Can't Get Enough of You Page 10
The day flew by in a whirl of activity. Jenna got to know her sister-in-law while pitching in to steam the aged wallpaper from the living room walls. Lincoln and Scott painted an upstairs bedroom.
Later in the day, David and Marleen Nicholas stopped by, as did their daughters, Candace and Linda, who came with their families. Jenna had a chance to visit with Lincoln’s adopted family during an impromptu dinner. The men grilled steaks and corn on the cob on the patio while the ladies prepared mixed green salad and baked potatoes with all the fixings.
When the festivities were done, and the families had said goodnight, Jenna assured herself that she was relieved that she hadn’t had an opportunity to exchange more than a few words with Scott the entire day. It was better that way. She didn’t want to magnify the kiss they’d shared in the kitchen, a kiss that never should have happened. She couldn’t afford the complications, she told herself as she pulled her nightgown over her head.
Friendship was one thing, but hungry kisses were entirely different. Longing for the taste of his mouth wasn’t acceptable. How had it happened? One minute she’d been thanking him, the next they’d locked lips. A mistake! She had to make sure it didn’t happen again.
If she started feeling weak, she only had to recall all the things she had done on her own. She hadn’t needed his kisses then; she certainly didn’t need them now.
Regardless of how grateful she was to him for his support, she wasn’t about to forget what had gone wrong between them. As long as she kept that firmly fixed in her mind, she couldn’t make another wrong move. Satisfied with that conclusion, she curled on her side in Corrie’s bed and quickly fell asleep.
On Sunday the temperature dropped. The overcast sky suited Jenna’s mood. She couldn’t help feeling a little sad as she hugged her brother and his family good-bye, but she was cheered by the knowledge that they’d agreed to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with her in Detroit.
“You okay?” Scott asked once they were under way. Although he hadn’t taken his gaze from the road, his concern was evident in his deep voice.
Surprised, she quickly gave him a reassuring smile. “Are you kidding? I couldn’t be happier. I’ve finally found my brother after years of searching for him.”
“A dream come true.”
Jenna quickly looked away. She refused to study the subtle changes in his dark, masculine profile. The years had certainly been good to him. And yes, in a sense, he was back in her life. So much had changed, and so quickly, that she was having trouble figuring out how she felt about it all.
“I still can’t believe it!” she whispered aloud. “I found my brother. I have to pinch myself to make sure it’s real. I know I could have done this alone, but I’m glad I didn’t have to. Overwhelmed is too mild a word to explain how I feel. I have my family back. My life has just changed forever.”
“You deserve to be happy,” he said quietly.
“Thank you.”
“I’m glad we’re friends again,” he said quietly.
“We both know that’s not exactly true. It was the simplest way to explain our being together to my brother and Carolyn—there was no reason to go into our history. But it doesn’t matter, since we’ve both moved on with our lives.”
“So you don’t plan to explain us to your brother?”
“There’s no need. You two will probably never see each other again.” Jenna wasn’t trying to be rude, yet she was determined to keep the past where it belonged . . . buried and forgotten. She rushed on to say, “Did I tell you I talked to Mr. Collagen, thanked him for finding Lincoln? He was able to do what I couldn’t do on my own. He will be concentrating on finding Lenna.”
“That’s good.”
“It helps knowing Lincoln wants to find Lenna as much as I do.”
“Don’t you think it’s odd that he never tried to find you? After all, you never changed your name. Except for four years in New York, you even lived in the city where the three of you were born,” Scott said thoughtfully.
“He has his reasons.”
Scott said, “You asked him?”
“Yeah, I wondered about it. Besides, he admitted he felt guilty because he’d been adopted. He believed that Lenna and I were still together and had also been adopted. He assumed we were doing well and had gone on with our lives. It never occurred to him that we had been separated. Or that I was in foster care.” She ended with, “He apologized for not looking for us.”
“How do you feel about it?”
“I was disappointed, but I don’t hold him responsible. He was only a kid like me, caught up in grown-folks’ business.”
“Meaning . . .” he prompted.
“It’s all water under the bridge. It’s over and can’t be changed. I prefer to concentrate on what’s important. We’ve found each other. That’s what matters.”
“Jenna, why are you letting him off the hook so easily? He’s a lawyer. He had the wherewithal and money to search for both of his sisters, yet he didn’t.” Scott seemed genuinely perturbed.
“You think I should be upset?” She shook her head in disagreement, then went on to say, “We all make choices. How can I fault his? Lincoln’s successful and has a wonderful family backing him up. I’m happy about all those things,” she insisted. “I’m sure he would have eventually gotten around to searching for me and Lenna.”
“Hey, I know you are happy for him. And you’re probably right about him getting around to looking for you and your twin. This situation, at least to me, points out the special person you are, Jenna Gaines. You wanted your family back. And you were willing to move heaven and earth to make that happen regardless of the personal cost.” Scott paused, then said, “No one loves like you, Jenna. You give your whole heart. I have no doubts that you will find your twin sister. It’s only a matter of time.”
Jenna’s heartbeat pounded in her ears. For an instant, when he’d said “love,” she’d thought he’d been talking about the two of them.
“Thanks, Scott,” she said with a hopeful smile. “All I can say is from your mouth to God’s ear.”
Jenna was surprised at how tired she was when, hours later, Scott turned into her driveway. It had been an eventful trip. Finally it was over. Stretching tight muscles as she got out of the car, Jenna moved slowly around to the back of the car to get her bag.
Scott merely smiled as he hefted it into his left hand and pulled down the hood of the trunk. With a hand on the small of her back, he urged her up the rain-dampened walkway.
“Scott, I want to thank you for all you’ve done this weekend.” While searching in her purse for her keys, she said, “I’m sure there were a hundred and one things you could have been doing.”
He shrugged wide shoulders as he held the screen door open so she could slide her key into the lock.
“I’m glad you took me up on the offer,” he replied. “It was a pleasure for me to see you so happy.” He followed her inside as she quickly punched in the alarm code.
After flicking on the lights, she turned and looked up into his dark, searching eyes. Her breath quickened in her throat.
“Well . . .” She stopped abruptly, feeling awkward.
“It’s late. And I’m sure you’d like to get some rest. Tomorrow is a workday,” Scott said, putting her case down on the rug beneath the table in the foyer, then going to stand before her. “There is no reason for us to be uncomfortable with each other. I know your secrets and you know mine. We’ve both seen and heard the best and worst from each other.” He leaned down to kiss her cheek. “Jenna, I’m thrilled that things worked out for you and Lincoln. Let’s go out one day this week to celebrate. What evening is good for you?”
She hesitated. She didn’t want to seem ungrateful. Yet, at the same time, she doubted the wisdom of seeing each other socially.
He lifted her chin until they were gazing into each other’s eyes. “If you’re wondering if I have ulterior motives, then you’re correct. I’ve missed having you in my life. I really enjoyed being with you this weekend. I hope you don’t think I’m trying to take advantage here, but I also have to be honest with you. If it’s too soon to talk about us, then I’ll back off.”
“There’s nothing to talk about,” she said.
He studied her for a few moments, then said, “I’m a straightforward guy. That hasn’t changed. There’s no game playing or intent to capitalize on a weak moment. Jenna, all I’m asking for is another chance with you. But tonight we are both tired, so let’s leave this discussion for another day.” He ended with that, but his engaging smile had her staring at his firm lips.
“Scott, I don’t know what you expect me to say or even know how I feel,” she hesitated.
“No pressure. Let’s take this one small step at a time. If you’d like to go out to dinner to celebrate finding your brother, please give me a call.”
“I’m not changing my mind about us just because you went with me to Ohio to find Lincoln. I could have gone on my own. I’m used to taking care of myself and proud of my accomplishments.”
He chuckled. “I’m proud of you, also. You did what you set out to do. Sweet thing, I’m talking about dinner, not a lifelong commitment. Okay?” Then he teased, “What are you afraid of? I promise I won’t embarrass you by using the wrong fork.”
“I’m not afraid of anything,” she was quick to clarify, deeply touched by his sincerity and acknowledgement of her success. It shouldn’t matter, yet it did.
“Then there’s no reason why we can’t go out to celebrate? Who knows? By the end of the week, you may have news from the private investigator about your twin. Jenna, if you need me to be patient, I can do that, also.”
She couldn’t help smiling. She found herself teasing him, “I don’t recall you ever being patient about anything. When you learned you were eligible for the NBA draft, you didn’t hesitate to go after what you wanted.”
He shrugged. “I was nineteen. If nothing else, give me some credit for learning a few things over the years. I’m not the same man. Stuff happened. So how about Wednesday night? Or are you afraid your new boyfriend Jackson will object?”
“I told you I’m not afraid!” she snapped. “Okay, okay, I’ll go, but don’t make me regret this change of heart. And it has to be on Thursday.”
“Thursday is fine. See you around eight. I’ll leave it up to you to decide the particulars. I’m open.” With that, he called goodnight an instant before he closed the door behind him.
“I can’t remember when I laughed so hard,” Sherri Ann said, taking the last sip of her soft drink. “Any more popcorn, Laura?”
“Nope, Jenna ate it all,” Laura teased. She sat between her two foster sisters in the back row of the crowded multiplex theater. The three had opted to indulge in a Sunday afternoon viewing of Tyler Perry’s latest movie.
“So? I was hungry. I told you two I wanted to eat first. I was late for service this morning, so I missed breakfast,” Jenna said as she watched the end credits roll.
“Any more secrets?” Sherri Ann quizzed. “I still haven’t gotten over the fact you allowed Scott to go along with you to meet Lincoln.”
“Neither could Jackson. I mentioned it in passing on our date last night, and wow. You’d think I committed some grievous wrong, the way he reacted. It’s a good thing I didn’t tell him that I went out to dinner with Scott on Thursday night to celebrate finding my brother. He probably would have hit the ceiling. I don’t get why he’s so upset. Jackson and I are only friends. Just like Scott and I. Nothing serious.”
Laura laughed, “Can you imagine, Sherri Ann? Her new boyfriend isn’t overjoyed that she’s still seeing her ex-fiancé?”
“Stop exaggerating, Laura. Scott and I are history and everyone knows it. I was worrying if Scott would pull something at dinner, but he turned out to be a perfect gentleman. Jackson acted like we really had something going on. Men!”
Laura mocked, “Oh, dear! You poor, pitiful thing. You have two gorgeous men after your smart-mouth behind while Sherri Ann and I stay home eating bonbons and knitting! Pardon me if I don’t feel sorry for you, Jenna Marie.”
“Shut up, Laura! You have more men trying to date you than Sherri Ann and I can count,” Jenna put in.
“Not me. You mean Sherri Ann. She has her choice of those single, gorgeous lawyers she meets in court all the time.” Laura pushed her arms into her leather jacket. “Let’s get out of here. I’m hungry.”
“Will you two hush up!” Sherri Ann stated emphatically. “I’m not going anywhere until I find out what is going on between Jenna and Scott. And don’t you dare tell me nothing. You’re seeing him again. That has to mean something.”
“The operative word is seeing—we aren’t dating. We’re friends . . . sorta.” Jenna grabbed her own jacket. “I’m with Laura. Where are we going to eat?”
“Can you two focus on something besides your stomachs? You have some explaining to do. Sort-of-friends? Laura and I are your friends and neither one of us is interested in getting into bed with you. Scott’s another matter. That man wants you back,” Sherri Ann announced with her hands on her hips.
“Hush!” Jenna said as the theater lights came on.
“Well?” Sherri Ann prompted.
“I know,” Jenna agreed.
“That’s all you have to say, ‘I know’?” Laura huffed. “Sherri Ann is right. You’re keeping secrets.”
“No, I’m not. What’s the point of making a big deal over what Scott Hendricks wants? I’m not going backward. Just in case no one has noticed, I’ve moved on. Now, can we talk about something else? Where are we going to eat, ladies?” Jenna demanded.
Sherri Ann and Laura exchanged a concerned look before Laura said, “You’re glossing over this. You need to pay attention to what’s right in front of your nose. Scott’s not wasting time trying to be your friend. And he’s not messing around, either. When he’s ready to make his move, you’d better be prepared. He knows your weaknesses. That man still has feelings for you.”
“That doesn’t mean I have any for him! It takes two, and I’m not interested.” Jenna linked arms with both her foster sisters, urging them out into the aisle. “Let’s go.”
Sherri Ann looked doubtful. “Okay, but don’t say Laura and I didn’t warn you. You’re not going to know what hit you when Scott turns that sexual charm loose on your ‘I’m-not-interested’ self.”
“Forget Scott. Jackson is the man I want to talk about,” Jenna claimed as they headed toward the exit.
“Yeah, sure,” Sherri Ann tossed back.
“I’m serious. Jackson has got so much going for him. He’s good looking, intelligent, and really seems interested in how I think and feel about things. That’s huge.”
“Have you even considered sleeping with him?” Laura wanted to know.
“No! I’ve only been dating Jackson a few weeks.”
“That’s my point! Admit it. You aren’t even thinking about him in that way. There’s no chemistry . . . no sex appeal . . . no nothin’.” Laura wrinkled her nose as if in distaste.
“I never said that!” Jenna snapped.
“You don’t need to,” Sherri Ann said as they crossed the lobby. “It’s obvious.”
“To whom?” Jenna asked.
“Everyone but you,” Laura teased, pushing the glass door open. “Burgers or pizza?”
“Pizza,” Jenna said absently, not pleased with her foster sisters’ assumptions. So what if she wasn’t ready to sleep with Jackson? Sexual chemistry would come naturally, given enough time. Sherri Ann and Laura were merely anticipating problems when there weren’t any. Jackson was a good man. And she wa
s enjoying getting to know him. There was nothing wrong with that.
As for Scott, she could handle him, too. He knew the score, so there wouldn’t be any surprises. If he pushed too hard, she wouldn’t be afraid to push back or set the record straight. Besides, he was only trying to help her find her twin. He knew how much it meant to her. Sherri Ann and Laura were overreacting. Why go looking for trouble?
After class on Wednesday evening, a student told Jenna that Scott Hendricks was waiting in the hallway for her. Although he’d come the previous week to walk her to her car, Jenna hadn’t expected him this week. Even though it was late and the parking lot was nearly deserted, she hadn’t asked for his help. If he offered, she wouldn’t refuse the company.
She also noted the number of students who recognized Scott and stopped to speak with him or asked for his autograph. She took time to answer questions about the next assignment and to pack up her things. She was the last to leave. She found him lounging on a padded bench near the rear glass doors.
“Hey,” she smiled, briefcase in hand. She wore navy trousers, a pink pleated blouse, and a cranberry-and-pink argyle patterned vest and sweater.
He smiled, rising to his full height. “Hey, yourself. Pretty. You make it yourself?” He fingered the soft wool of her knee-length cardigan.
Jenna shook her head in surprise. “You remembered I like to knit.”
He fell into step beside her, taking her heavy case. “Yeah. I still have the gray-and-blue argyle scarf you made for me. Ready?”
“I know you’re used to that kind of thing. I mean, people stopping you, vying for your attention. Do you ever get tired of it?”
“Frequently, but it goes with the wealth and fame,” he said as they moved toward the double doors. “As long as they stay clear of my personal life, I can manage the imposition. How was your class?”
“Good,” she said quietly. It was a clear autumn night, but the wind was brisk as they made their way through the parking lot. “You have lots to do, taking a full schedule of classes and your business interest. You don’t have to walk me to my car, Scott.”