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Can't Say No Page 10
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Page 10
When she remained silent, he snapped, “You tricked me. If I’d known I would be the first, I would never have gone through with it. You distracted me in the shower. Not again. I want an answer.”
“And I can’t believe you are even here! I expected you to have moved on to the next lady on your long list. What happened to the man who always keeps his word?”
Feeling the need to defend himself, he thumped his chest. “The way it looks from where I’m standing, neither one of us kept our stupid promise. You walked. And I came for answers.”
“Please! We both got what we wanted that night. It was sex, Mr. Prescott. No more…no less. Now go away and leave me alone!”
He shot her a furious glare. “With pleasure.” He yanked the door open and walked out. His long legs swiftly eliminated the distance to the kitchen. He paused to kiss Anna’s cheek and grab the wrapped cookies. “Thanks for lunch, cuz. Got to run. See you, Friday, for dinner.”
Ralph didn’t slow down until he was in his car. He couldn’t remember being angrier or more aroused. He had to get away from Vanessa before he did something crazy, like reminding her no matter what she said, he had been the man she’d wanted inside her.
“Just sex,” Vanessa mumbled aloud as she fought back tears. It sounded right. Too bad it wasn’t how she really felt. But that was cool. If she kept saying it, sooner or later, she might actually believe it.
She sat with her head in her hands, not believing the words that had come out of her mouth. She only said them to protect herself. She’d been terrified that he would touch her and realize she’d been harboring a schoolgirl crush for him. Her only hope had been to make him angry. She’d done it, but she was the one left feeling miserable.
Why had he come? It didn’t make sense. Didn’t Ralph Prescott have enough women running after him as it was? They both knew she was not his type. It was so outlandish, it was laughable, only she wasn’t amused. The painful truth was, Vanessa had too much pride ever to admit to being infatuated with the man.
Their memorable night together hadn’t ended the way she would have liked, but it was over. As far as she was concerned, it was a sweet memory she would keep in a secret part of her heart, to be examined and enjoyed at her leisure.
What she couldn’t understand was why he was upset. He was acting as if this was something that had never happened to him, which was ridiculous. The man was a well-known ladies’ man, for heaven’s sake! They both knew it was only a matter of time before he moved on to his next female conquest. Why was he so put out?
The only reason she could come up with was that he didn’t appreciate her being the one to walk away. Was that it? She’d wounded his pride? Was he on an ego trip?
Vanessa suddenly smiled, relieved that she’d finally understood. Now she wouldn’t waste time trying to put a foolish romantic spin on something as basic as injured male pride. Nor would she mistake a case of lust for something complicated…such as love.
With a lighter heart, she dialed her home telephone number. When Lana answered, she said, playfully, “How do you and the twins feel about going out for dinner for burgers and hot fudge sundaes? To celebrate summer vacation and day camp on Monday?”
Vanessa laughed at the twins’ squeal of approval in the background. She heard a click signaling another call. “That’s the other line. Have to get back to work. See you around five thirty. Bye. Hello, Mathis Enterprises. How may I help you?”
As Vanessa printed out congratulatory letters to notify students that they would be receiving scholarships for the fall semester, she also praised herself on remaining levelheaded.
She hadn’t heard from Ralph in two blissful weeks. Nor had she been tempted to contact him. Her days were full, and she rarely had time to spare him much thought. Only at night, when she was in her bed, did her defenses fall, and the bittersweet memories returned.
“Vanessa, have you talked to Brynne today? Have you heard the news?” Anna said with a wide smile as she dropped down into the empty visitor’s chair in front of the desk.
Pausing to pull the neat stack of letters out of the printer tray, Vanessa shook her head. “Haven’t talked to her since they were here in Detroit. What’s up?”
“They are flying in for the family barbecue on the Fourth! I can’t wait to hug my little niece. I just got off the telephone with my mother. She’s excited that the entire family will be together for the holiday.”
“That’s great, Anna.” Vanessa smiled. “I miss not being able to see them whenever I like. Have you started on the menu, yet?”
“The menu is almost set.” Anna began rattling off dishes from porterhouse steaks to lobster tails.
“Wow. Sounds delicious,” Vanessa said, returning to her desk and beginning to fill envelopes.
“You are coming with your family, aren’t you?” Anna urged eagerly.
Vanessa swallowed down an immediate refusal. The last place she wanted to be was anywhere near Ralph Prescott. “I thought it was a family gathering? I couldn’t possibly impose.”
“You’re family! Since Gavin and I are hosting, naturally, all our employees are invited. Wayne and Kyle will be here, so Lana will have someone close to her age. And she’s welcome to bring a girlfriend, if she’d like.” Anna laughed, “I’m sure Shanna is looking forward to seeing you and her favorite playmates, Curtis and Courtney.”
Vanessa’s heart sank, seeing no way out. Ralph was bound to be there, with his current lady. Vanessa didn’t have a single doubt he had a new lady friend. She would just have to deal with it. When she’d asked him to be her lover, she hadn’t realized it would mean the end of their friendship.
Vanessa forced a smile. “Sorry. Thanks for inviting us.”
“Does that mean you’re coming?”
“We’d love to come. It will be good to sit down and have a long talk with Brynne.” Vanessa hoped her reluctance didn’t show. This was Ralph’s fault. She’d like nothing more than to smack him upside his head. “Is there anything I can bring?”
“Nope. Just you and the kids and your bathing suits.”
Dawn Johnson clung to Ralph’s arm as if she were a drowning victim going down for the final time. They’d met the week before at a popular night spot. She didn’t even so much as try to hide how thrilled she was that he was ‘ex-NBA’ and had invited her to a family picnic. As soon as she heard his last name and zeroed in on his championship ring, she was in love.
Ralph was used to women assuming he was serious because he brought them around his family. He didn’t bother explaining that her only purpose was entertainment, in a nutshell to keep his mind off Vanessa Grant.
Nor was he concerned that his folks would read more into the situation. They knew he enjoyed female companionship and dated frequently. His family had been giving him a hard time because he hadn’t brought a date to Sunday dinner in weeks.
Dawn would suit his purpose by smiling and hopefully stopping the pointed questions on his nonexistent love life. His male cousins would be shocked if they knew that he hadn’t slept with Dawn and wasn’t interested. As far as Ralph was concerned, the twenty-two-year-old five-foot-two-inch beauty was nothing but eye candy.
“Hey, Ralph,” Wayne, bouncing a basketball, called.
“We’ve been waiting for you to get here, so we can play some ball.” He indicated his best friend, Kyle.
“Hey, Ralph.” The other boy grinned.
“Hey yourself.” Ralph smiled, glad that Gavin’s younger brother’s troubled days of sullen moods and a huge chip on his slender shoulders were long gone. Kyle knew he was loved and wanted by both Gavin and Anna.
Cushioned lawn chairs were placed around the veranda, which ran the length of the house. Wesley and Devin were lounging while Gavin manned the grill and Lester supervised. The pool was located on the other side of the guesthouse and tennis courts.
Ralph promised, “We’ll play ball after we eat. Okay?”
“Cool.” Wayne grinned, then s
aid to Kyle, “Let’s go talk to Lana and Marisa at the pool.”
“Hey!” Ralph said, greeting the men. After introducing his date, he playfully punched Devin on the arm. “When did you get in, old man?”
Devin grinned. “This morning. Shanna and Brynne are inside with the ladies.”
“Looks like marriage agrees with you.”
The other man laughed. “You won’t get any complaints out of me.”
“We’re going on inside. I want Dawn to meet Aunt Donna.” Ralph ushered her in through the side door. He called out, “Anyone here?”
“Uncle Ralph,” Shanna squealed as she rushed to welcome him.
“Hi, sweetie pie.” Ralph swung her up so she could put a wet kiss on his lean cheek. “Where you been?”
“In Louis!” she exclaimed. “Did you miss me?”
“Oh, yeah!” After a hug, he placed her on her feet.
“Mama’s here, too!” She took his big hand and tried to drag him into the kitchen as she chattered nonstop.
Following along, he caught Dawn’s hand so she would not be left behind. He immediately dropped it the second he saw Vanessa seated at the center island beside Brynne. His gaze momentarily locked with hers before she looked away.
His heart raced as he studied her. Vanessa looked good in a perfectly ordinary navy swimsuit with a deep vee neckline that caused his hungry gaze to linger on her lush breasts. Unfortunately for him, her gorgeous, long, sexy legs were hidden in knee-length denim shorts. Her thick curls had been pulled back into a ponytail. Had it only been two weeks since he’d seen her? It seemed much longer. By the looks of things, she was still ticked at him. Why? If anyone had a right to be ticked, it was he.
He fought the urge to swear beneath his breath, pasting a broad smile on his face. “Hey, ladies.” He made the rounds, kissing his petite, pretty Aunt Donna’s cheek, then Anna, Kelli, and Brynne. He told himself he had no reason to feel guilty as he introduced Dawn to everyone. Vanessa was the one who had made the rules, he was only going along with her game plan.
For the first time in memory, he was uncomfortable with the way his date clung to him. Dawn was grinning as if she’d won the lottery, and he was the jackpot. If this was a sample of the way things were to be, he was ready to pack up his marbles and go home.
Just then Vanessa’s twins raced into the kitchen. They yelled, “We’re ready, Nessa!” They were dressed in swimsuits and flip-flops, like Shanna.
“Hurry, Mommy! Let’s go slide!” Shanna said excitedly.
Donna explained, “Gavin and Anna set up a waterslide for the little ones.”
“Yeah!” the kids cheered, jumping up and down.
Even little Kaleea, at fifteen months, giggled, clapping her tiny hands and pumping her plump legs as if she was also ready to go.
“Don’t tell me you want to go, too.” Ralph chuckled as he took the baby from her mother, Kelli, and placed playful kisses on her plump cheeks. She gurgled and put wet baby kisses on his face.
Ralph laughed, giving her a playful whirl before handing her back to Kelli.
“Nessa!” the twins complained.
“Let’s go.” With her back to him, Vanessa, a child in each hand, urged them outside, not offering him more than an ice-cold hello.
Shanna and Brynne followed.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Dawn asked, clinging to his arm.
“Not a thing.” Ralph forced a smile, working to hide his frustration. Why hadn’t Anna warned him? He was many things, but stupid wasn’t one of them. He would have never brought a woman if he’d known Vanessa was going to be there. What was she thinking? But then, Anna didn’t know anything about the unforgettable night he’d shared with Vanessa.
He was tempted to release a pointed swearword. Rather than trying to change Vanessa’s mind, he would be stuck with Dawn. He’d thought he’d done a decent job of putting that night behind him and moving on. But one disdainful glance from Vanessa’s beautiful eyes had proven he was dead wrong.
All it had taken was one look at Vanessa, and he was hard, ready for more of her sweet loving. The hunger hadn’t gone away. One sexual encounter with her had left him eager for more. His mind might be saying he didn’t want a relationship, while his body was screaming for more. What now? All he was certain of was that, given some time alone with Vanessa, he might be able to work her out of his system.
Curtis’s and Courtney’s loud complaints caused Vanessa to realize she was practically running to get away from Ralph. “Upset” was too mild a word to describe how shaken she was from seeing Ralph with his new lady. Darn it! She was everything Vanessa could never be…small and beautiful. Vanessa knew she had no business caring at all. One night was all she asked for and wanted. So why were her feelings genuinely hurt that it hadn’t taken him long to move on? It made no sense.
Stop it! she silently warned herself. She was overreacting…nothing more. She had done what was best for her. She’d gotten out before she became emotionally involved. Thank goodness it wasn’t possible to fall in love in one night. She had been careful to protect herself from emotional devastation. She had nothing to worry about. She was merely tired and hadn’t been sleeping well lately. Once she’d gotten a full night’s sleep, she’d be fine.
“Gavin and Anna sure know how to throw a party,” Brynne said as she settled in one of the cushioned chaises several yards from the pool where the teenagers were hanging out.
Wayne asked from near the deep end of the Olympic-size pool, “Can we go in?”
Vanessa nodded, taking the chair beside Brynne. She reminded the little ones, “No running or pushing. Play nice!”
As soon as the kids moved out of earshot, Brynne demanded, “Give it up, girl. What’s going on with you and Ralph?”
Rather than tell an outright lie, Vanessa hedged, “Why do you ask?”
“Maybe because I’ve known you longer than five minutes? Get real. You seem upset back in the house. Did he say something to upset you?” Brynne’s concern was genuine.
Vanessa didn’t know where to begin. He had done nothing but upset her since the night they spent together. She wasn’t ready to share what she’d been up to on Brynne’s wedding night. Besides, she didn’t want her friend worrying about her. Brynne had been through so much worse. This was her time for joy. And Vanessa was not about to load her mess onto her dear friend’s shoulders. These days Brynne glowed with happiness. No, Vanessa couldn’t do or say anything that would change that.
“Ralph is being his natural womanizing self. No woman in her right mind would take him seriously. I just hope his new ‘friend’ doesn’t get her feelings hurt expecting too much from him. He reminds me of Greg Cummingham, the twins’ dad, and I see red! No biggie,” Vanessa ended with a forced laugh.
“I know. But someday he is going to settle down. And when he does, the woman he has fallen in love with will be one lucky lady.”
“What makes you say that?” Vanessa demanded.
“I can’t explain it. I just have this feeling that once he gives his heart…Ralph’s going to be just as devoted and loving a husband and father as his cousins and uncle. Maybe more so. He’s a Prescott, after all.”
“Maybe.” Vanessa didn’t even try to hide her doubts.
“How many hearts is he going to break in the meantime? My advice to any woman interested in that one is, if she knows what’s good for her, she’ll keep her distance.” Glancing at her sister and her sister’s girlfriend, Marisa, who were laughing at the boys’ antics in the pool, she confessed, “I’m worried about Lana. I wish she didn’t have to stay home all summer babysitting for me. She has too many responsibilities as it is. I wish she wasn’t so serious all the time.”
“Lana is a great kid. And she’s having fun today. Stop worrying.”
Vanessa leaned back in her chair when she saw the twins and Shanna squealing with laughter, taking turns going down the waterslide. “I know you’re right.”
Brynne laughed. “I am right. Lana is hard
working and a good student. You couldn’t ask for anyone more reliable to stay with the twins. Besides, knowing you, I bet you have every minute of their day scheduled.”
Vanessa released a guilty laugh. “I do. But as you know, Lana is an excellent swimmer, and she has worked hard to earn her certificate to be a lifeguard. It’s a great way for a teenager to earn extra money.”
Brynne shook her head. “Forget the guilt trip. You can’t find anyone better to take care of the twins or love them more. You’re being too hard on yourself.”
Vanessa sighed, knowing everything Brynne said was true. “Lana will be starting her senior year in the fall. And I don’t want her to feel as if she’s missed out.” Vanessa didn’t add that she was doing everything she could to make sure Lana would be able to go to college the following year. She’d never touched the money their father had put aside for Lana’s education. Even though Vanessa’s college money had gone to caring for them while the twins were babies, Vanessa had no regrets on that score. But what their father had put away no longer stretched very far. College expenses were rising every year. Vanessa had to make up the difference.
Brynne reached out and squeezed Vanessa’s hand. “You know I understand how difficult it can be raising kids on your own. All the hard decisions come back onto your shoulders. You’re doing an amazing job with all of them.” Until Devin came back into Brynne’s life, she had been a single mom, raising her daughter alone.
Vanessa nodded. “Thanks, Brynne. That means a lot to me. Do you have any idea how much I’ve missed you? And it’s only been a few weeks?”
Brynne smiled. “I miss you also. But remember, I am only a phone call away. St. Louis isn’t that far. Anytime you need to talk, call me.”
“I’m glad that raising Shanna alone is no longer your responsibility. So how do you really feel about being back in St. Louis? That can’t be easy.”
Brynne shook her head. “St. Louis may not have changed, but I have. I’m not the same frightened young woman who ran home to Detroit to hide from my problems. Now, I couldn’t be happier. But don’t get me wrong, I have my moments when it all comes back, but Devin is there to hold me.” Then Brynne laughed. “And I especially miss my friends in the book club.”