turned so fast she had to use the edge of the counter to steady herself as she glared up at him. Why did he have to have the best set of shoulders in Detroit? Why was he so tall and so darn good-looking? And why did he have to have every woman in the state running after him?

  “Vanessa, you can’t honestly think that I used the kids to get close to you.” His voice was low and angry.

  “I meant every word. You have been nothing, if not determined to get what you want. Tonight, you went too far. What kind of lowlife takes advantage of children to get what he wants? Never mind! Just leave!”

  A muscle jumped in his jaw. He snarled, “It looks as if we were both wrong. I thought we were working on rebuilding our friendship. You said it was what you wanted. I also thought you knew me well enough to realize that I care about you and those kids. I’d never hurt you, intentionally, or your family, for that matter.” He stopped abruptly, waiting for her response.

  “There is no excuse for what you did. I have two little ones, hurt for no good reason, and a disappointed teen. It’s your fault!” she ended tightly.

  “Did you hear anything I said?” When she didn’t respond, he snapped. “I didn’t…” He sighed wearily. “I’d better go before I say something I’ll regret. Don’t worry. I won’t be back.”

  Vanessa listened for the front screen door to close. Only then did she walk through the living room, and slam and lock both sets of doors. In an effort to keep busy, she plunged her hands into the soapy water. After washing dishes, she cleaned the kitchen. She’d just poured herself a glass of ice tea and sat at the kitchen table to sulk, when she heard Lana on the stairs.

  “How are the twins?”

  Filling a glass with tea, she said, “Don’t worry. They will be fine by morning once they get over the disappointment.”

  “I don’t think it’s going away that fast.”

  Sipping her drink, Lana surprised her when she asked, “Why did you say no? Ralph can easily afford the trip even if we can’t. He was going anyway. I don’t get it, sis. He’s your boyfriend.”

  Vanessa’s eyes went wide. “Ralph isn’t my boyfriend. He’s a friend.”

  Her sister sent her a disbelieving look, before she said, “Come on, Nessa. I’ve seen the way he looks at you. He likes you! And you like him. What’s the big deal?”

  Vanessa couldn’t believe she was having this conversation with her little sister. Lana was growing up fast, and Vanessa wasn’t sure she liked the change. It was obvious that Lana assumed she and Ralph were lovers.

  She paused, taking a few minutes to think before she spoke. Screaming at her sister was clearly not the answer. She’d made a point of always being frank and not keeping secrets, but some things were not appropriate because of Lana’s age.

  “Ralph and I are friends, but even if there was more to it, I would never allow him, or any man, for that matter, to take care of me or my family. That’s my job, not Ralph’s. The only way it would be acceptable would be if we were married.” She hesitated before she said, “My beliefs don’t have anything to do with how much money he has. It’s how our parents raised me. We come from a long line of strong people who worked to take care of themselves and their families. After Daddy died, Mama went back to work to take care of us. She never lived off a man. I won’t either.”


  Vanessa interrupted, “Let me finish. Times have changed for some women. There are women out there looking for a man willing to pay for whatever they can get. Doesn’t matter if it’s their nails, hair, clothes, or their rent. It’s not the way to be on equal footing with a man. When a man takes care of you, I believe that both of you are being cheated. He feels used, as if all you want is what he can give you. And you have nothing to feel proud of…you lose your pride and sense of accomplishment. Lana, I have to be able to hold my head up, and I do that by being my own woman. I’m willing to wait until I can afford to do better on my own. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I think so.” Lana nodded, swallowing the last of her drink.

  “Good, because someday you may have to decide for yourself what is right for you.”

  Lana giggled. “I don’t have time for boys. I get all A’s. And I plan to keep on getting A’s all the way through college. Someday, I’m going to not only be a lawyer, but argue in front of the Supreme Court,” Lana ended proudly.

  Vanessa smiled. “That’s my girl.”

  Lana grabbed a small bag of chips and a banana. She stopped by her sister’s chair and hugged her. Before she headed for the stairs, she paused, “You know, sis, I don’t think Ralph meant to make you mad. He cares about you, even I know that. And he was only trying to do something special for our family. There is nothing wrong with that.” She called from over her shoulder, “’Night!”

  Stunned, Vanessa hadn’t expected that last comment. She had hoped her sister would agree with her, not take up for Ralph. But then, Lana had no way of knowing what had gone on between the two of them. Nor did Lana need to know what some men were willing to do to get what they wanted from women.

  For weeks now Ralph had been pressuring her to pick up where they left off, after Devin and Brynne’s wedding. She was not in the wrong. This was about s-e-x. One night wasn’t enough for him. And he wasn’t going to let a little thing like her family stand in his way.

  Letting out a growl of frustration, Vanessa decided she might as well take advantage of the quiet and get some work done. She flipped through her sketchbook to the wedding gown she started earlier. After several tries to get the sleeves right, she threw down her pencil. Her concentration was practically nonexistent. The sleeves still didn’t look right. And the skirt was all wrong. Giving up, she flipped her sketch pad closed. What next?

  She picked up the novel she was reading for her book club’s upcoming meeting. After reading the same page three times, she gave that up. It was pointless. Her thoughts kept returning to her disagreement with Ralph.

  After a hot bath, Vanessa got ready for bed, then went up to check on the children. All three of them were asleep in Lana’s double bed. Although each of them had their own rooms, Vanessa wasn’t surprised to find Courtney, not in her own bed. Courtney didn’t like to sleep alone. Most nights, she slept beside her brother. Although Courtney adored her own pink feminine room, she’d also crawl in with Lana. Occasionally, both twins slipped into bed with Vanessa.

  When she came back downstairs, Vanessa double-checked all the locks in the house and set the alarm. Too restless
to sleep, she curled up on the sofa in front of the television. Unfortunately, the old Diana Ross and Billy Dee Williams movie didn’t hold her interest. She’d seen it several times, but that wasn’t the problem. Normally, she enjoyed seeing an old favorite again and again…but not tonight.

  She still couldn’t believe how the dinner had ended. For a time she’d relaxed enough with him to let her guard slip. She’d also discovered some unexpected things about him. He was more than a sexy smile. She was getting to know the man behind the charming roguish façade he showed the world.

  He was a man who many might say had the world wrapped around his little finger. Women fought to get close to that sophisticated, confident smooth talker. Vanessa sensed there was so much more to him.

  She’d seen him with his younger relatives and knew he was warm and caring with them. She had not expected him to reveal that side of his personality to her family, yet he had. He was a busy man, on a tight schedule; nonetheless, he made time to listen to their concerns and offered more than a quick pat on the head.

  He had been wrong to ask in front of the kids. But, unfortunately, she couldn’t dismiss the pain she’d seen in his dark eyes when she had accused him of using her family to get close to her. He had allowed her a glimpse of the inner man. The hurt had been real. He’d gone as far as to admit he cared for her. Even Lana thought she’d been too hard on him.

  Was she wrong? Had she overreacted and let her fears get the best of her? Since the night they’d shared together, she had been struggling to keep her distance. Because of her fear of repeating her mother’s mistakes, had she let one thoughtless invitation ruin the friendship that her entire family had enjoyed? A friendship she valued more that she wanted to admit. Her accusation had indeed been harsh. Maybe too much so? Covering her face with her hands, she moaned unhappily. Suddenly, she realized she’d made a mistake.

  She owed him an apology. Ralph might be many things, but he wasn’t a cruel or selfish man. His offer to pay their way had been genuine. Clearly, he had been devastated about upsetting the children. His mistake had been asking in front of the children.

  What now? If she’d been woman enough to get in his face to tell him what she thought of him, then she should be woman enough to apologize the same way…to his face. With a weary groan, she clicked off the set and went into her bedroom to get dressed. She had to do this, and she’d better do it tonight, before she lost her nerve. As long as she kept her dress down and her mind on their friendship, she was safe.

  She went up to tell Lana she was going over to Ralph’s. She wouldn’t be out long. Her sister laughed and told her not to hurry back on her account. Vanessa didn’t like to leave Lana alone at night with the kids, but tonight she felt a sense of urgency. She kissed her sister good night, locked up, and turned on the alarm before she left.

  That same night, Greg Cummingham was working in his plush home office. He should be concentrating on crafting the criminal case for Jackson Jacob. Jacob was one of the most powerful men in the state and deserved his complete focus. Greg had made it to the top by devoting his considerable legal skills to getting his clients off no matter how guilty they were.

  Greg was a senior partner in one of the most prestigious and lucrative law firms. in the Midwest. He was the only black partner, and because he was a fierce competitor with unrelenting determination, his name was constantly in the press and his face in the media. He was the go-to man with a reputation for delivering, no matter what.

  Women had always been drawn to him. And he certainly enjoyed them. Quite honestly, he could count on one hand the number of females who said no, and that had been years ago, while he was on his way up. He saw no reason why it would change. He had enough money to keep them or get rid of them and their little problems. He’d been accused of being unbelievably selfish, but he considered that to be an asset.

  Greg hadn’t expected to fall in love. But he’d fallen hard for, not only beautiful, but smart and popular television journalist, Sheila Adams. She cohosted, AM-Detroit. Greg wasn’t about to let this one get away. He surprised everyone when he married her.

  Sheila was special, and, more important, she made him happy, both in and out of bed. For the first time in his life, Greg found himself putting someone else’s needs ahead of his own.

  Unfortunately, they’d only been married a few months when she’d gotten it in her pretty little head that they needed a baby to make their lives complete. When Sheila had been unable to conceive the old-fashioned way, she’d talked him into going to a fertility specialist, which eventually led to in vitro fertilization treatments at more than ten thousand dollars a pop. After six failed attempts, Sheila was inconsolably disappointed. He couldn’t bear putting her through that again, yet he knew it was only a matter of time before she rebounded and wanted to try again.

  Greg knew he had to intervene, especially since he had the means to end this wild merry-go-round! He had to tell her…he had to tell her about the twins and soon. But how much to tell? The truth was not an option. She would never understand the circumstances of their birth.

  They were perfect, considering they had no mother to complicate matters. Afraid of losing her, he held back. Sheila was so tenderhearted, especially when it came to children. There was no need for her to know he’d never loved the twins’ mother nor have an interest in them, until now.

  He had to tell her. He simply couldn’t handle seeing her keen disappointment and tears each month when she had her period. She was depressed for weeks, and only the hope of trying, yet again, would lift her spirits.

  There was a soft knock on the open door, then his beautiful Sheila hurried over to his desk and climbed into his lap. She could have been a model, with her tall, slim body, soft honey brown skin and long curls.

  “Darling, I know you’re busy, but we need to talk.” She caressed his jaw as she pressed her lips over his. Greg sighed, because he knew by the look in her dark eyes what she meant. She wanted to try another trip to the fertility doctor.

  “No,” he said firmly.

  She blinked in surprise. “What do you mean, no?”

  “I don’t want you hurt. You think I don’t know what’s going on in that gorgeous head of yours? No more trips, Sheila, to that quack of a doctor.” At the shimmer of tears in her eyes and the tremor of her bottom lip, he kissed her soft cheek tenderly.

  “But why? You know how much I want to have your baby. Please, my heart, I thought you wanted it, too?”

  “Hush, sweetheart…don’t cry.”

  “But if we don’t try…”

  “There is another way—”

  She interrupted, “But the doctor said we—”

  “I don’t care what that doctor has to say. We can have my child without you going through this torment every month,” he snapped from sheer frustration.

  Startled, she said, “I don’t understand.” Her forehead creased in a frown.

  “Let me get it out, without interruption. Okay…my precious love.” As he kissed her soft cheek, he realized he was shaking.

  She nodded, then looked at him expectantly.

  Greg took a deep breath, hoping for the best, despite the fear and doubt at the pit of his stomach. In the confident voice that he used in the courtroom, he continued, “I ran into an old friend I hadn’t seen in years. At one time, I dated his cousin. Anyway, when her name came up in conversation, he looked at me in shock, then told me she’d died in childbirth. I got this odd, funny feeling in my gut. I didn’t even know she was expecting. Suddenly, I had to know when the baby was born. I don’t know why, but it was weird. Anyway, she had twins, and they’re six now. When he told me they were born during the summer, I knew they were mine.”

  Sheila merely stared at him in stunned dismay, while his heart nearly stopped, choked with fear. He’d done it. Now it was out of his hands…beyond his control. Somehow, he’d managed not to jump in and rush to defend himself. It took everything in him to keep quiet. He’d dealt with enough criminals to know
that his guilty conscience could only work against him, causing him to give in to a natural tendency to loosen the tongue and let the lies pour out one after another. He was many things, but not a fool. So he waited, knowing their future depended on how convincing he had been.

  “Are you sure?” she finally whispered.

  “Well, as much as I can be, under the circumstances. We were not married, but Leah was not the type of woman to sleep with more than one man at a time. She was a widow and had not been involved with anyone since her husband died. No, those twins are mine. To make sure, I had one of the firm’s private investigators look into it for me. I learned that the twins were born in June. I’m certain they are mine. Of course, we will have blood tests done. My name is already on their birth certificates.”

  She screamed with sheer joy. She began raining kisses all over his face, from his forehead, cheeks, nose, and to his mouth. “Oh my darling! It’s wonderful news! I don’t mean about the poor woman dying, but it’s fabulous for us. It’s the answer to our prayers. You are happy, aren’t you, my love? Please tell me you are. You aren’t mad at me, are you?”

  “Mad at you?” He laughed. “Never!” He released a deep throaty chuckle.

  “Good. Why didn’t you tell me right away? As soon as you heard?”

  “Oh, no. I didn’t want you disappointed if the twins weren’t mine. It killed me, not being able to tell you. Do you think you can accept them?”

  “Accept them!” she exclaimed, lifting her face to kiss him. “I love them already. Now tell me every single detail. Are they identical? Boys or girls? I’ve been hoping for girl, but you probably want a little boy. Where are they? Are they in foster care? Please, don’t say they’ve been adopted.”

  “Wait…wait!” He grinned, thrilled by her enthusiasm. He silently congratulated himself on a job well-done. He couldn’t have hoped for a better response. “They aren’t identical. A boy and a girl. I don’t have pictures. What I’ve learned from the report is that they live with two older sisters. The oldest one is in her late twenties, the youngest one is seventeen.”