Can't Say No Page 13
The next afternoon, when Vanessa pulled into her drive, she couldn’t decide if she was relieved or upset to see Ralph’s Navigator parked in front of the house. While she didn’t want her little brother disappointed, neither did she want to deal with Ralph. For her there were no easy answers.
She was annoyed when she put the car into park and discovered that her hands were shaking. She took several deep, calming breaths before she got out. It was then she noticed the shoulder-high, basketball hoop mounted on the garage door. At the end of the drive, both her sisters and brother were running after a bouncing basketball. Ralph seemed to grab it out of the air, handling it with ease. Then he passed the ball to Curtis, who caught it and went in for the basket. Everyone cheered when he made it.
Ralph spotted her first, and, before she knew it, she was playing on Lana and Courtney’s side, against Ralph and Curtis. The fellows beat the girls, twenty-five to eighteen.
To Vanessa’s relief, he turned down her obligatory dinner invitation, stating a previous engagement. While she was busy wondering if his refusal was because of Dawn, the woman he had taken to his family’s picnic on the Fourth, Ralph invited her family over to swim in his pool and stay for dinner on Friday evening. All three children quickly accepted before she could get out a refusal. With a satisfied smile on his face, he waved good-bye and was halfway down the drive before she said a word.
“Ralph!” Vanessa called after sending her family in to wash up for dinner.
Laughter danced in Ralph’s dark eyes. “What? Did you come up with an excuse for not coming on Friday?”
“As a matter of fact, I have.” With a hand resting on one hip, she said, “Sorry. We’re busy.”
“Doing what? Avoiding me?”
“Exactly. I’d appreciate it if you don’t come around the children. I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
Ralph frowned. “Don’t you think you’re taking the problem between us a bit far?”
She shook her head. “No, I don’t. You’re the one who showed up here, food in hand last night. Today, I come home, you’re playing ball with my family. Enough of this! I’m not going to get tricked into being obligated to go to your place, then having to return the favor.”
He lifted a brow. “What are you afraid of, Vanessa? Having a good time? That the kids like me, or I like them? Tell me, what’s got you on the run.”
“I’m not running. I hate to crush your ego, but not wanting to be involved with you isn’t illegal. Including my family in your little game is plain wrong.”
“Come over here and say that.” He pointed to the sidewalk space in front of him.
Vanessa lifted her chin, refusing to back down. She walked up to the spot and repeated, “I’m not…”
The next thing she knew she was in his arms.
“Yes?” he said softly. His warm breath fanned her neck.
Vanessa shivered, closing her eyes as awareness traveled up and down her back. “We can’t…”
“We aren’t,” he whispered, brushing his lips over her temple. “Why can’t we continue to be friends?”
When she realized she was touching his chest, she took a quick step back. She needed to think, and she couldn’t do that with him so close. “It won’t work.”
“It will if that’s what we want. On the Fourth, you told me that you mourn the loss of our friendship. I don’t want our friendship to end, either. And there is nothing wrong with friends spending time together. Is there?”
“No,” she said carefully, trying to decide if she had stepped into a trap.
“Good, then we agree. Besides, I enjoy spending time with you and your family. I’ve got a pool, and all three kids like to swim. Why should they be disappointed because you and I messed up?” When she remained silent, Ralph prompted, “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were afraid even to try. Are you afraid?”
“Of course not. Stop trying to put words in my mouth. The problem is, I’m not sure I can trust you to keep your hands to yourself.”
“Can’t trust me?” He grinned, lifting a dark brow. “Or yourself?”
Vanessa crossed her arms protectively over her chest. “Believe me, I can keep my hands to myself.”
He grinned. “Good. Then we don’t have a problem. See you Friday around five. Need directions?”
Realizing she had just backed herself into a corner, Vanessa sighed heavily. “No. We’ll be there.”
Watching as he waved, got into his vehicle, and drove away, she could not help feeling as if she’d just jumped into the deep end of the pool.
Vanessa woke with a start. Her entire body tingled from a dream so vivid it felt real. She moaned, hugging her pillow. She was exhausted. For the last few days, she’d been unable to sleep, busy trying to figure out if Ralph had been right.
Over and over, she asked herself one question. Was she afraid of him? Her immediate answer was of course not! Yet the question nagged at her. Maybe she was afraid, but not of him. If anything she feared how he made her feel.
She’d been a quivering mass of nerves when he challenged her to approach him, close enough to touch. Yes, she’d boldly placed herself right in front of him. While he’d kept his hands to himself, she had been the one doing the touching. His closeness had sent her nervous system into high alert.
There was no question that she’d been…trembling with awareness. It was a struggle not to lift her mouth to his, to feel that firm, warm pressure of his lips against her. Who was she fooling? She’d wanted more than his mouth, she’d wanted him…every muscle-packed inch.
The worst was when he had brushed his lips against her forehead. At that moment, she’d nearly lost it. She’d practically given in to the desire to press her breasts against the muscles of his chest. It had taken all of her willpower not to rub herself against him. Talk about brain freeze. She’d been so needy, so hard-pressed for his body, that her nipples were aching, throbbing with longing for the heat of his mouth. She had no idea how she found the strength to resist.
Thank goodness, he hadn’t known about her struggle. It was clear to her now that she never should have slept with him. She should have gone through life not knowing what she’d missed. It would have been so much easier.
Now, instead of getting on with her life, she was struggling to get over him. She was being tormented by dreams of their lovemaking, vivid dreams that left her filled with yearning for more of his unforgettable brand of lovemaking. And she had brought this on herself. The blame was hers alone.
How could she have been so naive? She had honestly thought a single night in Ralph’s bed would answer all her questions. Well, it had done that, but it had left her longing for what she couldn’t have…more of Ralph Prescott. She felt like an addict. Yet he was worse than any drug known to man. AA couldn’t cure what ailed her. And she was not about to have her name added to the long list of women who had put their lives on hold in the hope that someday he’d remember their names.
She groaned wearily, knowing she wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep. Five o’clock in the morning. Friday…the day they were scheduled to go swimming and have dinner at his place. She was learning that regret was a terrible thing. And her regrets seemed to be mounting. Knowing she should have refused to go didn’t matter now. She could not disappoint the kids. They were so excited, talking about little else.
How had he found out her family’s likes and dislikes so quickly? After two visits, he knew that the entire family’s favorite sport was swimming. Lana was so good at it she’d trained to be a lifeguard, and the twins had taken their first swimming lessons when they were babies. It was an indulgence that Vanessa had been unable to deny, despite the cost of the lessons. Their family took advantage of the community center’s year-round indoor pool.
Vanessa scowled. Ralph knew the children would find his invitation irresistible. She pounded her pillow, wishing it was his face. They were going, but only this one time—she planned t
o make sure it would never happen again.
“Hurry, Nessa!” the twins called from outside the dressing room.
“I’m coming!” Vanessa was dressed in her old, faded, navy blue swimsuit. It didn’t matter that she didn’t have a trendy new suit, designed to attract a man. It wasn’t about that. With the twins, she didn’t have a choice. If they were in the water, she had to be ready to go in, just to make sure they were safe.
“I’ve got them!” Lana said from the hallway.
Tucking a towel around her waist, Vanessa turned her back on her reflection. She’d had enough to worry about without focusing on how big her behind was or that her thighs touched when she walked. Instead she hurried out before she changed her mind and ran for the car.
“Ready.” Vanessa gave her family a warm smile, automatically taking Curtis’s hand so he wouldn’t go dashing out. Ignoring the nerves in her stomach, she said, “Remember, no running around the pool area.” It was less stressful and simpler to keep her thoughts on the children.
She’d been a ball of nerves since Ralph opened his front door and let them into his large, beautifully decorated mansion. He’d been dressed casually in faded jeans that hugged powerful thighs. A plain white T-shirt covered his wide chest, broad shoulders, and taut midsection. His feet were bare.
He’d showed them around as if Vanessa had never been there. The children enjoyed seeing the game and home theater rooms. When Lana asked why so many bedrooms, he laughed, explaining with so much family, and out-of-town friends, he wanted plenty of room. Vanessa was glad he didn’t show them the den…it held so many memories. Ralph had left them in the hall outside the dressings rooms.
Vanessa and the kids entered the huge, beautifully tiled, green-and-blue room, two of whose walls were floor-to-ceiling glass framing the Olympic-size pool. A set of French doors opened into the lush grounds.
“Find everything?” Ralph was already there waiting for them. He frowned at the towel around her waist.
Vanessa, busy looking around, jumped at the sound of his voice. Curtis and Courtney went off in peals of giggles.
She felt the heat of his dark gaze caressing along her throat, down to her arms, and lingering on her ample breasts. “Yes, thanks.” She forced a smile.
“Look!” Lana said.
Vanessa heard the loud squeal of excitement from the twins. They were practically jumping up and down as they stared with wide eyes at the huge waterslide at the shallow end of the pool.
“You shouldn’t have,” Vanessa exclaimed in disbelief.
“Why not?” Ralph asked from directly behind her. She shivered as his warm breath caressed her nape.
“The expense. And don’t tell me you did this for yourself. I know better.”
Vanessa, aware that the twins where right there, their little ears taking in every word, let the twins go over to take a closer look with a warning not to run. She waited until Lana followed the twins, intrigued by the rushing water.
Annoyed, Vanessa said, “Why would you do something like this? Wasting your money. Now I’ll never get them to leave.”
Evidently realizing she was really upset, Ralph said, “Vanessa, I can afford it. It really isn’t a big deal. I have a teenage cousin, Wayne, then there is Kyle, plus my two little nieces. I also have friends with kids. I like having my family and friends over.”
Vanessa nodded, aware that she was overreacting. Just the upkeep of this house probably cost more than she made in a year. How had she forgotten he was wealthy? She was surrounded by opulence. Dropping her lids, she found herself unwittingly studying the bold masculine bulge beneath his tight black trunks.
“Don’t…” he whispered huskily.
“What?” she managed to get out before she realized she’d been staring at his crotch. Her cheeks were hot with embarrassment that he’d caught her in the act.
“Don’t look at me as if you’d like another look at what’s beneath the trunks. If we were alone, it wouldn’t matter because there’s no doubt that I want you…badly.”
She blushed, forcing her eyes away. Before she could blink, he’d dived into the deep end of the pool and swum to where the kids were playing in the water. She was thankful the twins and Lana hadn’t waited for them.
“Come on in, Nessa!” Courtney called, waving frantically.
“It’s your turn to slide!” Curtis laughed.
The afternoon passed quickly. Everyone was having a great time. Vanessa found she was able to relax and enjoy herself. Like Lana, Ralph was an excellent swimmer. And all three children laughed at his horseplay.
Although the twins were hungry, they didn’t want to get out of the pool. Eventually, Vanessa was able to coax them out. Sitting in lounge chairs and wrapped in towels, Vanessa and the twins yelled at the top of their lungs as Lana and Ralph raced. They had dived into the deep end and were swimming laps side by side. While Curtis pulled for Ralph, Vanessa and Courtney cheered Lana on. Lana won, but Vanessa suspected Ralph had let her pass him.
Only because of their growling stomachs was Vanessa able to urge the kids into the showers and get them changed in the dressing rooms. Everything they might need—soap, lotions, stacks of thick towels—was waiting for them.
Ralph had gone up to his room to shower and change while Lana and the twins rushed to get ready and a thoughtful Vanessa took her time. She had not changed her mind. Unfortunately, she hadn’t had an opportunity to let him know this outing would be their last.
“You could get lost in this place. It’s so big,” Lana whispered, as they followed the taupe-carpeted hallway back toward the front of the house.
Vanessa nodded, keeping an eye on the twins. “Where is the kitchen?” She fought the urge to tell the children not to touch a thing as they passed cream walls displaying spectacular paintings and sculptured pieces done by prominent and talented African-American artists.
Lana laughed. “Down the central hallway, past the game and theater rooms…I think.”
Vanessa warned softly, “Curtis, slow down. There’s no need to run.” She was embarrassed because she should have been busy watching where they were going and not thinking of Ralph.
Turning to the right, Lana said confidently, “This way.”
They went under a wide archway into the spacious state-of-the-art kitchen, decorated in shades of beige and taupe. There were gold-and-brown granite countertops and a long center island. A large round, butcher-block dining table sat in front of a set of French doors that led out onto a patio.
“Anna and Mrs. Prescott did a great job decorating,” Vanessa marveled.
“Thanks.” Ralph grinned as he came in through the patio doors. “I bought this house as an investment, while I was still playing basketball for the Lakers. It didn’t feel like home until I moved back to Detroit.”
“It’s really lovely. Is there anything you need me to help with?” Vanessa asked, glancing at the large table, empty except for a crystal bowl of fruit in the center.
“It’s such a nice night, I thought we would eat outside on the patio.” When she smiled and nodded, he said, “This way.” He urged them through the double doors to a spacious redwood-planked veranda that curved along the side of the house.
Outdoor lights revealed redwood furniture cushioned in a maroon-and-green leaf pattern. There was an outdoor kitchen including built-in stainless-steel refrigerator, sink, and countertops as well as a stainless-steel grill.
“How about some volleyball?” Ralph asked, the kids agreeing before he’d finished speaking. He’d strung a net, low between two steel-anchored poles. A large basket of balls sat nearby. Soon Curtis, Courtney, and Lana were engrossed in the game.
“Come on. You can keep me company.” Ralph gave Vanessa’s hand a quick squeeze. While he worked, she relaxed in a lounge chair near the grill, her feet up as she sipped a glass of lemonade.
Not used to being idle, Vanessa asked, “Are you sure there is nothing I can do to help?”
��Nope. The potato salad and coleslaw are waiting in the fridge,” he said as he worked at the grill. Corn on the cob steamed in their jackets on an upper rack away from the flame, while thick T-bone steaks and steak burgers were sizzling away.
“I’m impressed,” Vanessa admitted. “I didn’t quite believe it when you said you knew your way around the kitchen. I haven’t tasted anything yet, but I’m impressed.”
He laughed. “I suppose it’s only fair to withhold judgment until after dinner.”
“When you do praise my expert culinary skills, and I assure you that you will,” he boasted, “my aunt is the one who deserves the credit. She is an exceptional cook. Why do you think Anna is a chef? Aunt Donna. She made sure all of her kids knew how to take care of themselves. We all had chores.”
“I’ve always thought Donna Prescott was a smart and talented lady,” Vanessa said sincerely. His aunt had a generous and down-to-earth way about her that had always made Vanessa and the kids feel welcome. Donna and her husband were genuinely warm, caring people. And their home was like a haven. Even though their children were wildly successful, it wasn’t about the money but the love.
When she looked up, Vanessa found herself returning Ralph’s smile as he flipped the burgers. For a few moments, she’d been so engrossed in watching him that she had forgotten all else. She was relieved when he asked if she would fill the glasses while he loaded the serving platters. She told herself she was more than ready when her family joined them at the table.
She didn’t need any reminding that Ralph’s devastating smiles and lethal charm were the reasons so many women were thrilled to end an evening in his bed. They were willing to take whatever they could get in exchange for an opportunity to reel him in. In return, he’d wine and dine them, then sleep with them. The sex was his ultimate goal. When he’d had his fill, he was ready to move on to the next pretty face. And there was never a shortage of women eager to play the game with him.
And in their case, Vanessa had gone after Ralph. She wanted to unravel the mystery of what goes on behind closed doors between the male and female. And she knew Ralph had all the answers…he was the expert.